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Alan / annie

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main.go 6.85 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Xinzhao Xu 提交于 2020-05-09 23:40 . refactor the whole structure (#676)
package main
import (
var (
// show version
version bool
// debug mode
debug bool
// information only mode
infoOnly bool
// print extracted data
extractedData bool
// http cookies
cookie string
// download playlist
playlist bool
// use specified Referrer
refer string
// select specified stream to download
stream string
// URLs file path
file string
// output file path
outputPath string
// output file name
outputName string
// fileNameLength defines the maximum length of a file name
fileNameLength int
// download captions
caption bool
// the starting item of a playlist or a file input
itemStart int
// the ending item of a playlist or a file input
itemEnd int
// items Define wanted items from a file or playlist. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10
items string
multiThread bool
// how many times to retry when the download failed
retryTimes int
// HTTP chunk size for downloading (in MB)
chunkSizeMB int
// The number of download thread (only works for multiple-parts video)
threadNumber int
// Use Aria2 RPC to download
useAria2RPC bool
// Aria2 RPC Token
aria2Token string
// Aria2 Address (default "localhost:6800")
aria2Addr string
// Aria2 Method (default "http")
aria2Method string
// youku ccode
youkuCcode string
// youku ckey
youkuCkey string
// youku password
youkuPassword string
// File name of each bilibili episode doesn't include the playlist title
episodeTitleOnly bool
func init() {
flag.BoolVar(&version, "v", false, "Show version")
flag.BoolVar(&debug, "d", false, "Debug mode")
flag.BoolVar(&infoOnly, "i", false, "Information only")
flag.BoolVar(&extractedData, "j", false, "Print extracted data")
flag.StringVar(&cookie, "c", "", "Cookie")
flag.BoolVar(&playlist, "p", false, "Download playlist")
flag.StringVar(&refer, "r", "", "Use specified Referrer")
flag.StringVar(&stream, "f", "", "Select specific stream to download")
flag.StringVar(&file, "F", "", "URLs file path")
flag.StringVar(&outputPath, "o", "", "Specify the output path")
flag.StringVar(&outputName, "O", "", "Specify the output file name")
flag.IntVar(&fileNameLength, "file-name-length", 255, "The maximum length of a file name, 0 means unlimited")
flag.BoolVar(&caption, "C", false, "Download captions")
flag.IntVar(&itemStart, "start", 1, "Define the starting item of a playlist or a file input")
flag.IntVar(&itemEnd, "end", 0, "Define the ending item of a playlist or a file input")
&items, "items", "",
"Define wanted items from a file or playlist. Separated by commas like: 1,5,6,8-10",
flag.BoolVar(&multiThread, "m", false, "Multiple threads to download single video")
flag.IntVar(&retryTimes, "retry", 10, "How many times to retry when the download failed")
flag.IntVar(&chunkSizeMB, "cs", 0, "HTTP chunk size for downloading (in MB)")
flag.IntVar(&threadNumber, "n", 10, "The number of download thread (only works for multiple-parts video)")
flag.BoolVar(&useAria2RPC, "aria2", false, "Use Aria2 RPC to download")
flag.StringVar(&aria2Token, "aria2token", "", "Aria2 RPC Token")
flag.StringVar(&aria2Addr, "aria2addr", "localhost:6800", "Aria2 Address")
flag.StringVar(&aria2Method, "aria2method", "http", "Aria2 Method")
// youku
flag.StringVar(&youkuCcode, "ccode", "0590", "Youku ccode")
"Youku ckey",
flag.StringVar(&youkuPassword, "password", "", "Youku password")
flag.BoolVar(&episodeTitleOnly, "eto", false, "File name of each bilibili episode doesn't include the playlist title")
func download(videoURL string) error {
data, err := extractors.Extract(videoURL, types.Options{
Playlist: playlist,
Items: items,
ItemStart: itemStart,
ItemEnd: itemEnd,
ThreadNumber: threadNumber,
EpisodeTitleOnly: episodeTitleOnly,
Cookie: cookie,
YoukuCcode: youkuCcode,
YoukuCkey: youkuCkey,
YoukuPassword: youkuPassword,
if err != nil {
// if this error occurs, it means that an error occurred before actually starting to extract data
// (there is an error in the preparation step), and the data list is empty.
return err
if extractedData {
jsonData, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("%s\n", jsonData)
return nil
defaultDownloader := downloader.New(downloader.Options{
InfoOnly: infoOnly,
Stream: stream,
Refer: refer,
OutputPath: outputPath,
OutputName: outputName,
FileNameLength: fileNameLength,
Caption: caption,
MultiThread: multiThread,
ThreadNumber: threadNumber,
RetryTimes: retryTimes,
ChunkSizeMB: chunkSizeMB,
UseAria2RPC: useAria2RPC,
Aria2Token: aria2Token,
Aria2Method: aria2Method,
Aria2Addr: aria2Addr,
errors := make([]error, 0)
for _, item := range data {
if item.Err != nil {
// if this error occurs, the preparation step is normal, but the data extraction is wrong.
// the data is an empty struct.
errors = append(errors, item.Err)
if err = defaultDownloader.Download(item); err != nil {
errors = append(errors, err)
if len(errors) != 0 {
return errors[0]
return nil
func printError(url string, err error) {
"Downloading %s error:\n%s\n",
color.CyanString("%s", url), color.RedString("%v", err),
func main() {
args := flag.Args()
if version {
if debug {
if file != "" {
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %v", err)
defer f.Close() // nolint
fileItems := utils.ParseInputFile(f, items, itemStart, itemEnd)
args = append(args, fileItems...)
if len(args) < 1 {
fmt.Println("Too few arguments")
fmt.Println("Usage: annie [args] URLs...")
if cookie != "" {
// If cookie is a file path, convert it to a string to ensure cookie is always string
if _, fileErr := os.Stat(cookie); fileErr == nil {
// Cookie is a file
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cookie)
if err != nil {
color.Red("%v", err)
cookie = strings.TrimSpace(string(data))
RetryTimes: retryTimes,
Cookie: cookie,
Refer: refer,
Debug: debug,
var isErr bool
for _, videoURL := range args {
if err := download(videoURL); err != nil {
printError(videoURL, err)
isErr = true
if isErr {
