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devfeel / dotweb

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context.go 18.38 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
thinkdev 提交于 2019-11-23 15:03 . #### Version
package dotweb
import (
const (
defaultMemory = 32 << 20 // 32 MB
defaultHttpCode = http.StatusOK
// ItemKeyHandleStartTime itemkey name for request handler start time
ItemKeyHandleStartTime = "dotweb.HttpContext.StartTime"
// ItemKeyHandleDuration itemkey name for request handler time duration
ItemKeyHandleDuration = "dotweb.HttpContext.HandleDuration"
const (
innerKeyAddView = "inner_AddView"
type (
Context interface {
Context() context.Context
SetTimeoutContext(timeout time.Duration) context.Context
WithContext(runCtx context.Context)
HttpServer() *HttpServer
Response() *Response
Request() *Request
WebSocket() *WebSocket
HijackConn() *HijackConn
RouterNode() RouterNode
RouterParams() Params
Handler() HttpHandle
AppItems() core.ConcurrenceMap
Cache() cache.Cache
Items() core.ConcurrenceMap
ConfigSet() core.ReadonlyMap
ViewData() core.ConcurrenceMap
SessionID() string
Session() (state *session.SessionState)
Hijack() (*HijackConn, error)
IsHijack() bool
IsWebSocket() bool
IsEnd() bool
Redirect(code int, targetUrl string) error
QueryString(key string) string
QueryInt(key string) int
QueryInt64(key string) int64
FormValue(key string) string
PostFormValue(key string) string
File(file string) (err error)
Attachment(file string, name string) error
Inline(file string, name string) error
Bind(i interface{}) error
BindJsonBody(i interface{}) error
// Validate validates provided `i`. It is usually called after `Context#Bind()`.
Validate(i interface{}) error
GetRouterName(key string) string
RemoteIP() string
SetCookieValue(name, value string, maxAge int)
SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie)
RemoveCookie(name string)
ReadCookieValue(name string) (string, error)
ReadCookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error)
AddView(name ...string) []string
View(name string) error
ViewC(code int, name string) error
Write(code int, content []byte) (int, error)
WriteString(contents ...interface{}) error
WriteStringC(code int, contents ...interface{}) error
WriteHtml(contents ...interface{}) error
WriteHtmlC(code int, contents ...interface{}) error
WriteBlob(contentType string, b []byte) error
WriteBlobC(code int, contentType string, b []byte) error
WriteJson(i interface{}) error
WriteJsonC(code int, i interface{}) error
WriteJsonBlob(b []byte) error
WriteJsonBlobC(code int, b []byte) error
WriteJsonp(callback string, i interface{}) error
WriteJsonpBlob(callback string, b []byte) error
HttpContext struct {
context context.Context
// Reserved
cancle context.CancelFunc
middlewareStep string
request *Request
routerNode RouterNode
routerParams Params
response *Response
webSocket *WebSocket
hijackConn *HijackConn
isWebSocket bool
isHijack bool
isEnd bool // indicating whether the current process should be terminated
httpServer *HttpServer
sessionID string
innerItems core.ConcurrenceMap
items core.ConcurrenceMap
viewData core.ConcurrenceMap
handler HttpHandle
WebSocket struct {
Conn *websocket.Conn
// hijack conn
HijackConn struct {
ReadWriter *bufio.ReadWriter
Conn net.Conn
header string
// reset response attr
func (ctx *HttpContext) reset(res *Response, r *Request, server *HttpServer, node RouterNode, params Params, handler HttpHandle) {
ctx.request = r
ctx.response = res
ctx.routerNode = node
ctx.routerParams = params
ctx.isHijack = false
ctx.isWebSocket = false
ctx.httpServer = server
ctx.innerItems = nil
ctx.items = nil
ctx.isEnd = false
ctx.handler = handler
ctx.Items().Set(ItemKeyHandleStartTime, time.Now())
// release all field
func (ctx *HttpContext) release() {
ctx.request = nil
ctx.response = nil
ctx.middlewareStep = ""
ctx.routerNode = nil
ctx.routerParams = nil
ctx.webSocket = nil
ctx.hijackConn = nil
ctx.isHijack = false
ctx.isWebSocket = false
ctx.httpServer = nil
ctx.isEnd = false
ctx.innerItems = nil
ctx.items = nil
ctx.viewData = nil
ctx.sessionID = ""
ctx.handler = nil
// Context return context.Context
func (ctx *HttpContext) Context() context.Context {
return ctx.context
// SetTimeoutContext set new Timeout Context
// set Context & cancle
// withvalue RequestID
func (ctx *HttpContext) SetTimeoutContext(timeout time.Duration) context.Context {
ctx.context, ctx.cancle = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), timeout)
ctx.context = context.WithValue(ctx.context, "RequestID", ctx.Request().RequestID())
return ctx.context
// WithContext set Context with RequestID
func (ctx *HttpContext) WithContext(runCtx context.Context) {
if runCtx == nil {
panic("nil context")
ctx.context = runCtx
ctx.context = context.WithValue(ctx.context, "RequestID", ctx.Request().RequestID())
// HttpServer return HttpServer
func (ctx *HttpContext) HttpServer() *HttpServer {
return ctx.httpServer
func (ctx *HttpContext) Response() *Response {
return ctx.response
func (ctx *HttpContext) Request() *Request {
return ctx.request
func (ctx *HttpContext) RouterNode() RouterNode {
return ctx.routerNode
func (ctx *HttpContext) WebSocket() *WebSocket {
return ctx.webSocket
func (ctx *HttpContext) IsWebSocket() bool {
return ctx.isWebSocket
func (ctx *HttpContext) IsHijack() bool {
return ctx.isHijack
func (ctx *HttpContext) HijackConn() *HijackConn {
return ctx.hijackConn
func (ctx *HttpContext) RouterParams() Params {
return ctx.routerParams
func (ctx *HttpContext) Handler() HttpHandle {
return ctx.handler
func (ctx *HttpContext) SessionID() string {
return ctx.sessionID
// AppContext get application's global appcontext
// issue #3
func (ctx *HttpContext) AppItems() core.ConcurrenceMap {
if ctx.httpServer != nil {
return ctx.httpServer.DotApp.Items
} else {
return core.NewConcurrenceMap()
// Cache get application's global cache
func (ctx *HttpContext) Cache() cache.Cache {
return ctx.httpServer.DotApp.Cache()
// getInnerItems get request's inner item context
// lazy init when first use
func (ctx *HttpContext) getInnerItems() core.ConcurrenceMap {
if ctx.innerItems == nil {
ctx.innerItems = core.NewConcurrenceMap()
return ctx.innerItems
// Items get request's item context
// lazy init when first use
func (ctx *HttpContext) Items() core.ConcurrenceMap {
if ctx.items == nil {
ctx.items = core.NewConcurrenceMap()
return ctx.items
// AppSetConfig get appset from config file
// update for issue #16 Config file
func (ctx *HttpContext) ConfigSet() core.ReadonlyMap {
return ctx.HttpServer().DotApp.Config.ConfigSet
// ViewData get view data context
// lazy init when first use
func (ctx *HttpContext) ViewData() core.ConcurrenceMap {
if ctx.viewData == nil {
ctx.viewData = core.NewConcurrenceMap()
return ctx.viewData
// Session get session state in current context
func (ctx *HttpContext) Session() (state *session.SessionState) {
if ctx.httpServer == nil {
// return nil, errors.New("no effective http-server")
panic("no effective http-server")
if !ctx.httpServer.SessionConfig().EnabledSession {
// return nil, errors.New("http-server not enabled session")
panic("http-server not enabled session")
state, _ = ctx.httpServer.sessionManager.GetSessionState(ctx.sessionID)
return state
// Hijack make current connection to hijack mode
func (ctx *HttpContext) Hijack() (*HijackConn, error) {
hj, ok := ctx.response.Writer().(http.Hijacker)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("The Web Server does not support Hijacking! ")
conn, bufrw, err := hj.Hijack()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Hijack error:" + err.Error())
ctx.hijackConn = &HijackConn{Conn: conn, ReadWriter: bufrw, header: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"}
ctx.isHijack = true
return ctx.hijackConn, nil
// End set context user handler process end
// if set HttpContext.End,ignore user handler, but exec all http module - fixed issue #5
func (ctx *HttpContext) End() {
ctx.isEnd = true
func (ctx *HttpContext) IsEnd() bool {
return ctx.isEnd
// Redirect redirect replies to the request with a redirect to url and with httpcode
// default you can use http.StatusFound
func (ctx *HttpContext) Redirect(code int, targetUrl string) error {
return ctx.response.Redirect(code, targetUrl)
// QueryString returns request parameters according to key
func (ctx *HttpContext) QueryString(key string) string {
return ctx.request.QueryString(key)
// QueryInt get query key with int format
// if not exists or not int type, return 0
func (ctx *HttpContext) QueryInt(key string) int {
param := ctx.request.QueryString(key)
if param == "" {
return 0
val, err := strconv.Atoi(param)
if err != nil {
return 0
return val
// QueryInt64 get query key with int64 format
// if not exists or not int64 type, return 0
func (ctx *HttpContext) QueryInt64(key string) int64 {
param := ctx.request.QueryString(key)
if param == "" {
return 0
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(param, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return 0
return val
// FormValue returns the first value for the named component of the query.
// POST and PUT body parameters take precedence over URL query string values.
func (ctx *HttpContext) FormValue(key string) string {
return ctx.request.FormValue(key)
// PostFormValue returns the first value for the named component of the POST,
// PATCH, or PUT request body. URL query parameters are ignored.
func (ctx *HttpContext) PostFormValue(key string) string {
return ctx.request.PostFormValue(key)
// File sends a response with the content of the file
// if file not exists, response 404
// for issue #39
func (ctx *HttpContext) File(file string) (err error) {
f, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return nil
defer f.Close()
fi, _ := f.Stat()
if fi.IsDir() {
file = filepath.Join(file, ctx.HttpServer().IndexPage())
f, err = os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return nil
defer f.Close()
if fi, err = f.Stat(); err != nil {
return err
http.ServeContent(ctx.Response().Writer(), ctx.Request().Request, fi.Name(), fi.ModTime(), f)
return nil
// Attachment sends a response as attachment, prompting client to save the file.
// for issue #39
func (ctx *HttpContext) Attachment(file, name string) (err error) {
return ctx.contentDisposition(file, name, "attachment")
// Inline sends a response as inline, opening the file in the browser.
// if file not exists, response 404
// for issue #39
func (ctx *HttpContext) Inline(file, name string) (err error) {
return ctx.contentDisposition(file, name, "inline")
// contentDisposition set Content-disposition and response file
func (ctx *HttpContext) contentDisposition(file, name, dispositionType string) (err error) {
ctx.Response().SetHeader(HeaderContentDisposition, fmt.Sprintf("%s; filename=%s", dispositionType, name))
// Bind decode req.Body or form-value to struct
func (ctx *HttpContext) Bind(i interface{}) error {
return ctx.httpServer.Binder().Bind(i, ctx)
// BindJsonBody default use json decode req.Body to struct
func (ctx *HttpContext) BindJsonBody(i interface{}) error {
return ctx.httpServer.Binder().BindJsonBody(i, ctx)
// Validate validates data with HttpServer::Validator
// We will implementing inner validator on next version
func (ctx *HttpContext) Validate(i interface{}) error {
if ctx.httpServer.Validator == nil {
return ErrValidatorNotRegistered
return ctx.httpServer.Validator.Validate(i)
// GetRouterName get router name
func (ctx *HttpContext) GetRouterName(key string) string {
return ctx.routerParams.ByName(key)
// RemoteIP return user IP address
func (ctx *HttpContext) RemoteIP() string {
return ctx.request.RemoteIP()
// SetCookieValue write cookie for name & value & maxAge
// default path = "/"
// default domain = current domain
// default maxAge = 0 // seconds
// seconds=0 means no 'Max-Age' attribute specified.
// seconds<0 means delete cookie now, equivalently 'Max-Age: 0'
// seconds>0 means Max-Age attribute present and given in seconds
func (ctx *HttpContext) SetCookieValue(name, value string, maxAge int) {
cookie := &http.Cookie{Name: name, Value: url.QueryEscape(value), MaxAge: maxAge}
cookie.Path = "/"
// SetCookie write cookie with cookie-obj
func (ctx *HttpContext) SetCookie(cookie *http.Cookie) {
http.SetCookie(ctx.response.Writer(), cookie)
// RemoveCookie remove cookie for path&name
func (ctx *HttpContext) RemoveCookie(name string) {
cookie := &http.Cookie{Name: name, MaxAge: -1}
// ReadCookieValue read cookie value for name
func (ctx *HttpContext) ReadCookieValue(name string) (string, error) {
cookieobj, err := ctx.request.Cookie(name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
} else {
return url.QueryUnescape(cookieobj.Value)
// ReadCookie read cookie object for name
func (ctx *HttpContext) ReadCookie(name string) (*http.Cookie, error) {
return ctx.request.Cookie(name)
// AddView add need parse views before View()
func (ctx *HttpContext) AddView(names ...string) []string {
var views []string
item, exists := ctx.getInnerItems().Get(innerKeyAddView)
if exists {
views = item.([]string)
views = append(views, names...)
ctx.getInnerItems().Set(innerKeyAddView, views)
return views
// View write view content to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) View(name string) error {
return ctx.ViewC(defaultHttpCode, name)
// ViewC write (httpCode, view content) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) ViewC(code int, name string) error {
var views []string
item, exists := ctx.getInnerItems().Get(innerKeyAddView)
if exists {
views = item.([]string)
} else {
return errors.New("get view info error")
err := ctx.httpServer.Renderer().Render(ctx.response.Writer(), ctx.ViewData().GetCurrentMap(), ctx, views...)
return err
// Write write code and content content to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) Write(code int, content []byte) (int, error) {
if ctx.IsHijack() {
// TODO:hijack mode, status-code set default 200
return ctx.hijackConn.WriteBlob(content)
} else {
return ctx.response.Write(code, content)
// WriteString write (200, string, text/plain) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteString(contents ...interface{}) error {
return ctx.WriteStringC(defaultHttpCode, contents...)
// WriteStringC write (httpCode, string, text/plain) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteStringC(code int, contents ...interface{}) error {
content := fmt.Sprint(contents...)
return ctx.WriteBlobC(code, MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8, []byte(content))
// WriteString write (200, string, text/html) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteHtml(contents ...interface{}) error {
return ctx.WriteHtmlC(defaultHttpCode, contents...)
// WriteHtmlC write (httpCode, string, text/html) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteHtmlC(code int, contents ...interface{}) error {
content := fmt.Sprint(contents...)
return ctx.WriteBlobC(code, MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8, []byte(content))
// WriteBlob write []byte content to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteBlob(contentType string, b []byte) error {
return ctx.WriteBlobC(defaultHttpCode, contentType, b)
// WriteBlobC write (httpCode, []byte) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteBlobC(code int, contentType string, b []byte) error {
if contentType != "" {
if ctx.IsHijack() {
_, err := ctx.hijackConn.WriteBlob(b)
return err
} else {
_, err := ctx.response.Write(code, b)
return err
// WriteJson write (httpCode, json string) to response
// auto convert interface{} to json string
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteJson(i interface{}) error {
return ctx.WriteJsonC(defaultHttpCode, i)
// WriteJsonC write (httpCode, json string) to response
// auto convert interface{} to json string
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteJsonC(code int, i interface{}) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
return err
return ctx.WriteJsonBlobC(code, b)
// WriteJsonBlob write json []byte to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteJsonBlob(b []byte) error {
return ctx.WriteJsonBlobC(defaultHttpCode, b)
// WriteJsonBlobC write (httpCode, json []byte) to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteJsonBlobC(code int, b []byte) error {
return ctx.WriteBlobC(code, MIMEApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8, b)
// WriteJsonp write jsonp string to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteJsonp(callback string, i interface{}) error {
b, err := json.Marshal(i)
if err != nil {
return err
return ctx.WriteJsonpBlob(callback, b)
// WriteJsonpBlob write jsonp string as []byte to response
func (ctx *HttpContext) WriteJsonpBlob(callback string, b []byte) error {
var err error
// For jihack context, write header first
if ctx.IsHijack() {
if _, err = ctx.hijackConn.WriteBlob([]byte(ctx.hijackConn.header + "\r\n")); err != nil {
return err
if err = ctx.WriteBlob("", []byte(callback+"(")); err != nil {
return err
if err = ctx.WriteBlob("", b); err != nil {
return err
err = ctx.WriteBlob("", []byte(");"))
return err
// Request get http request
func (ws *WebSocket) Request() *http.Request {
return ws.Conn.Request()
// SendMessage send message from websocket.conn
func (ws *WebSocket) SendMessage(msg string) error {
return websocket.Message.Send(ws.Conn, msg)
// ReadMessage read message from websocket.conn
func (ws *WebSocket) ReadMessage() (string, error) {
str := ""
err := websocket.Message.Receive(ws.Conn, &str)
return str, err
// WriteString hjiack conn write string
func (hj *HijackConn) WriteString(content string) (int, error) {
n, err := hj.ReadWriter.WriteString(hj.header + "\r\n" + content)
if err == nil {
return n, err
// WriteBlob hjiack conn write []byte
func (hj *HijackConn) WriteBlob(p []byte) (size int, err error) {
size, err = hj.ReadWriter.Write(p)
if err == nil {
// SetHeader hjiack conn write header
func (hj *HijackConn) SetHeader(key, value string) {
hj.header += key + ": " + value + "\r\n"
// Close close hijack conn
func (hj *HijackConn) Close() error {
return hj.Conn.Close()
