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liqiongfan 提交于 2018-09-18 18:51 . Add document

Xaop Licensed by PHP License 3.x

Hello everybody who uses/download and/or want to patch the PHP extension Xaop. Here were some help document for using or develop it.

Simple Introduction

In Zend Engine 3.x server on PHP 7.x, the hook function named zend_execute_ex or zend_execute_internal_ex the two of them were the opcodes running method for all method|global function invoke. for example, when running the following php code under the php7.x:

function xaop_do() {
	echo 'This is the xaop_do function';

for the global function, when you invoke it with the method calling:


The Zend Engine will put the request to the zend_execute_ex function to deal, so if we hook this function, then we can add some other logic job for it. such as the Xaop do.

Xaop provider two way use the AOP Programming , such as PHPDoc based AOP & Method Injection AOP:

  1. PHPDoc based AOP ( php.ini xaop.aop_mode = 2 )

    As the word means, This aop feature use the PHPDoc, following was a small example for use the phpdoc aop.

     * @Aspect
    class Swing
         * @api( type=JSON, charset=UTF-8 )
        public function goods() {
            return [ 'name' => 'Xaop', 'version' => 'v0.99', 'website' => 'http://www.supjos.cn' ];

    Each PHPDoc based aop class must implement the @Aspect to the class, after add the @Aspect to the class, then you can add the AOP method annotation to function, such as @api, Xaop provider 7 internal annotations for user to use:

    1. Internal annotations

    @api Recommend for API use, it can return the JSON & XML data to the client directly

    @disable Disable the function

    @deprecated Let the engine to show a deprecated info.

    @success Running when the method returned true or array

    @failure Running when the method returned false or null

    @before Running before invoke the real target method

    @after Running after invoked the real target method


    The order of the annotation was:

    @before --> @success or @failure --> @after

    1. User-defined annotations
    namespace annotations;
    use Xaop\Annotations;
    class Tag implements Annotations
        public function input($object, $annotations) {
            foreach ($annotations as $key => $val) {
                $object->$key = $val;

    As the example shows before, every user-defined annotation must implement the interface Xaop\Annotations and override the input method, the input accept two paramters, they are:

    Calling object plus the annotations.

  2. Method Injection AOP ( php.ini xaop.aop_mode = 3 )

    Xaop provide the easy used & featured aop mode, provide five aop methods:

    1). Xaop::addBeforeAop($className, $functionName, $callback );

    2). Xaop::addAfterAop($className, $functionName, $callback );

    3). Xaop::addAfterReturnAop($className, $functionName, $callback );

    4). Xaop::addAfterThrowAop($className, $functionName, $callback );

    5). Xaop::addAroundAop($className, $functionName, $callback );


    1 $className was the class name you want to join point. can use one char * to replace 0 or more char. Such as app* will match all class start with app( also support namesapce) can use * to replace all classes

    2 $functionName the function name you want to catch, support * to match any char, but at lease 2 char

    3 $callback The callback when the aop catch the satisfied running, the callback will be invoked by Xaop, only in Around mode, the $callback has one paramter named the invoking method context, then user can use the Xaop call: Xaop::exec($methodContext) to invoke the method context.

Here are some example:



// This is the file demonstrate the InjectionAOP mode which need set the php.ini with the config to 3:
//  `` xaop.aop_mode = 3 ``

class Swing
    public function __get($name) {
        echo 'Swing::__get()' . PHP_EOL;

    public function __getBefore() {
        echo 'Swing::__getBefore()' . PHP_EOL;

    public function __getAfter() {
        echo 'Swing::__getAfter()' . PHP_EOL;

Xaop::addBeforeAop(Swing::class, "__get", function(){
    echo 'Closure before()' . PHP_EOL;
Xaop::addBeforeAop(Swing::class, "__get", [ Swing::class, "__getBefore" ] );
Xaop::addAfterAop(Swing::class, "__get", [ Swing::class, "__getAfter" ]);
Xaop::addAfterAop(Swing::class, "__get", function(){
    echo 'Closure after()' . PHP_EOL;

echo '<pre>';

$swing = new Swing();

echo '</pre>';

/** output:
    Closure before()
    Closure after()

Example 2:


// This is the file demonstrate the InjectionAOP mode which need set the php.ini with the config to 3:
//  `` xaop.aop_mode = 3 ``

class Swing
    public function __get($name) {
        echo 'Swing::__get()' . PHP_EOL;

    public function __getBefore() {
        echo 'Swing::__getBefore()' . PHP_EOL;

    public function __getAfter() {
        echo 'Swing::__getAfter()' . PHP_EOL;

Xaop::addAroundAop(Swing::class, "__get", function($xaopExec){
    echo '_around_before()' . PHP_EOL;
    Xaop::exec($xaopExec); // To run the Swing::__get() function
    echo '_around_after()' . PHP_EOL;

echo '<pre>';

$swing = new Swing();

echo '</pre>';

/** output:

Example 3:


// This is the file demonstrate the InjectionAOP mode which need set the php.ini with the config to 3:
//  `` xaop.aop_mode = 3 ``

class Swing
    public function __get($name) {
        echo 'Swing::__get()' . PHP_EOL;
        return []; // to test the after_return aop feature

    public function __getBefore() {
        echo 'Swing::__getBefore()' . PHP_EOL;

    public function __getAfter() {
        echo 'Swing::__getAfter()' . PHP_EOL;

// This aop will caught all return value except the null
// So if you use return null, it will be omitted by the kernel, for the kernel default return null
Xaop::addAfterReturnAop(Swing::class, "__get", function(){
    echo '_after_return_caught' . PHP_EOL;

echo '<pre>';

$swing = new Swing();

echo '</pre>';

/** output:



// This is the file demonstrate the InjectionAOP mode which need set the php.ini with the config to 3:
//  `` xaop.aop_mode = 3 ``

class Swing
    public function __get($name) {
        echo 'Swing::__get()' . PHP_EOL;
        // To test the after_throw aop feature
        throw new Exception("Xaop extension.", 200);

    public function __getBefore() {
        echo 'Swing::__getBefore()' . PHP_EOL;

    public function __getAfter() {
        echo 'Swing::__getAfter()' . PHP_EOL;

// This aop feature will run the following method when the main function throw exception
// And the exception was not caught by the php code.
// And after running the function ,it will throw the exception upper to the catcher.
Xaop::addAfterThrowAop(Swing::class, "__get", function(){
    echo 'caught_exception'. PHP_EOL;

echo '<pre>';

try {
    $swing = new Swing();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

echo '</pre>';

/** output:
    Xaop extension.

All examples can be found in the source code directory named demos, wish you like it. have a nice day.

