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Gitee 极速下载 / atop

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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/Atoptool/atop
acctproc.c 26.89 KB
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** ATOP - System & Process Monitor
** The program 'atop' offers the possibility to view the activity of
** the system on system-level as well as process-level.
** This source-file contains functions to manipulate with process-accounting
** features (switch it on/off and read the process-accounting records).
** ================================================================
** Author: Gerlof Langeveld
** E-mail: gerlof.langeveld@atoptool.nl
** Date: November 1996
** LINUX-port: June 2000
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
** Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
** later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
** WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** See the GNU General Public License for more details.
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include "atop.h"
#include "photoproc.h"
#include "acctproc.h"
#include "atopacctd.h"
#define ACCTDIR "/var/cache/atop.d"
#define ACCTFILE "atop.acct"
static char acctatop; /* boolean: atop's own accounting busy ? */
static off_t acctsize; /* previous size of account file */
static int acctrecsz; /* size of account record */
static int acctversion; /* version of account record layout */
static int acctfd = -1; /* fd of account file (-1 = not open) */
static long curshadowseq; /* current shadow file sequence number */
static long maxshadowrec; /* number of records per shadow file */
static char *pacctdir = PACCTDIR;
static count_t acctexp (comp_t ct);
static int acctvers(int);
static void acctrestarttrial(void);
static void switchshadow(void);
static int atopacctd(int);
** possible process accounting files used by (ps)acct package
struct pacctadm {
char *name;
struct stat stat;
} pacctadm[] = {
{ "/var/log/pacct", {0, }, },
{ "/var/account/pacct", {0, }, },
{ "/var/log/account/pacct", {0, }, }
struct pacctadm *pacctcur; // pointer to entry in use
** Semaphore-handling
** A semaphore-group with two semaphores is created
** 0 - Binary semaphore (mutex) to get access to active atop-counter
** 1 - Active atop-counter (inverted).
** This semaphore is initialized at some high value and is
** decremented by every atop-incarnation which uses the private
** accounting-file and incremented as soon as such atop stops again.
** If an atop-incarnation stops and it appears to be the last one
** using the private accounting-file, accounting is stopped
** and the file removed
** (Yes, I know: it's not proper usage of the semaphore-principle).
#define ATOPACCTKEY 3121959
#define ATOPACCTTOT 100
struct sembuf semclaim = {0, -1, SEM_UNDO},
semrelse = {0, +1, SEM_UNDO},
semdecre = {1, -1, SEM_UNDO},
semincre = {1, +1, SEM_UNDO};
struct sembuf semreglock[] = {{0, -1, SEM_UNDO|IPC_NOWAIT},
semunlock = {1, +1, SEM_UNDO};
** switch on the process-accounting mechanism
** return value:
** 0 - activated (success)
** 1 - not activated: unreadable accounting file
** 2 - not activated: empty environment variable ATOPACCT
** 3 - not activated: no access to semaphore group
** 4 - not activated: impossible to create own accounting file
** 5 - not activated: no root privileges
int i, j, sematopid;
static unsigned short vals[] = {1, ATOPACCTTOT};
union {unsigned short *array;} arg = {vals};
struct stat statbuf;
char *ep;
int ret;
** when a particular environment variable is present, atop should
** use a specific accounting-file (as defined by the environment
** variable) or should use no process accounting at all (when
** contents of environment variable is empty)
if ( (ep = getenv(ACCTENV)) )
** environment variable exists
if (*ep)
** open active account file with the specified name
if (! droprootprivs() )
mcleanstop(42, "failed to drop root privs\n");
if ( (acctfd = open(ep, O_RDONLY) ) == -1)
return 1;
if ( !acctvers(acctfd) )
(void) close(acctfd);
acctfd = -1;
return 1;
supportflags |= ACCTACTIVE;
return 0;
** no contents
return 2;
** when the atopacctd daemon is active on this system,
** it should be the preferred way to read the accounting records
if ( (ret = atopacctd(1)) >= 0 )
return ret;
** check if process accounting is already switched on
** for one of the standard accounting-files; in that case we
** open this file and get our info from here ....
for (i=0, j=0; i < sizeof pacctadm/sizeof pacctadm[0]; i++)
if ( stat(pacctadm[i].name, &pacctadm[i].stat) == 0)
if (j)
** at least one file is present; check if it is really in use
** at this moment for accounting by forking a child-process
** which immediately finishes to force a new accounting-record
if ( fork() == 0 )
exit(0); /* let the child finish */
(void) wait((int *) 0); /* let the parent wait */
for (i=0; i < sizeof pacctadm/sizeof pacctadm[0]; i++)
if ( stat(pacctadm[i].name, &statbuf) == 0)
** accounting-file has grown?
if (statbuf.st_size > pacctadm[i].stat.st_size)
** open active account file
if ( (acctfd = open(pacctadm[i].name,
O_RDONLY) ) == -1)
return 1;
if ( !acctvers(acctfd) )
(void) close(acctfd);
acctfd = -1;
return 1;
supportflags |= ACCTACTIVE;
pacctcur = &pacctadm[i]; // register current
return 0;
** process-accounting is not yet switched on in a standard way;
** check if another atop has switched on accounting already
** first try to create a semaphore group exclusively; if this succeeds,
** this is the first atop-incarnation since boot and the semaphore group
** should be initialized`
if ( (sematopid = semget(ATOPACCTKEY, 2, 0600|IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL)) >= 0)
(void) semctl(sematopid, 0, SETALL, arg);
sematopid = semget(ATOPACCTKEY, 0, 0);
** check if we got access to the semaphore group
if (sematopid == -1)
return 3;
** the semaphore group is opened now; claim exclusive rights
(void) semop(sematopid, &semclaim, 1);
** are we the first to use the accounting-mechanism ?
if (semctl(sematopid, 1, GETVAL, 0) == ATOPACCTTOT)
** create a new separate directory below /tmp
** for the accounting file;
** if this directory exists (e.g. previous atop-run killed)
** it will be cleaned and newly created
if ( mkdir(ACCTDIR, 0700) == -1)
if (errno == EEXIST)
(void) acct(0);
(void) unlink(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
(void) rmdir(ACCTDIR);
if ( mkdir(ACCTDIR, 0700) == -1)
** persistent failure
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
return 4;
** create accounting file in new directory
(void) close( creat(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE, 0600) );
** switch on accounting
if ( acct(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE) < 0)
(void) unlink(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
(void) rmdir(ACCTDIR);
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
return 5;
** accounting is switched on now;
** open accounting-file
if ( (acctfd = open(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE, O_RDONLY) ) < 0)
(void) acct(0);
(void) unlink(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
(void) rmdir(ACCTDIR);
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
return 1;
** accounting successfully switched on
(void) semop(sematopid, &semdecre, 1);
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
acctatop = 1;
** determine version of accounting-record
if (fstat(acctfd, &statbuf) == -1)
(void) acct(0);
(void) close(acctfd);
(void) unlink(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
(void) rmdir(ACCTDIR);
acctfd = -1;
return 1;
if (statbuf.st_size == 0) /* no acct record written yet */
** let's write one record
if ( fork() == 0 )
exit(0); /* let the child finish */
(void) wait((int *) 0); /* let the parent wait */
if ( !acctvers(acctfd) )
(void) acct(0);
(void) close(acctfd);
(void) unlink(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
(void) rmdir(ACCTDIR);
acctfd = -1;
return 1;
supportflags |= ACCTACTIVE;
return 0;
** try to use process accounting via the atopacctd daemon
** swon: 1 - initial switch on
** 0 - switch on again after the atopacct service has been down
static int
atopacctd(int swon)
int sempacctpubid;
acctfd = -1; // reset to not being open
** open semaphore group that has been initialized by atopacctd
** semaphore 0: 100 counting down to reflect number of users of atopacctd
** semaphore 1: value 0 is locked and value 1 is unlocked (binary semaphore)
if ( (sempacctpubid = semget(PACCTPUBKEY, 2, 0)) != -1)
FILE *cfp;
char shadowpath[128];
struct flock flock;
struct timespec maxsemwait = {3, 0};
if (! droprootprivs() )
mcleanstop(42, "failed to drop root privs\n");
** lock binary semaphore and decrement semaphore 0 (extra user)
if (semtimedop(sempacctpubid, semreglock, 2, &maxsemwait) == -1)
return 3;
** open the 'current' file, containing the current
** shadow sequence number and maximum number of records
** per shadow file
snprintf(shadowpath, sizeof shadowpath, "%s/%s/%s",
if ( (cfp = fopen(shadowpath, "r")) )
if (fscanf(cfp, "%ld/%ld",
&curshadowseq, &maxshadowrec) == 2)
** open the current shadow file
snprintf(shadowpath, sizeof shadowpath,
PACCTSHADOWD, curshadowseq);
if ( (acctfd = open(shadowpath, O_RDONLY))!=-1)
if ( swon && !acctvers(acctfd) )
int maxcnt = 40;
if ( fork() == 0 )
(void) wait((int *) 0);
while ( !acctvers(acctfd) &&
if (!acctversion)
(void) close(acctfd);
acctfd = -1;
&semrelse, 1);
&semunlock, 1);
maxshadowrec = 0;
return -1; // try other
** set read lock on current shadow file
flock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
flock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
flock.l_start = 0;
flock.l_len = 1;
if ( fcntl(acctfd, F_SETLK, &flock)
!= -1)
supportflags |= ACCTACTIVE;
&semunlock, 1);
return 0;
(void) close(acctfd);
acctfd = -1;
perror("open shadowpath");
"fscanf failed on shadow currency\n");
maxshadowrec = 0;
(void) semop(sempacctpubid, &semrelse, 1);
(void) semop(sempacctpubid, &semunlock, 1);
return -1; // try another accounting mechanism
** determine the version of the accounting-record layout/length
** and reposition the seek-pointer to the end of the accounting file
static int
acctvers(int fd)
struct acct tmprec;
** read first record from accounting file to verify
** the second byte (always contains version number)
if ( read(fd, &tmprec, sizeof tmprec) < sizeof tmprec)
return 0;
switch (tmprec.ac_version & 0x0f)
case 2:
acctrecsz = sizeof(struct acct);
acctversion = 2;
case 3:
acctrecsz = sizeof(struct acct_v3);
acctversion = 3;
mcleanstop(8, "Unknown format of process accounting file\n");
** accounting successfully switched on
acctsize = acctprocnt() * acctrecsz;
** reposition to actual file-size
(void) lseek(fd, acctsize, SEEK_SET);
return 1;
** switch off the process-accounting mechanism
int sematopid;
struct stat before, after;
** if accounting not supported, skip call
if (acctfd == -1)
** our private accounting-file in use?
if (acctatop)
acctatop = 0;
** claim the semaphore to get exclusive rights for
** the accounting-manipulation
sematopid = semget(ATOPACCTKEY, 0, 0);
(void) semop(sematopid, &semclaim, 1);
(void) semop(sematopid, &semincre, 1);
** check if we were the last user of accounting
if (semctl(sematopid, 1, GETVAL, 0) == ATOPACCTTOT)
** switch off private accounting
** verify if private accounting is still in use to
** avoid that we switch off process accounting that
** has been activated manually in the meantime
(void) fstat(acctfd, &before);
if ( fork() == 0 ) /* create a child and */
exit(0); /* let the child finish */
(void) wait((int *) 0); /* let the parent wait */
(void) fstat(acctfd, &after);
if (after.st_size > before.st_size)
** remove the directory and file
regainrootprivs(); /* get root privs again */
(void) acct(0);
(void) unlink(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
(void) rmdir(ACCTDIR);
if (! droprootprivs() )
"failed to drop root privs\n");
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
** anyhow close the accounting-file again
(void) close(acctfd); /* close account file again */
acctfd = -1;
supportflags &= ~ACCTACTIVE;
** get the number of exited processes written
** in the process-account file since the previous sample
unsigned long
struct stat statacc;
** handle atopacctd-based process accounting on bases of
** fixed-chunk shadow files
if (maxshadowrec) // atopacctd has been detected before?
unsigned long numrecs = 0;
long newseq;
char shadowpath[128];
FILE *cfp;
** determine the current size of the current shadow file
** (fails if acctfd == -1) and determine if the file
** has not been deleted by stopping the atopacct service
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1 || statacc.st_nlink == 0)
/* close the previous obsolete shadow file */
(void) close(acctfd);
acctsize = 0;
/* reacquire the current real acctfd */
if (atopacctd(0))
return 0; // reaqcuire failed
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
return 0;
** verify how many new processes are added to the current
** shadow file
numrecs = (statacc.st_size - acctsize) / acctrecsz;
** verify if subsequent shadow files are involved
** (i.e. if the current file is full)
if (statacc.st_size / acctrecsz < maxshadowrec)
return numrecs;
** more shadow files available
** get current shadow file
snprintf(shadowpath, sizeof shadowpath, "%s/%s/%s",
if ( (cfp = fopen(shadowpath, "r")) )
if (fscanf(cfp, "%ld", &newseq) == 1)
return numrecs;
return numrecs;
if (newseq == curshadowseq)
return numrecs;
snprintf(shadowpath, sizeof shadowpath, PACCTSHADOWF,
pacctdir, PACCTSHADOWD, newseq);
** determine the size of newest shadow file
if (stat(shadowpath, &statacc) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to stat the size of newest shadow file\n");
return numrecs;
** Check cases like statacc.st_size / acctrecsz > maxshadowrec,
** and atopacctd restarts at the same time, now newseq is zero.
** Omit this interval's statistics by returning zero.
if (newseq > curshadowseq)
numrecs += ((newseq - curshadowseq - 1) * maxshadowrec) +
(statacc.st_size / acctrecsz);
numrecs = 0;
return numrecs;
** classic process accounting on bases of directly opened
** process accounting file
** determine size of current process accounting file
if (acctfd == -1 || fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
return 0;
** accounting reset?
if (acctsize > statacc.st_size)
** reposition to start of file
(void) lseek(acctfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
acctsize = 0;
** using account file managed by (ps)acct package?
if (pacctcur)
** check inode of the current file and compare this
** with the inode of the opened file; if not equal,
** a file rotation has taken place and the size of
** the new file has to be added
if ( stat(pacctcur->name, &(pacctcur->stat)) == 0)
if (statacc.st_ino != pacctcur->stat.st_ino)
return (statacc.st_size - acctsize +
pacctcur->stat.st_size) /
return (statacc.st_size - acctsize) / acctrecsz;
** reposition the seek offset in the process accounting file to skip
** processes that have not been read
acctrepos(unsigned int noverflow)
** if accounting not supported, skip call
if (acctfd == -1)
if (maxshadowrec)
int i;
off_t virtoffset = acctsize + noverflow * acctrecsz;
off_t maxshadowsz = maxshadowrec * acctrecsz;
long switches = virtoffset / maxshadowsz;
acctsize = virtoffset % maxshadowsz;
for (i=0; i < switches; i++)
(void) lseek(acctfd, acctsize, SEEK_SET);
** just reposition to skip superfluous records
(void) lseek(acctfd, noverflow * acctrecsz, SEEK_CUR);
acctsize += noverflow * acctrecsz;
** when the new seek pointer is beyond the current file size
** and reading from a process accounting file written by
** the (ps)acct package, a logrotation might have taken place
if (pacctcur)
struct stat statacc;
** determine the size of the current accounting file
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
** seek pointer beyond file size and rotated to
** new account file?
if (acctsize > statacc.st_size &&
statacc.st_ino != pacctcur->stat.st_ino)
** - close old file
** - open new file
** - adapt acctsize to actual offset in new file
** and seek to that offset
(void) close(acctfd);
if ( (acctfd = open(pacctcur->name,
O_RDONLY) ) == -1)
return; // open failed
acctsize = acctsize - statacc.st_size;
(void) lseek(acctfd, acctsize, SEEK_SET);
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
return; // no new inode info
** read the process records from the process accounting file,
** that are written since the previous cycle
unsigned long
acctphotoproc(struct tstat *accproc, int nrprocs)
register int nrexit;
register struct tstat *api;
struct acct acctrec;
struct acct_v3 acctrec_v3;
struct stat statacc;
int filled;
** if accounting not supported, skip call
if (acctfd == -1)
return 0;
** determine the size of the (current) account file
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
return 0;
** check all exited processes in accounting file
for (nrexit=0, api=accproc; nrexit < nrprocs; )
** in case of shadow accounting files, we might have to
** switch from the current accounting file to the next
if (maxshadowrec && acctsize >= statacc.st_size)
** determine the size of the new (current) account file
** and initialize the current offset within that file
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
return 0;
acctsize = 0;
** in case of account file managed by (ps)acct package,
** be aware that a switch to a newer logfile might have
** to be done
if (pacctcur && acctsize >= statacc.st_size)
** check inode of the current file and compare this
** with the inode of the opened file; if not equal,
** a file rotation has taken place and the file
** has to be reopened
if ( stat(pacctcur->name, &(pacctcur->stat)) == 0)
if (statacc.st_ino != pacctcur->stat.st_ino)
(void) close(acctfd);
if ( (acctfd = open(pacctcur->name,
O_RDONLY) ) == -1)
return 0; // open failed
if (fstat(acctfd, &statacc) == -1)
return 0; // no new inode info
acctsize = 0; // reset size new file
** read the next record
switch (acctversion)
case 2:
if ( read(acctfd, &acctrec, acctrecsz) < acctrecsz )
break; /* unexpected end of account file */
** fill process info from accounting-record
api->gen.state = 'E';
api->gen.nthr = 1;
api->gen.isproc = 1;
api->gen.pid = 0;
api->gen.tgid = 0;
api->gen.ppid = 0;
api->gen.excode = acctrec.ac_exitcode;
api->gen.ruid = acctrec.ac_uid16;
api->gen.rgid = acctrec.ac_gid16;
api->gen.btime = acctrec.ac_btime;
api->gen.elaps = acctrec.ac_etime;
api->cpu.stime = acctexp(acctrec.ac_stime);
api->cpu.utime = acctexp(acctrec.ac_utime);
api->mem.minflt = acctexp(acctrec.ac_minflt);
api->mem.majflt = acctexp(acctrec.ac_majflt);
api->dsk.rio = acctexp(acctrec.ac_rw);
strncpy(api->gen.name, acctrec.ac_comm, PNAMLEN);
api->gen.name[PNAMLEN] = '\0';
filled = 1;
case 3:
if ( read(acctfd, &acctrec_v3, acctrecsz) < acctrecsz )
break; /* unexpected end of account file */
** fill process info from accounting-record
api->gen.state = 'E';
api->gen.pid = acctrec_v3.ac_pid;
api->gen.tgid = acctrec_v3.ac_pid;
api->gen.ppid = acctrec_v3.ac_ppid;
api->gen.nthr = 1;
api->gen.isproc = 1;
api->gen.excode = acctrec_v3.ac_exitcode;
api->gen.ruid = acctrec_v3.ac_uid;
api->gen.rgid = acctrec_v3.ac_gid;
api->gen.btime = acctrec_v3.ac_btime;
api->gen.elaps = acctrec_v3.ac_etime;
api->cpu.stime = acctexp(acctrec_v3.ac_stime);
api->cpu.utime = acctexp(acctrec_v3.ac_utime);
api->mem.minflt = acctexp(acctrec_v3.ac_minflt);
api->mem.majflt = acctexp(acctrec_v3.ac_majflt);
api->dsk.rio = acctexp(acctrec_v3.ac_rw);
strncpy(api->gen.name, acctrec_v3.ac_comm, PNAMLEN);
api->gen.name[PNAMLEN] = '\0';
filled = 1;
if (filled == 1) {
acctsize += acctrecsz;
filled = 0;
if (acctsize > ACCTMAXFILESZ && !maxshadowrec)
return nrexit;
** when the size of the private accounting file exceeds a certain limit,
** it might be useful to stop process accounting, truncate the
** process accounting file to zero and start process accounting again
** this will only be done if this atop process is the only one
** that is currently using the accounting file
static void
struct stat statacc;
int sematopid;
** not private accounting-file in use?
if (!acctatop)
return; // do not restart
** still remaining records in accounting file that are
** written between the moment that the number of exited
** processes was counted and the moment that all processes
** were read
(void) fstat(acctfd, &statacc);
if (acctsize != statacc.st_size)
return; // do not restart
** claim the semaphore to get exclusive rights for
** the accounting-manipulation
sematopid = semget(ATOPACCTKEY, 0, 0);
(void) semop(sematopid, &semclaim, 1);
** check if there are more users of accounting file
if (semctl(sematopid, 1, GETVAL, 0) < ATOPACCTTOT-1)
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
return; // do not restart
** restart is possible
** - switch off accounting
** - truncate the file
** - switch on accounting
regainrootprivs(); // get root privs again
(void) acct(0); // switch off accounting
if ( truncate(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE, 0) == 0)
(void) lseek(acctfd, 0, SEEK_SET);
(void) acct(ACCTDIR "/" ACCTFILE);
if (! droprootprivs() )
mcleanstop(42, "failed to drop root privs\n");
acctsize = 0;
(void) semop(sematopid, &semrelse, 1);
** expand the special compression-methods
static count_t
acctexp(comp_t ct)
count_t exp;
count_t val;
exp = (ct >> 13) & 0x7; /* obtain 3 bits base-8 exponent */
val = ct & 0x1fff; /* obtain 13 bits mantissa */
while (exp-- > 0)
val <<= 3;
return val;
** switch to the next accounting shadow file
static void
int tmpfd;
char shadowpath[128];
struct flock flock;
** determine path name of new shadow file
snprintf(shadowpath, sizeof shadowpath, PACCTSHADOWF,
pacctdir, PACCTSHADOWD, curshadowseq);
** open new shadow file, while the previous is also kept open
** (to keep the read lock until a read lock is set for the new
** shadow file)
if ( (tmpfd = open(shadowpath, O_RDONLY)) != -1)
** set read lock on new shadow file
flock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
flock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
flock.l_start = 0;
flock.l_len = 1;
if ( fcntl(tmpfd, F_SETLK, &flock) != -1)
(void) close(acctfd); // implicit release read lock
acctfd = tmpfd;
(void) close(tmpfd);
** handle the option 'pacctdir' in the /etc/atoprc file
do_pacctdir(char *tagname, char *tagvalue)
char shadowpath[128];
struct stat dirstat;
** copy the directory pathname to an own buffer
if ( (pacctdir = malloc(strlen(tagvalue)+1)) == NULL )
perror("malloc pacctdir");
strcpy(pacctdir, tagvalue);
** verify if the atopacctd daemon is active
if ( semget(PACCTPUBKEY, 0, 0) == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: option '%s' specified "
"while atopacctd not running!\n", tagname);
** verify that the topdirectory exists
if ( stat(pacctdir, &dirstat) == -1 )
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: option '%s' specified - ", tagname);
if (! S_ISDIR(dirstat.st_mode) )
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: option '%s' specified - ", tagname);
fprintf(stderr, "%s not a directory\n", pacctdir);
** verify that the topdirectory contains the required subdirectory
snprintf(shadowpath, sizeof shadowpath, "%s/%s",
pacctdir, PACCTSHADOWD);
if ( stat(shadowpath, &dirstat) == -1 )
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: option '%s' specified - ", tagname);
if (! S_ISDIR(dirstat.st_mode) )
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: option '%s' specified - ", tagname);
fprintf(stderr, "%s not a directory\n", shadowpath);
