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Model.java 28.53 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
JFinal 提交于 2017-08-14 11:35 . 支持 guice 动态代理 Model
* Copyright (c) 2011-2017, James Zhan 詹波 (jfinal@126.com).
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.cache.ICache;
import static com.jfinal.plugin.activerecord.DbKit.NULL_PARA_ARRAY;
* Model.
* <p>
* A clever person solves a problem.
* A wise person avoids it.
* A stupid person makes it.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public abstract class Model<M extends Model> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -990334519496260591L;
public static final int FILTER_BY_SAVE = 0;
public static final int FILTER_BY_UPDATE = 1;
public M dao() {
attrs = DaoContainerFactory.daoMap;
modifyFlag = DaoContainerFactory.daoSet;
return (M)this;
* Attributes of this model
private Map<String, Object> attrs = getAttrsMap(); // getConfig().containerFactory.getAttrsMap(); // new HashMap<String, Object>();
private Map<String, Object> getAttrsMap() {
Config config = _getConfig();
if (config == null)
return DbKit.brokenConfig.containerFactory.getAttrsMap();
return config.containerFactory.getAttrsMap();
* Flag of column has been modified. update need this flag
private Set<String> modifyFlag;
private Set<String> getModifyFlag() {
if (modifyFlag == null)
modifyFlag = getConfig().containerFactory.getModifyFlagSet(); // new HashSet<String>();
return modifyFlag;
Set<String> getModifyFlag() {
if (modifyFlag == null) {
Config config = _getConfig();
if (config == null)
modifyFlag = DbKit.brokenConfig.containerFactory.getModifyFlagSet();
modifyFlag = config.containerFactory.getModifyFlagSet();
return modifyFlag;
private String configName = null;
* Switching data source, dialect and all config by configName
public M use(String configName) {
this.configName = configName;
return (M)this;
protected Config _getConfig() {
if (configName != null)
return DbKit.getConfig(configName);
return DbKit.getConfig(getUsefulClass());
private Config getConfig() {
return DbKit.getConfig(getUsefulClass());
private Table getTable() {
return TableMapping.me().getTable(getUsefulClass());
* Set attribute to model.
* @param attr the attribute name of the model
* @param value the value of the attribute
* @return this model
* @throws ActiveRecordException if the attribute is not exists of the model
public M set(String attr, Object value) {
Table table = getTable(); // table 为 null 时用于未启动 ActiveRecordPlugin 的场景
if (table != null && !table.hasColumnLabel(attr)) {
throw new ActiveRecordException("The attribute name does not exist: \"" + attr + "\"");
attrs.put(attr, value);
getModifyFlag().add(attr); // Add modify flag, update() need this flag.
return (M)this;
// public static transient boolean checkPutKey = true;
* Put key value pair to the model without check attribute name.
public M put(String key, Object value) {
if (checkPutKey) {
Table table = getTable(); // table 为 null 时用于未启动 ActiveRecordPlugin 的场景
if (table != null && table.hasColumnLabel(key)) {
throw new ActiveRecordException("The key can not be attribute name: \"" + key + "\", using set(String, Object) for attribute value");
attrs.put(key, value);
return (M)this;
* Put map to the model without check attribute name.
public M put(Map<String, Object> map) {
return (M)this;
* Put other model to the model without check attribute name.
public M put(Model model) {
return (M)this;
* Put record to the model without check attribute name.
public M put(Record record) {
return (M)this;
* Convert model to record.
public Record toRecord() {
return new Record().setColumns(_getAttrs());
* Get attribute of any mysql type
public <T> T get(String attr) {
return (T)(attrs.get(attr));
* Get attribute of any mysql type. Returns defaultValue if null.
public <T> T get(String attr, Object defaultValue) {
Object result = attrs.get(attr);
return (T)(result != null ? result : defaultValue);
* Get attribute of mysql type: varchar, char, enum, set, text, tinytext, mediumtext, longtext
public String getStr(String attr) {
// return (String)attrs.get(attr);
Object s = attrs.get(attr);
return s != null ? s.toString() : null;
* Get attribute of mysql type: int, integer, tinyint(n) n > 1, smallint, mediumint
public Integer getInt(String attr) {
Number n = (Number)attrs.get(attr);
return n != null ? n.intValue() : null;
* Get attribute of mysql type: bigint, unsign int
public Long getLong(String attr) {
Number n = (Number)attrs.get(attr);
return n != null ? n.longValue() : null;
* Get attribute of mysql type: unsigned bigint
public java.math.BigInteger getBigInteger(String attr) {
return (java.math.BigInteger)attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of mysql type: date, year
public java.util.Date getDate(String attr) {
return (java.util.Date)attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of mysql type: time
public java.sql.Time getTime(String attr) {
return (java.sql.Time)attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of mysql type: timestamp, datetime
public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(String attr) {
return (java.sql.Timestamp)attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of mysql type: real, double
public Double getDouble(String attr) {
Number n = (Number)attrs.get(attr);
return n != null ? n.doubleValue() : null;
* Get attribute of mysql type: float
public Float getFloat(String attr) {
Number n = (Number)attrs.get(attr);
return n != null ? n.floatValue() : null;
public Short getShort(String attr) {
Number n = (Number)attrs.get(attr);
return n != null ? n.shortValue() : null;
* Get attribute of mysql type: bit, tinyint(1)
public Boolean getBoolean(String attr) {
return (Boolean)attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of mysql type: decimal, numeric
public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(String attr) {
return (java.math.BigDecimal)attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of mysql type: binary, varbinary, tinyblob, blob, mediumblob, longblob
public byte[] getBytes(String attr) {
return (byte[])attrs.get(attr);
* Get attribute of any type that extends from Number
public Number getNumber(String attr) {
return (Number)attrs.get(attr);
* Paginate.
* @param pageNumber the page number
* @param pageSize the page size
* @param select the select part of the sql statement
* @param sqlExceptSelect the sql statement excluded select part
* @param paras the parameters of sql
* @return the Page object
public Page<M> paginate(int pageNumber, int pageSize, String select, String sqlExceptSelect, Object... paras) {
return doPaginate(pageNumber, pageSize, null, select, sqlExceptSelect, paras);
* @see #paginate(int, int, String, String, Object...)
public Page<M> paginate(int pageNumber, int pageSize, String select, String sqlExceptSelect) {
return doPaginate(pageNumber, pageSize, null, select, sqlExceptSelect, NULL_PARA_ARRAY);
* 指定分页 sql 最外层以是否含有 group by 语句
* <pre>
* 举例:
* paginate(1, 10, true, "select *", "from user where id>? group by age", 123);
* </pre>
public Page<M> paginate(int pageNumber, int pageSize, boolean isGroupBySql, String select, String sqlExceptSelect, Object... paras) {
return doPaginate(pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, select, sqlExceptSelect, paras);
private Page<M> doPaginate(int pageNumber, int pageSize, Boolean isGroupBySql, String select, String sqlExceptSelect, Object... paras) {
Config config = _getConfig();
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
String totalRowSql = "select count(*) " + config.dialect.replaceOrderBy(sqlExceptSelect);
StringBuilder findSql = new StringBuilder();
findSql.append(select).append(' ').append(sqlExceptSelect);
return doPaginateByFullSql(config, conn, pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, totalRowSql, findSql, paras);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
private Page<M> doPaginateByFullSql(Config config, Connection conn, int pageNumber, int pageSize, Boolean isGroupBySql, String totalRowSql, StringBuilder findSql, Object... paras) throws Exception {
if (pageNumber < 1 || pageSize < 1) {
throw new ActiveRecordException("pageNumber and pageSize must more than 0");
if (config.dialect.isTakeOverModelPaginate()) {
return config.dialect.takeOverModelPaginate(conn, getUsefulClass(), pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, totalRowSql, findSql, paras);
List result = Db.query(config, conn, totalRowSql, paras);
int size = result.size();
if (isGroupBySql == null) {
isGroupBySql = size > 1;
long totalRow;
if (isGroupBySql) {
totalRow = size;
} else {
totalRow = (size > 0) ? ((Number)result.get(0)).longValue() : 0;
if (totalRow == 0) {
return new Page<M>(new ArrayList<M>(0), pageNumber, pageSize, 0, 0); // totalRow = 0;
int totalPage = (int) (totalRow / pageSize);
if (totalRow % pageSize != 0) {
if (pageNumber > totalPage) {
return new Page<M>(new ArrayList<M>(0), pageNumber, pageSize, totalPage, (int)totalRow);
// --------
String sql = config.dialect.forPaginate(pageNumber, pageSize, findSql);
List<M> list = find(conn, sql, paras);
return new Page<M>(list, pageNumber, pageSize, totalPage, (int)totalRow);
private Page<M> doPaginateByFullSql(int pageNumber, int pageSize, Boolean isGroupBySql, String totalRowSql, String findSql, Object... paras) {
Config config = _getConfig();
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
StringBuilder findSqlBuf = new StringBuilder().append(findSql);
return doPaginateByFullSql(config, conn, pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, totalRowSql, findSqlBuf, paras);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
public Page<M> paginateByFullSql(int pageNumber, int pageSize, String totalRowSql, String findSql, Object... paras) {
return doPaginateByFullSql(pageNumber, pageSize, null, totalRowSql, findSql, paras);
public Page<M> paginateByFullSql(int pageNumber, int pageSize, boolean isGroupBySql, String totalRowSql, String findSql, Object... paras) {
return doPaginateByFullSql(pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, totalRowSql, findSql, paras);
* Return attribute Map.
* <p>
* Danger! The update method will ignore the attribute if you change it directly.
* You must use set method to change attribute that update method can handle it.
protected Map<String, Object> _getAttrs() {
return attrs;
* Return attribute Set.
public Set<Entry<String, Object>> _getAttrsEntrySet() {
return attrs.entrySet();
* Save model.
public boolean save() {
Config config = _getConfig();
Table table = getTable();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
List<Object> paras = new ArrayList<Object>();
config.dialect.forModelSave(table, attrs, sql, paras);
// if (paras.size() == 0) return false; // The sql "insert into tableName() values()" works fine, so delete this line
// --------
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement pst = null;
int result = 0;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
if (config.dialect.isOracle()) {
pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), table.getPrimaryKey());
} else {
pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql.toString(), Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
config.dialect.fillStatement(pst, paras);
result = pst.executeUpdate();
config.dialect.getModelGeneratedKey(this, pst, table);
return result >= 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
config.close(pst, conn);
* Delete model.
public boolean delete() {
Table table = getTable();
String[] pKeys = table.getPrimaryKey();
Object[] ids = new Object[pKeys.length];
for (int i=0; i<pKeys.length; i++) {
ids[i] = attrs.get(pKeys[i]);
if (ids[i] == null)
throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't delete model without primary key value, " + pKeys[i] + " is null");
return deleteById(table, ids);
* Delete model by id.
* @param idValue the id value of the model
* @return true if delete succeed otherwise false
public boolean deleteById(Object idValue) {
if (idValue == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("idValue can not be null");
return deleteById(getTable(), idValue);
* Delete model by composite id values.
* @param idValues the composite id values of the model
* @return true if delete succeed otherwise false
public boolean deleteById(Object... idValues) {
Table table = getTable();
if (idValues == null || idValues.length != table.getPrimaryKey().length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primary key nubmer must equals id value number and can not be null");
return deleteById(table, idValues);
private boolean deleteById(Table table, Object... idValues) {
Config config = _getConfig();
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
String sql = config.dialect.forModelDeleteById(table);
return Db.update(config, conn, sql, idValues) >= 1;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
* Update model.
public boolean update() {
if (getModifyFlag().isEmpty()) {
return false;
Table table = getTable();
String[] pKeys = table.getPrimaryKey();
for (String pKey : pKeys) {
Object id = attrs.get(pKey);
if (id == null)
throw new ActiveRecordException("You can't update model without Primary Key, " + pKey + " can not be null.");
Config config = _getConfig();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
List<Object> paras = new ArrayList<Object>();
config.dialect.forModelUpdate(table, attrs, getModifyFlag(), sql, paras);
if (paras.size() <= 1) { // Needn't update
return false;
// --------
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
int result = Db.update(config, conn, sql.toString(), paras.toArray());
if (result >= 1) {
return true;
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
* Find model.
private List<M> find(Connection conn, String sql, Object... paras) throws Exception {
Config config = _getConfig();
PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
config.dialect.fillStatement(pst, paras);
ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery();
List<M> result = config.dialect.buildModelList(rs, getUsefulClass()); // ModelBuilder.build(rs, getUsefulClass());
DbKit.close(rs, pst);
return result;
* Find model.
* @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
* @param paras the parameters of sql
* @return the list of Model
public List<M> find(String sql, Object... paras) {
Config config = _getConfig();
Connection conn = null;
try {
conn = config.getConnection();
return find(conn, sql, paras);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ActiveRecordException(e);
} finally {
* @see #find(String, Object...)
public List<M> find(String sql) {
return find(sql, NULL_PARA_ARRAY);
* Find first model. I recommend add "limit 1" in your sql.
* @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
* @param paras the parameters of sql
* @return Model
public M findFirst(String sql, Object... paras) {
List<M> result = find(sql, paras);
return result.size() > 0 ? result.get(0) : null;
* @see #findFirst(String, Object...)
* @param sql an SQL statement
public M findFirst(String sql) {
return findFirst(sql, NULL_PARA_ARRAY);
* Find model by id.
* <pre>
* Example:
* User user = User.dao.findById(123);
* </pre>
* @param idValue the id value of the model
public M findById(Object idValue) {
return findByIdLoadColumns(new Object[]{idValue}, "*");
* Find model by composite id values.
* <pre>
* Example:
* User user = User.dao.findById(123, 456);
* </pre>
* @param idValues the composite id values of the model
public M findById(Object... idValues) {
return findByIdLoadColumns(idValues, "*");
* Find model by id and load specific columns only.
* <pre>
* Example:
* User user = User.dao.findByIdLoadColumns(123, "name, age");
* </pre>
* @param idValue the id value of the model
* @param columns the specific columns to load
public M findByIdLoadColumns(Object idValue, String columns) {
return findByIdLoadColumns(new Object[]{idValue}, columns);
* Find model by composite id values and load specific columns only.
* <pre>
* Example:
* User user = User.dao.findByIdLoadColumns(new Object[]{123, 456}, "name, age");
* </pre>
* @param idValues the composite id values of the model
* @param columns the specific columns to load
public M findByIdLoadColumns(Object[] idValues, String columns) {
Table table = getTable();
if (table.getPrimaryKey().length != idValues.length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("id values error, need " + table.getPrimaryKey().length + " id value");
String sql = _getConfig().dialect.forModelFindById(table, columns);
List<M> result = find(sql, idValues);
return result.size() > 0 ? result.get(0) : null;
* Set attributes with other model.
* @param model the Model
* @return this Model
public M _setAttrs(M model) {
return (M)_setAttrs(model._getAttrs());
* Set attributes with Map.
* @param attrs attributes of this model
* @return this Model
public M _setAttrs(Map<String, Object> attrs) {
for (Entry<String, Object> e : attrs.entrySet())
set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
return (M)this;
* Remove attribute of this model.
* @param attr the attribute name of the model
* @return this model
public M remove(String attr) {
return (M)this;
* Remove attributes of this model.
* @param attrs the attribute names of the model
* @return this model
public M remove(String... attrs) {
if (attrs != null)
for (String a : attrs) {
return (M)this;
* Remove attributes if it is null.
* @return this model
public M removeNullValueAttrs() {
for (Iterator<Entry<String, Object>> it = attrs.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
Entry<String, Object> e = it.next();
if (e.getValue() == null) {
return (M)this;
* Keep attributes of this model and remove other attributes.
* @param attrs the attribute names of the model
* @return this model
public M keep(String... attrs) {
if (attrs != null && attrs.length > 0) {
Config config = _getConfig();
Map<String, Object> newAttrs = config.containerFactory.getAttrsMap(); // new HashMap<String, Object>(attrs.length);
Set<String> newModifyFlag = config.containerFactory.getModifyFlagSet(); // new HashSet<String>();
for (String a : attrs) {
if (this.attrs.containsKey(a)) // prevent put null value to the newColumns
newAttrs.put(a, this.attrs.get(a));
if (this.getModifyFlag().contains(a))
this.attrs = newAttrs;
this.modifyFlag = newModifyFlag;
else {
return (M)this;
* Keep attribute of this model and remove other attributes.
* @param attr the attribute name of the model
* @return this model
public M keep(String attr) {
if (attrs.containsKey(attr)) { // prevent put null value to the newColumns
Object keepIt = attrs.get(attr);
boolean keepFlag = getModifyFlag().contains(attr);
attrs.put(attr, keepIt);
if (keepFlag)
else {
return (M)this;
* Remove all attributes of this model.
* @return this model
public M clear() {
return (M)this;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (Entry<String, Object> e : attrs.entrySet()) {
if (first)
first = false;
sb.append(", ");
Object value = e.getValue();
if (value != null)
value = value.toString();
return sb.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Model))
return false;
if (getUsefulClass() != ((Model)o).getUsefulClass())
return false;
if (o == this)
return true;
return this.attrs.equals(((Model)o).attrs);
public int hashCode() {
return (attrs == null ? 0 : attrs.hashCode()) ^ (getModifyFlag() == null ? 0 : getModifyFlag().hashCode());
* Find model by cache.
* @see #find(String, Object...)
* @param cacheName the cache name
* @param key the key used to get data from cache
* @return the list of Model
public List<M> findByCache(String cacheName, Object key, String sql, Object... paras) {
ICache cache = _getConfig().getCache();
List<M> result = cache.get(cacheName, key);
if (result == null) {
result = find(sql, paras);
cache.put(cacheName, key, result);
return result;
* @see #findByCache(String, Object, String, Object...)
public List<M> findByCache(String cacheName, Object key, String sql) {
return findByCache(cacheName, key, sql, NULL_PARA_ARRAY);
* Find first model by cache. I recommend add "limit 1" in your sql.
* @see #findFirst(String, Object...)
* @param cacheName the cache name
* @param key the key used to get data from cache
* @param sql an SQL statement that may contain one or more '?' IN parameter placeholders
* @param paras the parameters of sql
public M findFirstByCache(String cacheName, Object key, String sql, Object... paras) {
ICache cache = _getConfig().getCache();
M result = cache.get(cacheName, key);
if (result == null) {
result = findFirst(sql, paras);
cache.put(cacheName, key, result);
return result;
* @see #findFirstByCache(String, Object, String, Object...)
public M findFirstByCache(String cacheName, Object key, String sql) {
return findFirstByCache(cacheName, key, sql, NULL_PARA_ARRAY);
* Paginate by cache.
* @see #paginate(int, int, String, String, Object...)
* @param cacheName the cache name
* @param key the key used to get date from cache
* @return Page
public Page<M> paginateByCache(String cacheName, Object key, int pageNumber, int pageSize, String select, String sqlExceptSelect, Object... paras) {
return doPaginateByCache(cacheName, key, pageNumber, pageSize, null, select, sqlExceptSelect, paras);
* @see #paginateByCache(String, Object, int, int, String, String, Object...)
public Page<M> paginateByCache(String cacheName, Object key, int pageNumber, int pageSize, String select, String sqlExceptSelect) {
return doPaginateByCache(cacheName, key, pageNumber, pageSize, null, select, sqlExceptSelect, NULL_PARA_ARRAY);
public Page<M> paginateByCache(String cacheName, Object key, int pageNumber, int pageSize, boolean isGroupBySql, String select, String sqlExceptSelect, Object... paras) {
return doPaginateByCache(cacheName, key, pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, select, sqlExceptSelect, paras);
private Page<M> doPaginateByCache(String cacheName, Object key, int pageNumber, int pageSize, Boolean isGroupBySql, String select, String sqlExceptSelect, Object... paras) {
ICache cache = _getConfig().getCache();
Page<M> result = cache.get(cacheName, key);
if (result == null) {
result = doPaginate(pageNumber, pageSize, isGroupBySql, select, sqlExceptSelect, paras);
cache.put(cacheName, key, result);
return result;
* Return attribute names of this model.
public String[] _getAttrNames() {
Set<String> attrNameSet = attrs.keySet();
return attrNameSet.toArray(new String[attrNameSet.size()]);
* Return attribute values of this model.
public Object[] _getAttrValues() {
java.util.Collection<Object> attrValueCollection = attrs.values();
return attrValueCollection.toArray(new Object[attrValueCollection.size()]);
* Return json string of this model.
public String toJson() {
return com.jfinal.kit.JsonKit.toJson(attrs);
protected Class<? extends Model> getUsefulClass() {
Class c = getClass();
// guice : Model$$EnhancerByGuice$$40471411
// cglib : com.demo.blog.Blog$$EnhancerByCGLIB$$69a17158
// return c.getName().indexOf("EnhancerByCGLIB") == -1 ? c : c.getSuperclass();
return c.getName().indexOf("$$EnhancerBy") == -1 ? c : c.getSuperclass();
* filter () 方法将被 save()、update() 调用,可用于过滤类似于 XSS 攻击脚本
* @param filterBy 0 表示当前正被 save() 调用, 1 表示当前正被 update() 调用
protected void filter(int filterBy) {
public String getSql(String key) {
return _getConfig().getSqlKit().getSql(key);
* 可以在模板中利用 Model 自身的属性参与动态生成 sql,例如:
* select * from user where nickName = #(nickName)
* new Account().setNickName("James").getSqlPara(...)
* 注意:由于 dao 对象上的 attrs 不允许读写,不要调用其 getSqlPara(String) 方法
public SqlPara getSqlPara(String key) {
return getSqlPara(key, this.attrs);
} */
public SqlPara getSqlPara(String key, Model model) {
return getSqlPara(key, model.attrs);
public SqlPara getSqlPara(String key, Map data) {
return _getConfig().getSqlKit().getSqlPara(key, data);
public SqlPara getSqlPara(String key, Object... paras) {
return _getConfig().getSqlKit().getSqlPara(key, paras);
public List<M> find(SqlPara sqlPara) {
return find(sqlPara.getSql(), sqlPara.getPara());
public M findFirst(SqlPara sqlPara) {
return findFirst(sqlPara.getSql(), sqlPara.getPara());
public Page<M> paginate(int pageNumber, int pageSize, SqlPara sqlPara) {
String[] sqls = PageSqlKit.parsePageSql(sqlPara.getSql());
return doPaginate(pageNumber, pageSize, null, sqls[0], sqls[1], sqlPara.getPara());
