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# Repository Description Stars Updated Created
1 ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 61258 2024-02-20 2023-03-10
2 openai-translator/openai-translator 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API. 19998 2024-02-19 2023-03-04
3 lobehub/lobe-chat 🤖 Lobe Chat - an open-source, high-performance AI Chat framework. Support one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/Gemini/Local LLM application. 18009 2024-02-20 2023-05-21
4 Bin-Huang/chatbox Chatbox is a desktop client for ChatGPT, Claude and other LLMs, available on Windows, Mac, Linux 17043 2024-02-08 2023-03-06
5 anse-app/chatgpt-demo Minimal web UI for ChatGPT. 7879 2023-12-27 2023-03-02
6 xiangsx/gpt4free-ts Providing a free OpenAI GPT-4 API ! This is a replication project for the typescript version of xtekky/gpt4free 7122 2023-11-28 2023-05-04
7 ztjhz/BetterChatGPT An amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux) 7105 2024-02-19 2023-03-03
8 Project-DARC/DARC Decentralized Autonomous Regulated Company (DARC), a company virtual machine that runs on any EVM-compatible blockchain, with on-chain law system, multi-level tokens and dividends mechanism. 7066 2024-02-19 2023-03-27
9 Licoy/ChatGPT-Midjourney 🍭 一键拥有你自己的 ChatGPT+Midjourney 网页服务 Own your own ChatGPT+Midjourney web service with one click 5618 2024-02-20 2023-06-05
10 Tohrusky/Final2x 2^x Image Super-Resolution ☢️ 4900 2024-02-19 2023-06-19
11 futantan/OpenGpt Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds. 3887 2023-08-22 2023-03-03
12 HuolalaTech/page-spy-web Debug remotely and easily like chrome devtools. 3632 2024-02-20 2023-04-12
13 babaohuang/GeminiProChat Minimal web UI for GeminiPro. 3620 2024-02-03 2023-12-14
14 BuilderIO/ai-shell A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands. 3486 2024-02-19 2023-04-05
15 ourongxing/chatgpt-vercel Elegant and Powerfull. Powered by OpenAI and Vercel. 3073 2024-02-20 2023-03-04
16 lxfater/inpaint-web A free and open-source inpainting & image-upscaling tool powered by webgpu and wasm on the browser。 基于 Webgpu 技术和 wasm 技术的免费开源 inpainting & image-upscaling 工具, 纯浏览器端实现。 3014 2024-01-25 2023-11-18
17 AprilNEA/ChatGPT-Admin-Web One-stop system for shared use of AI within teams and organizationswith 在团队和组织内共享使用人工智能的一站式系统 3011 2023-12-28 2023-04-26
18 ConnectAI-E/AutoGPT-Next-Web 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用 2786 2024-01-22 2023-04-15
19 hahahumble/speechgpt 💬 SpeechGPT is a web application that enables you to converse with ChatGPT. 2699 2023-10-16 2023-03-28
20 liou666/polyglot 🤖️ Cross-platform AI language practice app (跨平台AI语言练习应用) 2422 2023-12-14 2023-03-15
21 gkd-kit/subscription GKD 默认订阅规则 2150 2024-02-04 2023-07-04
22 weaigc/bingo Bingo,一个让你呼吸顺畅 New Bing。 2076 2023-12-19 2023-07-19
23 HerbertHe/iptv-sources Autoupdate iptv sources 2060 2024-02-20 2023-11-25
24 ha0z1/New-Bing-Anywhere 💬 New-Bing-Anywhere extension's source 1978 2024-02-18 2023-03-16
25 lobehub/sd-webui-lobe-theme 🤯 Lobe theme - The modern theme for stable diffusion webui, exquisite interface design, highly customizable UI, and efficiency boosting features. 1908 2024-02-04 2023-02-25
26 lcomplete/huntly Huntly, information management tool, rss reader, automatic saving browsed contents include tweets, github stars management tool. 信息管理工具、RSS 阅读器、GitHub stars 管理、推文管理、自动记录浏览过的文章。 1799 2023-09-28 2023-03-05
27 anse-app/anse Supercharged experience for multiple models such as ChatGPT, DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. 1731 2024-02-16 2023-04-26
28 NetEase/tango A source code based low-code builder. Integrate low-code experience into your local development workflow seamlessly. 1717 2024-02-20 2023-08-24
29 webfansplz/vite-plugin-vue-devtools Vite + Vue DevTools = DX 🔥 1632 2024-01-06 2023-04-19
30 maotoumao/MusicFreeDesktop 插件化、定制化、无广告的免费音乐播放器 1575 2024-01-16 2023-05-27
31 Innei/Shiro 📜 A minimalist personal website embodying the purity of paper and freshness of snow. 1439 2024-02-20 2023-03-14
32 leaferjs/ui Leafer UI 是基于 Leafer 开发的一套绚丽多彩的 UI 绘图框架,可结合 AI 绘图、生成界面。 1429 2024-02-20 2023-03-05
33 erictik/midjourney-api MidJourney client. Unofficial Node.js client 1420 2023-10-25 2023-04-24
34 eleme/morjs 基于小程序 DSL(微信、支付宝)的,可扩展的多端研发框架,支持一键将微信或支付宝小程序转换为微信、支付宝、百度、字节、QQ、快手、淘宝、钉钉等小程序 或 Web 应用。 1281 2024-02-19 2023-02-22
35 all-in-aigc/aicover ai cover generator 1235 2024-02-08 2024-01-28
36 SylarLong/iztro ⭐A lightweight open-source JavaScript library for obtaining The Purple Star Astrology (Zi Wei Dou Shu) astrolabe information.. 支持多语言轻量级获取紫微斗数排盘信息的javascript开源库。 1212 2024-01-27 2023-07-27
37 anc95/writely ❤️‍🔥 A chrome extension as an alternative to Notion AI that goes beyond Notion AI. 一个替代 Notion AI 的浏览器插件,不止于 Notion AI 1176 2024-01-24 2023-03-03
38 qu-niao/LimApiTest 由全网6W+粉丝、华为及阿里云测试专家认证博主开发及蚂蚁金服高级测开担任顾问推出的轻量级接口测试平台。Lim是Less is More(少即是多)的缩写,正如它的名字我们希望在开展接口测试时能够“四两拨千斤”!让用户操作更少但开展建设的效率更高。因此我们做了许多交互细节上的优化和创新以及一些大胆的设计。快来试试吧! 1165 2024-02-02 2023-02-28
39 korbinzhao/excalidraw-cn Excalidraw-CN 是支持中文手写和多画布的 Excalidraw 白板工具。Excalidraw-CN is a whiteboard supporting Chinese hand draw font and multi-canvas based on Excalidraw. 1137 2024-01-16 2023-05-17
40 okisdev/ChatChat Chat Chat, unlock your next level AI conversation experience. Deploy your own AI Interface, all AI in one place. 1110 2024-02-19 2023-03-14
41 VisActor/VTable VTable is not just a high-performance multidimensional data analysis table, but also a grid artist that creates art between rows and columns. 1043 2024-02-20 2023-06-05
42 Nanjiren01/AIChatWeb 在ChatGPT-Next-Web的基础上,增加注册登录,额度限制,邀请,敏感词,支付,基于docker一键部署。提供后台管理系统,可配置标题、欢迎词、额度不足提醒、公告 982 2024-02-10 2023-05-11
43 carefree0910/carefree-drawboard 🎨 Infinite Drawboard in Python 927 2024-01-17 2023-04-04
44 Evansy/MallChatWeb mallchat的前端项目,是一个既能购物又能聊天的电商系统。以互联网企业级开发规范的要求来实现它,电商该有的购物车,订单,支付,推荐,搜索,拉新,促活,推送,物流,客服,它都必须有。持续更新ing 838 2024-01-25 2023-03-19
45 vue-vine/vue-vine Another style of writing Vue components. 817 2023-11-23 2023-05-26
46 terobox/ChatGPT-API-Faucet AI 圈的水龙头网站,每24小时可领取一个令牌用于开发测试 AI 产品 780 2023-12-08 2023-09-23
47 qxchuckle/vsc-cec-ide 一个插件,国产化你的VSCode,来源于CEC-IDE,有敏感词检测、防沉迷等功能,这下自主创新了! 760 2023-10-23 2023-08-26
48 zanllp/sd-webui-infinite-image-browsing A fast and powerful image/video browser for Stable Diffusion webui and ComfyUI, featuring infinite scrolling and advanced search capabilities using image parameters. It also supports standalone operat ... 729 2024-02-18 2023-03-07
49 xcatliu/chatgpt-next 微信风格的 ChatGPT,使用 Next.js 构建,私有化部署的最佳选择! 717 2023-11-23 2023-03-16
50 weijunext/smart-excel-ai Generate the Excel formulas you need in seconds using ChatGPT. 684 2024-02-04 2023-12-20
51 bclswl0827/ChatGemini ✨ ChatGemini 是一个基于 Google Gemini 的网页客户端,对标 ChatGPT 3.5,操作逻辑同 ChatGPT 3.5 一致,同时支持在聊天中上传图片,应用会自动调用 Gemini-Pro-Vision 模型进行识图。 683 2024-02-13 2024-01-26
52 ZhUyU1997/open-pose-editor online 3d openpose editor for stable diffusion and controlnet 656 2023-08-28 2023-03-05
53 VisActor/VChart VChart, more than just a cross-platform charting library, but also an expressive data storyteller. 611 2024-02-20 2023-06-05
54 3Shain/yet-another-anime-game-launcher Discord server https://discord.gg/HrV52MgSC2 QQ频道 https://pd.qq.com/s/1dwwmkgq4 592 2024-02-14 2023-03-05
55 Steve245270533/gallery Digital exhibition project developed based on three.js. 577 2024-02-16 2023-08-01
56 putyy/res-downloader 网络资源嗅探资源下载器,支持: 微信视频号下载、网页抖音无水印下载、网页快手无水印视频下载、酷狗音乐下载等网络资源拦截下载! 529 2024-02-19 2023-09-01
57 GPTGenius/chatgpt-vercel Create a private ChatGPT website with one-click for free using Vercel -- 通过 Vercel 一键免费创建私有的 ChatGPT 站点 528 2024-01-28 2023-03-15
58 WisdomShell/codeshell-vscode An intelligent coding assistant plugin for Visual Studio Code, developed based on CodeShell 515 2023-12-27 2023-10-19
59 odomu/aliyunpan 阿里云盘第三方客户端 509 2024-02-20 2023-02-24
60 blefnk/relivator Next.js 14: Store, Landing, Admin Dashboard ▲ i18n, Stripe, Shadcn Tailwind, Drizzle Zod Trpc TypeScript Auth Page, Lucide CSS Radix UI, Responsive React Server Components, MySQL and Neon Postgre TS O ... 506 2024-01-13 2023-08-12
61 hughfenghen/WebAV Process audio/video data in the browser using WebCodecs. 基于 WebCodecs 在浏览器中处理音视频数据。 496 2024-02-07 2023-03-27
62 lobehub/lobe-ui 🍭 Lobe UI - an open-source UI component library for building AIGC web apps 443 2024-02-20 2023-05-21
63 Get-Tech-Stack/TechStack The extension will display the tech stack of the Repo when the user visits a GitHub Public Repo. The user can easily get more info about the repo. 当用户访问 GitHub 公共存储库时,该扩展将显示存储库的技术栈。 用户可以更轻松地获取有关存储库的更多 ... 440 2023-11-19 2023-08-10
64 Deeptrain-Community/chatnio 🚀 强大精美的 AI 聚合聊天平台,适配OpenAI,Claude,讯飞星火,Midjourney,Stable Diffusion,DALL·E,ChatGLM,通义千问,腾讯混元,360 智脑,百川 AI,火山方舟,新必应,Google Gemini (PaLM2),LocalAI 等模型,支持分布式流式传输,图像生成,对话跨设备自动同步和分享功能,实现订阅和 Token 弹性计费系统,Key ... 438 2024-02-20 2023-07-17
65 1943time/bluestone A WYSIWYG Markdown editor, improve reading and editing experience. and generate your Markdown files into online documents in the easiest and fastest way. 430 2024-02-09 2023-06-27
66 JessYan0913/pictode 🎨 Pictode最方便集成的绘图工具 429 2024-02-04 2023-07-17
67 lyswhut/lx-music-sync-server 运行在Node.js上的LX Music数据同步服务 416 2023-10-26 2023-03-01
68 yuque/yuque-chrome-extension 🚀🚀🚀 语雀浏览器插件 415 2024-01-03 2023-07-10
69 1111mp/nvm-desktop Node Version Manager Desktop - A desktop application to manage multiple active node.js versions. 413 2024-02-20 2023-07-20
70 lqzhgood/wechat-need-web 让微信网页版可用 / Allow the use of WeChat via webpage access 411 2023-11-13 2023-05-02
71 IndieKKY/bilibili-subtitle 哔哩哔哩字幕列表浏览器扩展,功能包括点击跳转,下载字幕,总结字幕,翻译字幕等。 400 2024-02-18 2023-05-17
72 yue1123/ts-config-helper Ts Config Helper是一个配置tsconfig.json的交互式工具。它提供多种功能,如可视化配置、文档查阅、搜索、分类过滤和预设配置,帮助您快速学习和组装tsconfig.json配置文件。 397 2024-01-21 2023-03-08
73 LHRUN/bubble Let's start changing your profile. (Readme Profile Collection) 396 2023-11-30 2023-11-03
74 blacksev/Gemini-Next-Web A well-designed cross-platform Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 Gemini 应用。 375 2023-12-27 2023-12-22
75 xyxc0673/calendar-remark A simple calendar with nice design for remarking a date 374 2024-02-08 2023-12-30
76 xiaopujun/light-chaser light chaser is a lightweight data visualization designer tool 368 2024-02-20 2023-06-24
77 xueandyue/ChatGPT-AccessToken-Web 本项目基于使用accesstoken的方式实现了网页版 ChatGPT 的前端,是用ChatGPT-Next-Web项目进行修改而得,默认Main分支对接gpt3.5的模型,gpt4分支对接gpt4模型。另外本项目需要的后端服务是pandoranext项目。项目是站在ChatGPT-Next-Web和pandoranext项目的作者肩膀上,感谢他们! 347 2024-02-05 2023-07-03
78 UNICKCHENG/openai-proxy openai-proxy is a solution provided for Chinese users to address the issue of being unable to make requests to the OpenAI API. 342 2024-02-19 2023-05-09
79 FlysoftBeta/QQNTim QQNT-Improved - PC 端 QQNT 插件管理器 336 2023-10-02 2023-06-04
80 nianhua99/PandoraNext-Helper 轻松使用 Pandora Next 并在网页中管理所有Token!Easily use Pandora Next and manage all your tokens online!Легко используйте Pandora Next и управляйте всеми токенами в Интернете! 334 2024-01-21 2023-12-18
81 dromara/yft-design 基于fabric.js的图片设计, fabric.js and vue3 and typescript and element-plus, supporting the most commonly used element types such as text, images, shapes, lines, QR codes, and barcodes. Each element has high ... 330 2024-02-20 2023-05-25
82 lovegaoshi/azusa-player-mobile 移动端的第三方b站音乐播放器 329 2024-02-20 2023-05-07
83 liruifengv/daily-poetry-image 每天一句中国古诗词,生成 AI 图片 Powered by Bing DALL-E-3. 326 2024-02-20 2023-10-17
84 JasonGrass/rename 在线文件批量重命名 323 2024-02-08 2023-12-07
85 fanchenio/DawnLauncher Windows快捷启动工具,帮助您整理杂乱无章的桌面,分门别类管理您的桌面快捷方式,让您的桌面保持干净整洁。 323 2024-01-13 2023-06-12
86 SylarLong/react-iztro ⭐A react component based on iztro to generate an astrolabe of Zi Wei Dou Shu. 基于iztro实现的紫微斗数星盘React组件。 318 2024-01-20 2023-09-03
87 geekyouth/moodist 有助于集中注意力和平静的环境声音 312 2024-01-28 2024-01-20
88 velor2012/anonymous-chat-room Anonymous Chat Room Power By Livekit And Next.js 306 2023-10-23 2023-04-06
89 ReviveUnblockNCMInstaller/RevivedUnblockInstaller BetterNCM 插件 · 一键安装解灰 304 2024-02-01 2023-04-08
90 RylanBot/threejs-tetris-react 3D 俄罗斯方块 a 3D tetris game, developed by Three.js + React 302 2023-10-24 2023-10-08
91 ant-design/pro-chat 🤖 Components Library for Quickly Building LLM Chat Interfaces. 296 2024-02-19 2023-10-20
92 ConnectAI-E/MidJourney-Web 🍎 追求极致创作体验 Midjourney Web Supercharged Experience For MidJourney On Web UI 295 2024-01-20 2023-05-07
93 nicepkg/gpt-runner Conversations with your files! Manage and run your AI presets! 292 2023-09-11 2023-05-14
94 Sherlockouo/music a music player forked from YesPlayMusic。高颜值的第三方网易云播放器,支持 Windows / macOS / Linux :electron/Docker: 276 2024-02-19 2023-08-08
95 liyupi/ceshiya 免费的交互式网络安全自学网,助你成为网络安全达人!纯前端实现,简单易学~ 270 2023-08-24 2023-08-23
96 hululuuuuu/GlobeStream3D 基于threejs开发的3D地球2D 地图 js组件,适用所有前端js项目 Building 3D visualization based on three.js, High efficiency component 261 2024-02-20 2023-05-25
97 18148764734/YunKePlayer 一款炒鸡强大的mp4视频切片弹幕流式播放器! 260 2024-01-22 2023-08-16
98 yqcs/prismx :: 棱镜 X · 一体化的轻量型跨平台渗透系统 257 2024-02-01 2023-12-25
99 aieditor-team/AiEditor AiEditor is a next-generation rich text editor for AI. (AiEditor 是一个面向 AI 的下一代富文本编辑器。) 253 2024-01-25 2023-11-10
100 uuu555552/ptocode Put in the picture and convert it to clean HTML/Tailwind/JS code;支持代理中转;free-gpt4apikey;放入图片并将其转换为干净的 HTML/Tailwind/JS 代码,视觉识别,免费使用,图片转页面.;screenshot-to-code 246 2023-12-25 2023-11-23
101 VaalaCat/frp-panel a multi node frp webui and for frp server and client management, which makes this project a Cloudflare Tunnel or Tailscale Funnel open source alternative 245 2024-02-06 2024-01-06
102 sleepy-zone/fabritor-web A creative editor based on fabricjs. 一款基于 fabricjs 的创意图片编辑器。 222 2024-02-01 2023-11-04
103 nini22P/omp OMP - OneDrive Media Player on the web / 网页端 OneDrive 媒体播放器 217 2024-02-20 2023-06-04
104 interface-ui/interface-ui 🦉 刚起步基于TypeScript Vue3的前端Ui组件库 213 2024-01-26 2023-07-09
105 WhiteWatson/wx-bot-client 微信扫码快速接入ChatGPT机器人客户端,下载即用。Wechat robot client for Windows or Mac. 210 2023-11-21 2023-03-01
106 watchingfun/Joi 一个英雄联盟助手工具 205 2024-02-18 2023-09-30
107 vastxie/ChatGPT-Web 基于 79E/ChatGpt-Web 项目二开的可商业化的 ChatGpt Web 应用(含后端) 200 2023-12-15 2023-06-20
108 wangrongding/tiny-player 🎬 Tiny Player 是一个轻量、可扩展的视频播放器,支持常见格式与 m3u8 等流式播放。 194 2023-12-31 2023-05-05
109 ovnrain/netease-music-cloud-uploader 解决 Mac 端网易云音乐无法上传到音乐云盘的问题 187 2024-01-30 2023-03-22
110 RylanBot/resume-json-pdf 基于自定义 JSON 数据的在线简历生成器 an online generator that builds your résumé from custom JSON files and converts them into PDF / HTML format, developed by Tailwind CSS + React 185 2024-01-30 2023-12-14
111 1587315093/scratch-card canvas实现的 react 刮刮卡组件,可用于刮奖与刮刮乐等业务; The react scratch card component implemented by canvas can be used for scratch-off and scratch-off games and other businesses 157 2023-11-22 2023-09-12
112 xun082/online-cooperative-edit 一个基于 webrtc 实现的在线协同编辑器 150 2023-09-29 2023-07-06
113 Simon-He95/vscode-common-intellisense For a better development experience, shine and shine 为了更好的开发体验,发光发热 149 2024-01-25 2023-06-23
114 loo-y/iPhoneOrder.2023 2023版 iPhone 自动抢购插件,适用 Chrome/Edge 148 2023-10-11 2023-09-12
115 uni-helper/vitesse-uni-app 由 Vite & uni-app 驱动的跨端快速启动模板 143 2024-01-16 2023-04-06
116 WinWang/HarmoneyOpenEye 华为鸿蒙Harmony开眼App(项目整体基于Api9+ArkTs+ArkUI) 137 2024-01-14 2023-11-19
117 funnyzak/ChatMate-GPT ChatMate是一个基于Open AI GPT-3的聊天应用。你可以和它聊天,它会根据你的内容提供智能回复和实用服务。 137 2024-01-25 2023-05-19
118 Reset-Sheep/ArayTS 一套实用工具和服务,使 TypeScript 在 Vue 项目中变得轻松愉快。A set of practical tools and services that make working with TypeScript in Vue projects easy and enjoyable. 131 2023-12-04 2023-11-26
119 limingpu123456/FileMaster 一款使用React+Redux+TS+Vite+ material-ui搭建的文件管理系统,其中用到react-image-editor、axios、react-beautiful-dnd、react-dropzone、clsx、redux-logger等依赖库,还使用了eslint+prettier+stylelint规范代码和husky+commitlint+lint-staged规范comm ... 131 2023-11-25 2023-11-01
120 WeBankFinTech/KoalaForm 中后台前端低代码表单 130 2023-12-05 2023-06-26
121 ggchivalrous/yiyin 一款照片水印添加工具 129 2024-01-21 2023-09-10
122 tuniaoTech/tuniaoui-rc-vue3-uniapp 图鸟UI vue3 uniapp源码 uniapp 组件库 129 2024-01-17 2023-06-30
123 ba-archive/blue-archive 碧蓝档案的档案。我们期待着更多老师的加入,欢迎通过邮件、B站私信或 discussion 联系我们 127 2024-01-25 2023-06-06
124 scalaone/azure-openai-proxy A tool that transforms OpenAI API requests into Azure OpenAI API requests, allowing OpenAI-compatible applications to seamlessly use Azure OpenAI. 一个 OpenAI API 的代理工具,能将 OpenAI API 请求转为 Azure OpenAI ... 125 2024-01-20 2023-03-31
125 PairZhu/GPT-QQRobot 基于cqhttp的 GPT QQ机器人 121 2024-01-06 2023-03-02
126 leaferjs/leafer Leafer 是核心代码库。 120 2024-01-25 2023-03-05
127 blrchen/chatgpt-lite Fast ChatGPT UI with support for both OpenAI and Azure OpenAI. 快速的ChatGPT UI,支持OpenAI和Azure OpenAI。 117 2024-01-20 2023-03-16
128 zshnb/lifetime-visualization 人生进度表 - 可视化你的人生 115 2024-01-03 2023-12-10
129 limingpu123456/Index-Web Vue 3 + Node.js 全栈项目,自实现 web 终端 + 命令系统,支持使用输入命令的方式来操作,前端使用vue3,vite2,AntDesign Vue3 组件库,Pinia2 状态管理,TS类型控制,Eslint登,后端使用Node.js,Express、express-session,MySQL,Sequelize(ORM 框架),Redis,依赖库使用Axios,NeteaseC ... 115 2023-11-18 2023-10-27
130 qiuxiang/ky-genshin-map 超级丝滑的原神地图,数据来源:空荧酒馆。 112 2023-12-15 2023-09-19
131 miru-project/miru-next ✨支持、视频、漫画、小说扩展源的多功能在线播放器 111 2023-12-10 2023-03-21
132 weaigc/gradio-chatbot A tool that can automatically convert 🤗 Huggingface Spaces,魔搭创空间 and Gradio ChatBot into free APIs. Supports GPT4Free,ChatGPT,Llama2,MPT,Falcon Chat,ChatGLM,通义千问 and many other chatbot like spaces. 108 2023-12-17 2023-07-02
133 HammCn/AirPower4T AirPower是一个基于Vue3+TypeScript+ElementPlus+Vite的开发基础库,使用TypeScript的装饰器/反射/面向对象/类转换等前端开发方式。 105 2024-01-17 2023-04-25
134 galaxy-s10/billd-live-server 基于Nodejs + Koa2 + Typescript搭建的billd-live后端 105 2024-01-25 2023-03-20
135 liuw5367/chatgpt-web ChatGPT web application, use OpenAI official API. ChatGPT 网页应用,支持多对话、海量提示词、PWA、ASR、TTS 104 2024-01-21 2023-03-10
136 rockbenben/img-prompt 极简的图像提示词编辑器,专注于提示词文本组合,可用于Stable Diffusion和Midjourney。 103 2024-01-16 2023-04-17
137 chaitin/collie 牧云社区版 101 2024-01-26 2023-04-17
138 eightHundreds/obsidian-dida-sync 滴答清单同步到obsidian(ticktick sync to obsidian) 100 2023-11-15 2023-04-02
139 SuperManito/Arcadia 一个稳定安全、高效易用、简约漂亮的脚本运维面板 90 2024-01-05 2023-05-17
140 hongfaqiu/cesium-extends CesiumJS 的扩展库,提供事件订阅、大数据geojson加载、geojson样式、tooltip、popup、缩放控制、绘图工具、测量工具、双屏联动、指南针、热力图等功能 85 2024-01-12 2023-03-28
141 prinsss/twitter-web-exporter Export tweets, bookmarks, lists and much more from Twitter(X) web app. (推文/书签/收藏/列表导出工具) 83 2024-01-05 2023-09-20
142 Mario34/tesla-camera 🕹 Lightweight TeslaCam player 轻量的Tesla行车记录仪播放器 83 2023-08-24 2023-04-30

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