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Bytom Blockchain / B3-Mimic

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
main.go 10.14 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
HAOYUatHZ 提交于 2018-05-24 09:26 . clean up
package main
// "time"
// "github.com/bytom/consensus"
type t_err struct {
Code uint64 `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
type t_job struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
Height string `json:"height"`
PreBlckHsh string `json:"previous_block_hash"`
Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"`
TxMkRt string `json:"transactions_merkle_root"`
TxSt string `json:"transaction_status_hash"`
Nonce string `json:"nonce"`
Bits string `json:"bits"`
JobId string `json:"job_id"`
Seed string `json:"seed"`
Target string `json:"target"`
type t_result struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Job t_job `json:"job"`
Status string `json:"status"`
type t_resp struct {
Id int64 `json:"id"`
Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc, omitempty"`
Result t_result `json:"result, omitempty"`
Error t_err `json:"error, omitempty"`
type t_jobntf struct {
Jsonrpc string `json:"jsonrpc, omitempty"`
Method string `json:"method, omitempty"`
Params t_job `json:"params, omitempty"`
const (
maxNonce = ^uint64(0) // 2^64 - 1 = 18446744073709551615
poolAddr = "stratum-btm.antpool.com:6666" //
login = `poisoned.1`
// flush = "\r\n\r\n"
flush = "\n"
MOCK = false
DEBUG = false
esHR = uint64(166) //estimated Hashrate. 1 for Go, 10 for simd, 166 for gpu, 900 for B3
var (
MsgId = uint64(0)
newestJob = ""
func main() {
MsgId += 1
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", poolAddr)
if err != nil {
MsgId = uint64(0)
goto login
defer conn.Close()
send_msg := `{"method": "login", "params": {"login": "`
send_msg += login
send_msg += `", "pass": "123", "agent": "bmminer/2.0.0"}, "id": `
send_msg += strconv.FormatUint(MsgId, 10)
send_msg += `}`
MsgId += 1
log.Printf("Sent: %s", send_msg)
buff := make([]byte, 1024)
n, _ := conn.Read(buff)
log.Printf("----login job received----\n%s\n", buff[:n])
var resp t_resp
json.Unmarshal([]byte(buff[:n]), &resp)
if DEBUG && MOCK {
newestJob = resp.Result.Job.JobId
go func(job t_job, conn net.Conn){
mine(job, conn)
}(resp.Result.Job, conn)
for true {
buff = make([]byte, 1024)
n, err = conn.Read(buff)
if err != nil {
var jobntf t_jobntf
json.Unmarshal([]byte(buff[:n]), &jobntf)
if jobntf.Method == "job" {
log.Printf("----new job received----\n%s\n", buff[:n])
newestJob = jobntf.Params.JobId
go func(job t_job, conn net.Conn){
mine(job, conn)
}(jobntf.Params, conn)
} else {
log.Printf("Received: %s\n", buff[:n])
MsgId = uint64(0)
goto login
type BlockHeader struct {
Version uint64 // The version of the block.
Height uint64 // The height of the block.
PreviousBlockHash bc.Hash // The hash of the previous block.
Timestamp uint64 // The time of the block in seconds.
Nonce uint64 // Nonce used to generate the block.
Bits uint64 // Difficulty target for the block.
BlockCommitment types.BlockCommitment{
TransactionsMerkleRoot: node.transactionsMerkleRoot,
TransactionStatusHash: node.transactionStatusHash,
func mine(job t_job, conn net.Conn) bool {
seedHash, err1 := DecodeHash(job.Seed)
PreBlckHsh, err2 := DecodeHash(job.PreBlckHsh)
TxMkRt, err3 := DecodeHash(job.TxMkRt)
TxSt, err4 := DecodeHash(job.TxSt)
if err1!=nil || err2!=nil || err3!=nil || err4!=nil {
return false
bh := &types.BlockHeader{
Version: strLi2ui64(job.Version),
Height: strLi2ui64(job.Height),
PreviousBlockHash: PreBlckHsh,
Timestamp: strLi2ui64(job.Timestamp),
Bits: strLi2ui64(job.Bits),
BlockCommitment: types.BlockCommitment{
TransactionsMerkleRoot: TxMkRt,
TransactionStatusHash: TxSt,
if DEBUG {
view_parsing(bh, job)
log.Printf("Job %s: Mining at height: %d\n", job.JobId, bh.Height)
padded := make([]byte, 32)
targetHex := job.Target
decoded, _ := hex.DecodeString(targetHex)
decoded = reverse(decoded)
copy(padded[:len(decoded)], decoded)
target := new(big.Int).SetBytes(padded)
log.Printf("Job %s: Target: %v\n", job.JobId, target)
nonce := strLi2ui64(job.Nonce)
log.Printf("Job %s: Start from nonce:\t0x%016x = %d\n", job.JobId, nonce, nonce)
// for i := nonce; i <= nonce+consensus.TargetSecondsPerBlock*esHR && i <= maxNonce; i++ {
for i := nonce; i <= maxNonce; i++ {
if job.JobId != newestJob {
log.Printf("Job %s: Expired", job.JobId)
return false
} else {
// log.Printf("Checking PoW with nonce: 0x%016x = %d\n", i, i)
bh.Nonce = i
headerHash := bh.Hash()
if DEBUG {
fmt.Printf("Job %s: HeaderHash: %v\n", job.JobId, headerHash.String())
// if difficulty.CheckProofOfWork(&headerHash, &seedHash, bh.Bits) {
if difficulty.CheckProofOfWork(&headerHash, &seedHash, difficulty.BigToCompact(target)) {
log.Printf("Job %s: Target found! Proof hash: 0x%v\n", job.JobId, headerHash.String())
nonceStr := strconv.FormatUint(i, 16)
// nonceStr = strSwitchEndian(fmt.Sprintf("%016s", nonceStr))
nonceStr = fmt.Sprintf("%016s", nonceStr)
if DEBUG {
log.Printf("Job %s: Sending back nonce as string: %s", job.JobId, nonceStr)
send_msg := `{"method": "submit", "params": {"id": "`
send_msg += login
send_msg += `", "job_id": "`
send_msg += job.JobId
send_msg += `", "nonce": "`
send_msg += nonceStr
send_msg += `"}, "id":`
send_msg += strconv.FormatUint(MsgId, 10)
send_msg += `}`
MsgId += 1
log.Printf("Job %s: Sent: %s", job.JobId, send_msg)
// return true
log.Printf("Job %s: Stop at nonce:\t\t0x%016x = %d\n", job.JobId, bh.Nonce, bh.Nonce)
return false
func mock_input(presp *t_resp) {
body := `{
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &(*presp))
func view_parsing(bh *types.BlockHeader, job t_job) {
log.Println("Printing parsing result:")
fmt.Println("\tVersion:", bh.Version)
fmt.Println("\tHeight:", bh.Height)
fmt.Println("\tPreviousBlockHash:", bh.PreviousBlockHash.String())
fmt.Println("\tTimestamp:", bh.Timestamp)
fmt.Println("\tbits_str:", job.Bits)
fmt.Println("\tBits:", bh.Bits)
fmt.Println("\tTransactionsMerkleRoot:", bh.BlockCommitment.TransactionsMerkleRoot.String())
fmt.Println("\tTransactionStatusHash:", bh.BlockCommitment.TransactionStatusHash.String())
fmt.Println("\ttarget_str:", job.Target)
fmt.Println("\ttarget_ui64Bg:", strLi2ui64(job.Target))
func strLi2ui64(str string) uint64 {
ui64, _ := strconv.ParseUint(strSwitchEndian(str), 16, 64)
return ui64
func strBg2ui64(str string) uint64 {
ui64, _ := strconv.ParseUint(str, 16, 64)
return ui64
func strSwitchEndian(oldstr string) string {
// fmt.Println("old str:", oldstr)
slen := len(oldstr)
if slen%2 != 0 {
panic("hex string format error")
newstr := ""
for i := 0; i < slen; i+=2 {
newstr += oldstr[slen-i-2:slen-i]
// fmt.Println("new str:", newstr)
return newstr
func StringToBig(h string) *big.Int {
n := new(big.Int)
n.SetString(h, 0)
return n
func reverse(src []byte) []byte {
dst := make([]byte, len(src))
for i := len(src); i > 0; i-- {
dst[len(src)-i] = src[i-1]
return dst
func DecodeHash(s string) (h bc.Hash, err error) {
err = h.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))
return h, err
