极速 Gitee


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    Apache / jackrabbit-oak

    Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications.

    Apache / commons-math

    a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common practical problems not immediately available in the Java programming language or commons-lang.

    Apache / logging-log4j2

    Apache Log4j 2 is an upgrade to Log4j that provides significant improvements over its predecessor, Log4j 1.x, and provides many of the improvements available in Logback while fixing some inherent problems in Logback's architecture.

    Apache / commons-compress

    Defines an API for working with compression and archive formats. These include: bzip2, gzip, pack200, lzma, xz, Snappy, traditional Unix Compress, DEFLATE, DEFLATE64, LZ4, Brotli, Zstandard and ar, cpio, jar, tar, zip, dump, 7z, arj.

    Apache / IoTDB


    Apache / commons-configuration

    Tools to assist in the reading of configuration/preferences files in various formats

    Apache / commons-net

    Collection of network utilities and protocol implementations. Supported protocols include: Echo, Finger, FTP, NNTP, NTP, POP3(S), SMTP(S), Telnet, Whois

    Apache / guacamole-client

    guacamole 远程桌面客户端

    Apache / Groovy

    Groovy 是一种基于 JVM 的敏捷开发语言,它结合了Python、Ruby和Smalltalk的许多强大的特性。

    Apache / spark

    Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing

    Apache / ActiveMQ

    Apache ActiveMQ is a high performance Apache 2.0 licensed Message Broker and JMS 1.1 implementation.

    Apache / Avro

    Apache Avro™ is a data serialization system.

    Apache / commons-dbcp

    Java Database Connection Pooling

    Apache / commons-dbutils


    Apache / guacamole

    Guacamole 是一个无客户端远程桌面网关。支持 VNC、RDP 和 SSH 等标准协议。

    Apache / Shiro

    Apache Shiro是一个强大且易用的Java安全框架,执行身份验证、授权、密码和会话管理

    Apache / Mahout


    Apache / kafka


    Apache / OpenNLP

    OpenNLP 是一个机器学习工具包,用于处理自然语言文本。支持大多数常用的 NLP 任务,例如:标识化、句子切分、部分词性标注、名称抽取、组块、解析等

    Apache / FreeMarker

    FreeMarker is a "template engine"; a generic tool to generate text output (anything from HTML to auto generated source code) based on templates.
