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Lin_bruin / PADS_PCBtoJLC_BOM_PickPlace

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17.3 - JLC_BOM + Pick Place.bas 11.36 KB
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' Sample 17.3:
Sub Main
Call Pick
call BOM
StatusBarText = "The export is complete"
MsgBox "The export is complete" , vbOkOnly , "Prompt"
End Sub
Sub Pick
Dim ComponentLayerTypeTop
Dim ComponentLayerTypeBOT
ComponentLayerTypeTop = -1
ComponentLayerTypeBOT = -1
For Each slayer In ActiveDocument.Layers
Dim sLayerType
Dim sLayerNumber
sLayerType = slayer.Type
sLayerNumber = slayer.Number
If sLayerType = ppcbLayerComponent Then
If ComponentLayerTypeTop = -1 Then
ComponentLayerTypeTop = sLayerNumber
ElseIf ComponentLayerTypeBOT = -1 Then
ComponentLayerTypeBOT = sLayerNumber
End If
End If
Next slayer
Const Columns = Array("Designator", "Footprint", "Mid X", "Mid Y", "Ref X", "Ref Y", "Pad X", "Pad Y", "Layer", "Rotation", "Comment")',"Pins","SMD", "Glued")
tempFile = DefaultFilePath & "\temp.txt"
Open tempFile For Output As #1
'Output table header
For i = 0 to UBound(Columns)
OutCell Columns(i)
Print #1
'Output table rows
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
Print #1
part_Count = ActiveDocument.Components.Count
ActiveDocument.unit = ppcbUnitMetric
now_Count = 0
For Each part in ActiveDocument.Components
if part.Pins.Count > 1 then
OutCell part.Name
OutCell part.Decal
Dim centerX As Single
Dim centerY As Single
Dim cout As Integer
centerX = 0.0
centerY = 0.0
cout = 0
For Each nextCompPin In part.Pins
centerX = centerX+nextCompPin.PositionX
centerY = centerY+nextCompPin.PositionY
Next nextCompPin
'centerPositionX = Format$(centerX/(part.Pins.Count), "#.00")
'centerPositionY = Format$(centerY/(part.Pins.Count), "#.00")
If centerX <> 0 Then
OutCell Format( centerX/(part.Pins.Count) , "0.000") &"mm"
OutCell Format( centerX, "0.000") &"mm"
End If
If centerY <> 0 Then
OutCell Format( centerY/(part.Pins.Count), "0.000") &"mm"
OutCell Format( centerY, "0.000") &"mm"
End If
'OutCell Format(part.PositionX, "0.000")
'OutCell Format(part.PositionY, "0.000")
OutCell Format(part.PositionX, "0.000") &"mm"
OutCell Format(part.PositionY, "0.000") &"mm"
Set pin_1 = ActiveDocument.Pins( part.Name & ".1")
If pin_1 Is Nothing Then
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell Format(ActiveDocument.Pins( part.Name & ".1").PositionX, "0.000") &"mm"
OutCell Format(ActiveDocument.Pins( part.Name & ".1").PositionY, "0.000") &"mm"
End If
Dim partLayerName As String
partLayerName = ActiveDocument.LayerName(part.layer)
If partLayerName = "TopLayer" Or partLayerName = "Top" Then
partLayerName = "T"
ElseIf partLayerName = "Botlayer" Or partLayerName = "Bot" Or partLayerName = "Bottom" Then
partLayerName = "B"
ElseIf part.layer = ComponentLayerTypeTop And ComponentLayerTypeTop<> -1 And ComponentLayerTypeBOT<> -1 Then
partLayerName = "T"
ElseIf part.layer = ComponentLayerTypeBOT And ComponentLayerTypeBOT<> -1 And ComponentLayerTypeTop<> -1 Then
partLayerName = "B"
partLayerName = "T or B??"
End If
OutCell partLayerName
If partLayerName = "B" Then
Dim Orientation
Orientation = 0
Orientation = 360 - part.Orientation ''Convert to counterclockwise
Orientation = Orientation - 180 ''Mirror
If Orientation<0 Then
Orientation = Orientation + 360 'Turn positive
End If
OutCell Format(Orientation,"0.00")
OutCell Format(part.Orientation,"0.00")
End If
if AttrVal(part, "Comment") <> "" then
OutCell AttrVal(part, "Comment")
ElseIf AttrVal(part, "Value") <> "" Then
OutCell AttrVal(part, "Value")
OutCell part.PartType
End If
'OutCell part.Pins.Count
'OutCell Format(part.IsSMD, "Yes/No")
'OutCell Format(part.Glued, "Yes/No")
Print #1
End If
now_Count = now_Count + 1
StatusBarText = "Pick:"& part.Name &" "& now_Count &"/"& part_Count
Next part
Close #1
Call ExportToExcel( ActiveDocument.FullName, "Pick Place for ")
End Sub
Const Columns = Array("Comment", "Description", "Designator", "Footprint", "LibRef", "Pins", "Quantity")
Dim part_Count As Integer
''Dim Parts(1 To 1, 1 To 14) As String '
part_Count = 0 'ActiveDocument.Components.Count
For Each part In ActiveDocument.Components
if part.Pins.Count > 1 then
part_Count = part_Count + 1
end if
Next part
ReDim Parts(part_Count, 14) As String '
tempFile = DefaultFilePath & "\temp.txt"
Open tempFile For Output As #1
'Output table header
For i = 0 to UBound(Columns)
OutCell Columns(i)
Print #1
'Output table rows
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
OutCell ""
Print #1
ActiveDocument.unit = ppcbUnitMetric
intI = 1
now_Count = 0
For Each part In ActiveDocument.Components
if part.Pins.Count > 1 then
Dim Comment_s As String
if AttrVal(part, "Comment") <> "" then
Comment_s = AttrVal(part, "Comment")
ElseIf AttrVal(part, "Value") <> "" Then
Comment_s = AttrVal(part, "Value")
Comment_s = part.PartType
End If
Parts(intI,1) = part.PartType
Parts(intI,2) = Comment_s
Parts(intI,3) = AttrVal(part, "Description")
Parts(intI,4) = part.Name
Parts(intI,5) = part.Decal
Parts(intI,6) = AttrVal(part, "SuppliersPartNumber")
Parts(intI,7) = part.Pins.Count
intI = intI + 1
end if
now_Count = now_Count + 1
StatusBarText = "BOM:"& part.Name &" "& now_Count &"/"& part_Count
Next part
Dim comp_counter As Integer
Dim Species As Integer
Const search_flag As Integer = 8
Dim Component As String
Dim Component_temp As String
Dim label As String
comp_counter = 0
Species = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(Parts, 1) '标记物料属性形同
If Parts(i, search_flag) = "" Then '是否已经查找过
Component = Parts(i, 1) & Parts(i, 2) & Parts(i, 3) & Parts(i, 5) & Parts(i, 6) & Parts(i, 7)
label = Parts(i, 4) '标号
comp_counter = 1
For j = i + 1 To UBound(Parts, 1)
Component_temp = Parts(j, 1) & Parts(j, 2) & Parts(j, 3) & Parts(j, 5) & Parts(j, 6) & Parts(j, 7)
If Component = Component_temp Then
comp_counter = comp_counter + 1
label = label & ", " & Parts(j, 4) '标号
Parts(j, search_flag) = "0" '标记为已经查找过
Parts(j, search_flag + 1) = Str(i) '标记在那一行找到的
if comp_counter >= 200 then
Exit For
End If
End If
Next j
Parts(i, search_flag + 2) = label '用料标号
Parts(i, search_flag + 3) = Str(comp_counter) '用料数量
Species = Species + 1
End If
Next i
Dim NO_ As Integer
'ReDim SpeciesArray(Species, 9)
ReDim SpeciesArray(Species, 7)
NO_ = 1
For i = 1 To UBound(Parts, 1) '标记物料属性形同
If Parts(i, search_flag) = "" Then '是否已经查找过
SpeciesArray(NO_, 1) = Parts(i, 2) 'Value
SpeciesArray(NO_, 2) = Parts(i, 3) 'Description
SpeciesArray(NO_, 3) = Parts(i, search_flag + 2) 'Designator
SpeciesArray(NO_, 4) = Parts(i, 5) 'Footprint
SpeciesArray(NO_, 5) = Parts(i, 6) 'LibRef",
SpeciesArray(NO_, 6) = Parts(i, 7) 'Pins
SpeciesArray(NO_, 7) = Parts(i, search_flag + 3) 'Quantity
NO_ = NO_ + 1
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(SpeciesArray, 1)
For j =1 To 7
OutCell SpeciesArray(i,j)
Next j
Print #1
Next i
Close #1
Call ExportToExcel( ActiveDocument.FullName ,"BOM for ")
End Sub
Sub ExportToExcel (txt As String, FileType As String)
Dim xl As Object
Dim Path As String
Dim FileName As String
Path = ParsePath(txt)
FileName = GetFileNameNoExt(txt)
On Error Resume Next
Set xl = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
On Error GoTo ExcelError ' Enable error trapping.
If xl Is Nothing Then
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
xl.Visible = True
xl.Range("A:K").NumberFormat = "@"
xl.Range("A1:K1").NumberFormat = "@"
xl.Range("A1:K1").Font.Bold = True
xl.Range("A1:K1").NumberFormat = "@"
If StrComp("BOM for ",FileType) = 0 Then
xl.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").AddComment("This is Comment or Value or PartType")
xl.ActiveSheet.Range("C1").AddComment("This is Name")
xl.ActiveSheet.Range("D1").AddComment("This is Decal")
xl.ActiveSheet.Range("E1").AddComment("This is SuppliersPartNumber")
End If
xl.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'MsgBox xl.Version
xl.activeworkbook.SaveAs(Path & FileType &FileName &".xls" ,56)
On Error GoTo 0 ' Disable error trapping.
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error Running Excel"
On Error GoTo 0 ' Disable error trapping.
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub OutCell (txt As String)
Print #1, txt; vbTab;
End Sub
Sub FillClipboard
' Load whole file to string variable
tempFile = DefaultFilePath & "\temp.txt"
Open tempFile For Input As #1
L = LOF(1)
AllData$ = Input$(L,1)
Close #1
'Copy whole data to clipboard
Clipboard AllData$
Kill tempFile
End Sub
Function AttrVal (obj As Object, nm As String)
AttrVal = IIf(obj.Attributes(nm) Is Nothing, "", obj.Attributes(nm))
End Function
Function ParsePath(sPathIn As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
For I = Len(sPathIn) To 1 Step -1
If InStr(":\", Mid$(sPathIn, I, 1)) Then Exit For
ParsePath = Left$(sPathIn, I)
End Function
Function ParseFileName(sFileIn As String) As String
Dim I As Integer
For I = Len(sFileIn) To 1 Step -1
If InStr("\", Mid$(sFileIn, I, 1)) Then Exit For
ParseFileName = Mid$(sFileIn, I + 1, Len(sFileIn) - I)
End Function
Function GetFileExt(sFileName As String) As String
Dim P As Integer
For P = Len(sFileName) To 1 Step -1
If InStr(".", Mid$(sFileName, P, 1)) Then Exit For
GetFileExt = Right$(sFileName, Len(sFileName) - P)
End Function
'===========获取文件名但不包括扩展名 aaa
Public Function GetFileNameNoExt(FilePathFileName As String) As String '获取文件名但不包括扩展名 aaa
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer, J As Integer, k As Integer
i = Len(FilePathFileName)
J = InStrRev(FilePathFileName, "\")
k = InStrRev(FilePathFileName, ".")
If k = 0 Then
GetFileNameNoExt = Mid(FilePathFileName, J + 1, i - J)
GetFileNameNoExt = Mid(FilePathFileName, J + 1, k - J - 1)
End If
End Function
