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start.php 8.94 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
成武 提交于 2013-11-26 17:08 . 补充说明配置文件的加载方式
| Set PHP Error Reporting Options
| Here we will set the strictest error reporting options, and also turn
| off PHP's error reporting, since all errors will be handled by the
| framework and we don't want any output leaking back to the user.
// 关闭原生 PHP 错误报告,防止系统信息泄露
| Check Extensions
| Laravel requires a few extensions to function. Here we will check the
| loaded extensions to make sure they are present. If not we'll just
| bail from here. Otherwise, Composer will crazily fall back code.
// 检测 PHP 是否开启 mcrypt 拓展
if ( ! extension_loaded('mcrypt'))
die('Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension.'.PHP_EOL);
| Register Class Imports
| Here we will just import a few classes that we need during the booting
| of the framework. These are mainly classes that involve loading the
| config files for this application, such as the config repository.
// 注册相关类的别名引用
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
use Illuminate\Foundation\AliasLoader;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository as Config;
| Bind The Application In The Container
| This may look strange, but we actually want to bind the app into itself
| in case we need to Facade test an application. This will allow us to
| resolve the "app" key out of this container for this app's facade.
// 绑定应用程序实例到一个 Ioc 容器
$app->instance('app', $app);
| Check For The Test Environment
| If the "unitTesting" variable is set, it means we are running the unit
| tests for the application and should override this environment here
| so we use the right configuration. The flag gets set by TestCase.
// 检测是否处于测试环境中
if (isset($unitTesting))
$app['env'] = $env = $testEnvironment;
| Load The Illuminate Facades
| The facades provide a terser static interface over the various parts
| of the application, allowing their methods to be accessed through
| a mixtures of magic methods and facade derivatives. It's slick.
// 清除所有 Facade 实例
// 设置应用程序 Facade 实例
| Register The Configuration Repository
| The configuration repository is used to lazily load in the options for
| this application from the configuration files. The files are easily
| separated by their concerns so they do not become really crowded.
// 绑定 Config 实例到一个 Ioc 容器
// 在这一步注册了配置文件目录 app_path('config')
// 注意:配置文件是按需加载的,仅在首次使用某配置时才载入相应配置文件
$config = new Config($app->getConfigLoader(), $env);
$app->instance('config', $config);
| Register Application Exception Handling
| We will go ahead and register the application exception handling here
| which will provide a great output of exception details and a stack
| trace in the case of exceptions while an application is running.
// 注册应用程序异常处理
if ($env != 'testing') ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');
| Set The Console Request If Necessary
| If we're running in a console context, we won't have a host on this
| request so we'll need to re-bind a new request with a URL from a
| configuration file. This will help the URL generator generate.
// 若应用程序是在控制台中执行,则设置控制台请求
if ($app->runningInConsole())
| Set The Default Timezone
| Here we will set the default timezone for PHP. PHP is notoriously mean
| if the timezone is not explicitly set. This will be used by each of
| the PHP date and date-time functions throughout the application.
// 获取 app/config/app.php 配置文件内容
$config = $app['config']['app'];
// 设置默认时区
| Register The Alias Loader
| The alias loader is responsible for lazy loading the class aliases setup
| for the application. We will only register it if the "config" service
| is bound in the application since it contains the alias definitions.
// 注册别名导入
| Enable HTTP Method Override
| Next we will tell the request class to allow HTTP method overriding
| since we use this to simulate PUT and DELETE requests from forms
| as they are not currently supported by plain HTML form setups.
// 启用 HTTP 方法覆盖,以支持 PUT 和 DELETE 表单请求
| Register The Core Service Providers
| The Illuminate core service providers register all of the core pieces
| of the Illuminate framework including session, caching, encryption
| and more. It's simply a convenient wrapper for the registration.
// 注册核心服务提供商
$providers = $config['providers'];
$app->getProviderRepository()->load($app, $providers);
| Boot The Application
| Before we handle the requests we need to make sure the application has
| been booted up. The boot process will call the "boot" method on all
| service provider giving all a chance to register their overrides.
// 启动应用程序,注册所有 provider 的 boot 方法
| Load The Application Start Script
| The start script gives us the application the opportunity to override
| any of the existing IoC bindings, as well as register its own new
| bindings for things like repositories, etc. We'll load it here.
// 载入全局启动文件 app/start/global.php
$path = $app['path'].'/start/global.php';
if (file_exists($path)) require $path;
| Load The Environment Start Script
| The environment start script is only loaded if it exists for the app
| environment currently active, which allows some actions to happen
| in one environment while not in the other, keeping things clean.
// 载入运行环境启动文件 app/start/{$env}.php
$path = $app['path']."/start/{$env}.php";
if (file_exists($path)) require $path;
| Load The Application Routes
| The Application routes are kept separate from the application starting
| just to keep the file a little cleaner. We'll go ahead and load in
| all of the routes now and return the application to the callers.
// 载入路由文件 app/routes.php
if (file_exists($path = $app['path'].'/routes.php'))
require $path;
cnComment Laravel 4
