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Baa / Baa

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tree.go 11.71 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
package baa
import (
const (
leafKindStatic uint = iota
// Tree provlider router for baa with radix tree
type Tree struct {
autoHead bool
autoTrailingSlash bool
mu sync.RWMutex
groups []*group
nodes [RouteLength]*leaf
baa *Baa
nameNodes map[string]*Node
// Node is struct for named route
type Node struct {
paramNum int
pattern string
format string
name string
root *Tree
// Leaf is a tree node
type leaf struct {
kind uint
pattern string
param string
handlers []HandlerFunc
children []*leaf
childrenNum uint
paramChild *leaf
wideChild *leaf
root *Tree
nameNode *Node
// group route
type group struct {
pattern string
handlers []HandlerFunc
// NewTree create a router instance
func NewTree(b *Baa) Router {
t := new(Tree)
for i := 0; i < len(t.nodes); i++ {
t.nodes[i] = newLeaf("/", nil, t)
t.nameNodes = make(map[string]*Node)
t.groups = make([]*group, 0)
t.baa = b
return t
// NewNode create a route node
func NewNode(pattern string, root *Tree) *Node {
return &Node{
pattern: pattern,
root: root,
// newLeaf create a tree leaf
func newLeaf(pattern string, handlers []HandlerFunc, root *Tree) *leaf {
l := new(leaf)
l.pattern = pattern
l.handlers = handlers
l.root = root
l.kind = leafKindStatic
l.children = make([]*leaf, 128)
return l
// newGroup create a group router
func newGroup() *group {
g := new(group)
g.handlers = make([]HandlerFunc, 0)
return g
// SetAutoHead sets the value who determines whether add HEAD method automatically
// when GET method is added. Combo router will not be affected by this value.
func (t *Tree) SetAutoHead(v bool) {
t.autoHead = v
// SetAutoTrailingSlash optional trailing slash.
func (t *Tree) SetAutoTrailingSlash(v bool) {
t.autoTrailingSlash = v
// Match find matched route then returns handlers and name
func (t *Tree) Match(method, pattern string, c *Context) ([]HandlerFunc, string) {
var i, l int
var root, nl *leaf
root = t.nodes[RouterMethods[method]]
current := root
for {
switch current.kind {
case leafKindStatic:
// static route
l = len(current.pattern)
if l > len(pattern) {
i := l - 1
for ; i >= 0; i-- {
if current.pattern[i] != pattern[i] {
if i >= 0 {
if len(pattern) == l || current.children[pattern[l]] != nil ||
current.paramChild != nil ||
current.wideChild != nil {
pattern = pattern[l:]
root = current
case leafKindParam:
// params route
l = len(pattern)
for i = 0; i < l && pattern[i] != '/'; i++ {
if len(pattern[:i]) == 0 {
return nil, "" // param is empty
c.SetParam(current.param, pattern[:i])
pattern = pattern[i:]
root = current
case leafKindWide:
// wide route
c.SetParam(current.param, pattern)
pattern = pattern[:0]
if len(pattern) == 0 {
if current.handlers != nil {
if current.nameNode != nil {
return current.handlers, current.nameNode.name
return current.handlers, ""
if root.paramChild == nil && root.wideChild == nil {
return nil, ""
} else {
// children static route
if current == root {
if nl = root.children[pattern[0]]; nl != nil {
current = nl
// param route
if root.paramChild != nil {
current = root.paramChild
// wide route
if root.wideChild != nil {
current = root.wideChild
return nil, ""
// URLFor use named route return format url
func (t *Tree) URLFor(name string, args ...interface{}) string {
if name == "" {
return ""
node := t.nameNodes[name]
if node == nil || len(node.format) == 0 {
return ""
format := make([]byte, len(node.format))
copy(format, node.format)
for i := node.paramNum + 1; i <= len(args); i++ {
format = append(format, "%v"...)
return fmt.Sprintf(string(format), args...)
// Routes returns registered route uri in a string slice
func (t *Tree) Routes() map[string][]string {
routes := make(map[string][]string)
for _, method := range RouterMethodName {
routes[method] = make([]string, 0)
for k := range t.nodes {
routes[RouterMethodName[k]] = t.routes(t.nodes[k])
return routes
// routes print the route table
func (t *Tree) routes(l *leaf) []string {
if l == nil {
return nil
var data []string
if l.handlers != nil {
data = append(data, l.String())
l.children = append(l.children, l.paramChild)
l.children = append(l.children, l.wideChild)
for i := range l.children {
if l.children[i] != nil {
cdata := t.routes(l.children[i])
for i := range cdata {
data = append(data, l.String()+cdata[i])
return data
// NamedRoutes returns named route uri in a string slice
func (t *Tree) NamedRoutes() map[string]string {
routes := make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range t.nameNodes {
routes[k] = v.pattern
return routes
// Add registers a new handle with the given method, pattern and handlers.
// add check training slash option.
func (t *Tree) Add(method, pattern string, handlers []HandlerFunc) RouteNode {
if method == "GET" && t.autoHead {
t.add("HEAD", pattern, handlers)
if t.autoTrailingSlash && (len(pattern) > 1 || len(t.groups) > 0) {
var index byte
if len(pattern) > 0 {
index = pattern[len(pattern)-1]
if index == '/' {
t.add(method, pattern[:len(pattern)-1], handlers)
} else if index == '*' {
// wideChild not need trail slash
} else {
t.add(method, pattern+"/", handlers)
return t.add(method, pattern, handlers)
// GroupAdd add a group route has same prefix and handle chain
func (t *Tree) GroupAdd(pattern string, f func(), handlers []HandlerFunc) {
g := newGroup()
g.pattern = pattern
g.handlers = handlers
t.groups = append(t.groups, g)
t.groups = t.groups[:len(t.groups)-1]
// add registers a new request handle with the given method, pattern and handlers.
func (t *Tree) add(method, pattern string, handlers []HandlerFunc) RouteNode {
if _, ok := RouterMethods[method]; !ok {
panic("unsupport http method [" + method + "]")
defer t.mu.Unlock()
// check group set
if len(t.groups) > 0 {
var gpattern string
var ghandlers []HandlerFunc
for i := range t.groups {
gpattern += t.groups[i].pattern
if len(t.groups[i].handlers) > 0 {
ghandlers = append(ghandlers, t.groups[i].handlers...)
pattern = gpattern + pattern
ghandlers = append(ghandlers, handlers...)
handlers = ghandlers
// check pattern (for training slash move behind group check)
if pattern == "" {
panic("route pattern can not be emtpy!")
if pattern[0] != '/' {
panic("route pattern must begin /")
for i := 0; i < len(handlers); i++ {
handlers[i] = WrapHandlerFunc(handlers[i])
root := t.nodes[RouterMethods[method]]
origPattern := pattern
nameNode := NewNode(origPattern, t)
// specialy route = /
if len(pattern) == 1 {
root.handlers = handlers
root.nameNode = nameNode
return nameNode
// left trim slash, because root is slash /
pattern = pattern[1:]
var radix []byte
var param []byte
var i, k int
var tl *leaf
for i = 0; i < len(pattern); i++ {
// wide route
if pattern[i] == '*' {
// clear static route
if len(radix) > 0 {
root = root.insertChild(newLeaf(string(radix), nil, t))
radix = radix[:0]
tl = newLeaf("*", handlers, t)
tl.kind = leafKindWide
tl.nameNode = nameNode
// param route
if pattern[i] == ':' {
// clear static route
if len(radix) > 0 {
root = root.insertChild(newLeaf(string(radix), nil, t))
radix = radix[:0]
// set param route
param = param[:0]
k = 0
for i = i + 1; i < len(pattern); i++ {
if pattern[i] == '/' {
param = append(param, pattern[i])
if k == 0 {
panic("route pattern param is empty")
// check last character
if i == len(pattern) {
tl = newLeaf(":", handlers, t)
tl.nameNode = nameNode
} else {
tl = newLeaf(":", nil, t)
tl.param = string(param[:k])
tl.kind = leafKindParam
root = root.insertChild(tl)
radix = append(radix, pattern[i])
// static route
if len(radix) > 0 {
tl = newLeaf(string(radix), handlers, t)
tl.nameNode = nameNode
return nameNode
// insertChild insert child into root route, and returns the child route
func (l *leaf) insertChild(node *leaf) *leaf {
// wide route
if node.kind == leafKindWide {
if l.wideChild != nil {
panic("Router Tree.insert error: cannot set two wide route with same prefix!")
l.wideChild = node
return node
// param route
if node.kind == leafKindParam {
if l.paramChild == nil {
l.paramChild = node
return l.paramChild
if l.paramChild.param != node.param {
panic("Router Tree.insert error cannot use two param [:" + l.paramChild.param + ", :" + node.param + "] with same prefix!")
if node.handlers != nil {
if l.paramChild.handlers != nil {
panic("Router Tree.insert error: cannot twice set handler for same route")
l.paramChild.handlers = node.handlers
l.paramChild.nameNode = node.nameNode
return l.paramChild
// static route
child := l.children[node.pattern[0]]
if child == nil {
// new child
l.children[node.pattern[0]] = node
return node
pos := child.hasPrefixString(node.pattern)
pre := node.pattern[:pos]
if pos == len(child.pattern) {
// same route
if pos == len(node.pattern) {
if node.handlers != nil {
if child.handlers != nil {
panic("Router Tree.insert error: cannot twice set handler for same route")
child.handlers = node.handlers
child.nameNode = node.nameNode
return child
// child is prefix or node
node.pattern = node.pattern[pos:]
return child.insertChild(node)
newChild := newLeaf(child.pattern[pos:], child.handlers, child.root)
newChild.nameNode = child.nameNode
newChild.children = child.children
newChild.childrenNum = child.childrenNum
newChild.paramChild = child.paramChild
newChild.wideChild = child.wideChild
// node is prefix of child
if pos == len(node.pattern) {
child.reset(node.pattern, node.handlers)
child.nameNode = node.nameNode
child.children[newChild.pattern[0]] = newChild
return child
// child and node has same prefix
child.reset(pre, nil)
child.children[newChild.pattern[0]] = newChild
node.pattern = node.pattern[pos:]
child.children[node.pattern[0]] = node
return node
// resetPattern reset route pattern and alpha
func (l *leaf) reset(pattern string, handlers []HandlerFunc) {
l.pattern = pattern
l.children = make([]*leaf, 128)
l.childrenNum = 0
l.paramChild = nil
l.wideChild = nil
l.nameNode = nil
l.param = ""
l.handlers = handlers
// hasPrefixString returns the same prefix position, if none return 0
func (l *leaf) hasPrefixString(s string) int {
var i, j int
j = len(l.pattern)
if len(s) < j {
j = len(s)
for i = 0; i < j && s[i] == l.pattern[i]; i++ {
return i
// String returns pattern of leaf
func (l *leaf) String() string {
s := l.pattern
if l.kind == leafKindParam {
s += l.param
return s
// Name set name of route
func (n *Node) Name(name string) {
if name == "" {
p := 0
f := make([]byte, 0, len(n.pattern))
for i := 0; i < len(n.pattern); i++ {
if n.pattern[i] != ':' {
f = append(f, n.pattern[i])
f = append(f, '%')
f = append(f, 'v')
for i = i + 1; i < len(n.pattern); i++ {
if n.pattern[i] == '/' {
n.format = string(f)
n.paramNum = p
n.name = name
n.root.nameNodes[name] = n
