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memcache_pool.h 17.54 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
renfeng 提交于 2014-11-27 11:44 . php-memcache3.0.8 初始版本
| PHP Version 5 |
| Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The PHP Group |
| This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license, |
| that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
| available through the world-wide-web at the following url: |
| http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. |
| If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
| obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
| license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
| Authors: Antony Dovgal <tony2001@phpclub.net> |
| Mikael Johansson <mikael AT synd DOT info> |
/* $Id: memcache_pool.h 328234 2012-11-04 19:34:04Z hradtke $ */
#include "config.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
#include <win32/php_stdint.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "php.h"
#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str_public.h"
#include "memcache_queue.h"
#ifndef ZSTR
#define ZSTR
#define ZSTR_VAL(v) v
#define zstr char *
#define ZSTR_VAL(v) (v).s
* Mac OS X has no MSG_NOSIGNAL but >= 10.2 comes with SO_NOSIGPIPE which is a setsockopt() option
* and not a send() parameter as MSG_NOSIGNAL. OpenBSD has none of the options so we need to ignore
* SIGPIPE events
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
#endif /*MSG_NOSIGNAL*/
/* use lowest byte for flags */
#define MMC_SERIALIZED 0x0001
#define MMC_COMPRESSED 0x0002
/* use second lowest byte to indicate data type */
#define MMC_TYPE_STRING 0x0000
#define MMC_TYPE_BOOL 0x0100
/*#define MMC_TYPE_INT 0x0200*/
#define MMC_TYPE_LONG 0x0300
/*#define MMC_TYPE_DATE 0x0400*/
/*#define MMC_TYPE_BYTE 0x0500*/
/*#define MMC_TYPE_FLOAT 0x0600*/
#define MMC_TYPE_DOUBLE 0x0700
/*#define MMC_TYPE_BLOB 0x0800*/
/* These flags are set here to reserve the for use by users of the pecl-memcache in set and get */
#define MMC_RESERVED_APPLICATIONDEFINEDFLAG_12 0x10000 /* not used in pecl-memcache code */
#define MMC_RESERVED_APPLICATIONDEFINEDFLAG_13 0x20000 /* not used in pecl-memcache code */
#define MMC_RESERVED_APPLICATIONDEFINEDFLAG_14 0x40000 /* not used in pecl-memcache code */
#define MMC_RESERVED_APPLICATIONDEFINEDFLAG_15 0x80000 /* not used in pecl-memcache code */
#define MMC_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
#define MMC_MAX_UDP_LEN 1400
#define MMC_MAX_KEY_LEN 250
#define MMC_VALUE_HEADER "VALUE %250s %u %lu %lu" /* keep in sync with MMC_MAX_KEY_LEN */
#define MMC_DEFAULT_COMPRESS 20000 /* minimum 20k byte values for auto compression to be used */
#define MMC_DEFAULT_SAVINGS 0.2 /* minimum 20% savings for compression to be used */
#define MMC_PROTO_TCP 0
#define MMC_PROTO_UDP 1
#define MMC_STATUS_FAILED -1 /* server/stream is down */
#define MMC_STATUS_DISCONNECTED 0 /* stream is disconnected, ie. new connection */
#define MMC_STATUS_UNKNOWN 1 /* stream is in unknown state, ie. non-validated persistent connection */
#define MMC_STATUS_CONNECTED 2 /* stream is connected */
#define MMC_OK 0
#define MMC_REQUEST_FAILURE -1 /* operation failed, failover to other server */
#define MMC_REQUEST_DONE 0 /* ok result, or reading/writing is done */
#define MMC_REQUEST_MORE 1 /* more data follows in another packet, try select() again */
#define MMC_REQUEST_AGAIN 2 /* more data follows in this packet, try read/write again */
#define MMC_REQUEST_RETRY 3 /* retry/reschedule request */
#define MMC_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND 0x01 /* same as binary protocol */
#define MMC_RESPONSE_EXISTS 0x02 /* same as binary protocol */
#define MMC_RESPONSE_TOO_LARGE 0x03 /* same as binary protocol */
#define MMC_RESPONSE_NOT_STORED 0x05 /* same as binary protocol */
#define MMC_RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_CMD 0x81 /* same as binary protocol */
#define MMC_RESPONSE_OUT_OF_MEMORY 0x82 /* same as binary protocol */
#define MMC_HASH_CRC32 1 /* CRC32 hash function */
#define MMC_HASH_FNV1A 2 /* FNV-1a hash function */
#define MMC_CONSISTENT_POINTS 160 /* points per server */
#define MMC_CONSISTENT_BUCKETS 1024 /* number of precomputed buckets, should be power of 2 */
/* io buffer */
typedef struct mmc_buffer {
smart_str value;
unsigned int idx; /* current index */
} mmc_buffer_t;
#define mmc_buffer_release(b) memset((b), 0, sizeof(*(b)))
#define mmc_buffer_reset(b) (b)->value.len = (b)->idx = 0
inline void mmc_buffer_alloc(mmc_buffer_t *, unsigned int);
inline void mmc_buffer_free(mmc_buffer_t *);
/* stream handlers */
typedef struct mmc_stream mmc_stream_t;
typedef size_t (*mmc_stream_read)(mmc_stream_t *stream, char *buf, size_t count TSRMLS_DC);
typedef char *(*mmc_stream_readline)(mmc_stream_t *stream, char *buf, size_t maxlen, size_t *retlen TSRMLS_DC);
/* stream container */
struct mmc_stream {
php_stream *stream;
int fd; /* file descriptor for select() */
unsigned short port; /* tcp/udp port stream is connected to */
int chunk_size; /* stream chunk size */
int status; /* stream status in MMC_STATUS_* status codes */
long failed; /* the timestamp the stream was marked as failed */
long retry_interval; /* seconds to wait before automatic reconnect */
mmc_buffer_t buffer; /* read buffer (when using udp) */
mmc_stream_read read; /* handles reading from stream */
mmc_stream_readline readline; /* handles reading lines from stream */
struct { /* temporary input buffer, see mmc_server_readline() */
char value[MMC_BUFFER_SIZE];
int idx;
} input;
/* request handlers */
typedef struct mmc mmc_t;
typedef struct mmc_pool mmc_pool_t;
typedef struct mmc_request mmc_request_t;
typedef int (*mmc_request_reader)(mmc_t *mmc, mmc_request_t *request TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*mmc_request_parser)(mmc_t *mmc, mmc_request_t *request TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*mmc_request_value_handler)(
const char *key, unsigned int key_len, zval *value,
unsigned int flags, unsigned long cas, void *param TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*mmc_request_response_handler)(
mmc_t *mmc, mmc_request_t *request, int response, const char *message, unsigned int message_len, void *param TSRMLS_DC);
typedef int (*mmc_request_failover_handler)(
mmc_pool_t *pool, mmc_t *mmc, mmc_request_t *request, void *param TSRMLS_DC);
void mmc_request_reset(mmc_request_t *);
void mmc_request_free(mmc_request_t *);
/* server request */
struct mmc_request {
mmc_stream_t *io; /* stream this request is sending on */
mmc_buffer_t sendbuf; /* request buffer */
mmc_buffer_t readbuf; /* response buffer */
char key[MMC_MAX_KEY_LEN + 1]; /* key buffer to use on failover of single-key requests */
unsigned int key_len;
unsigned int protocol; /* protocol encoding of request {tcp, udp} */
mmc_queue_t failed_servers; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_t *>, servers this request has failed at */
unsigned int failed_index; /* last index probed on failure */
mmc_request_reader read; /* handles reading (and validating datagrams) */
mmc_request_parser parse; /* called to parse response payload */
mmc_request_value_handler value_handler; /* called when result value have been parsed */
void *value_handler_param;
mmc_request_response_handler response_handler; /* called when a non-value response has been received */
void *response_handler_param;
mmc_request_failover_handler failover_handler; /* called to perform failover of failed request */
void *failover_handler_param;
struct {
uint16_t reqid; /* id of the request, increasing value set by client */
uint16_t seqid; /* next expected seqid */
uint16_t total; /* number of datagrams in response */
} udp;
/* udp protocol header */
typedef struct mmc_udp_header {
uint16_t reqid; /* id of the request, increasing value set by client */
uint16_t seqid; /* index of this datagram in response */
uint16_t total; /* number of datagrams in response */
uint16_t _reserved;
} mmc_udp_header_t;
/* server */
struct mmc {
mmc_stream_t tcp; /* main stream, might be tcp or unix socket */
mmc_stream_t udp; /* auxiliary udp connection */
mmc_request_t *sendreq; /* currently sending request, NULL if none */
mmc_request_t *readreq; /* currently reading request, NULL if none */
mmc_request_t *buildreq; /* request currently being built, NULL if none */
mmc_queue_t sendqueue; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_request_t *>, requests waiting to be sent */
mmc_queue_t readqueue; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_request_t *>, requests waiting to be read */
char *host;
struct timeval timeout; /* network timeout for this server */
int persistent;
uint16_t reqid; /* next sequential request id */
char *error; /* last error message */
int errnum; /* last error code */
/* wire protocol */
/* same as in binary protocol */
#define MMC_OP_GET 0x00
#define MMC_OP_SET 0x01
#define MMC_OP_ADD 0x02
#define MMC_OP_REPLACE 0x03
#define MMC_OP_GETS 0x32
#define MMC_OP_CAS 0x33
#define MMC_OP_APPEND 0x34 /* not supported by binary protocol */
#define MMC_OP_PREPEND 0x35 /* not supported by binary protocol */
typedef mmc_request_t * (*mmc_protocol_create_request)();
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_clone_request)(mmc_request_t *clone, mmc_request_t *request);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_reset_request)(mmc_request_t *request);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_free_request)(mmc_request_t *request);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_get)(mmc_request_t *request, int op, zval *zkey, const char *key, unsigned int key_len);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_begin_get)(mmc_request_t *request, int op);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_append_get)(mmc_request_t *request, zval *zkey, const char *key, unsigned int key_len);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_end_get)(mmc_request_t *request);
typedef int (*mmc_protocol_store)(
mmc_pool_t *pool, mmc_request_t *request, int op, const char *key, unsigned int key_len,
unsigned int flags, unsigned int exptime, unsigned long cas, zval *value TSRMLS_DC);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_delete)(mmc_request_t *request, const char *key, unsigned int key_len, unsigned int exptime);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_mutate)(mmc_request_t *request, zval *zkey, const char *key, unsigned int key_len, long value, long defval, int defval_used, unsigned int exptime);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_flush)(mmc_request_t *request, unsigned int exptime);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_stats)(mmc_request_t *request, const char *type, long slabid, long limit);
typedef void (*mmc_protocol_version)(mmc_request_t *request);
typedef struct mmc_protocol {
mmc_protocol_create_request create_request;
mmc_protocol_clone_request clone_request;
mmc_protocol_reset_request reset_request;
mmc_protocol_free_request free_request;
mmc_protocol_get get;
mmc_protocol_begin_get begin_get;
mmc_protocol_append_get append_get;
mmc_protocol_end_get end_get;
mmc_protocol_store store;
mmc_protocol_delete delete;
mmc_protocol_mutate mutate;
mmc_protocol_flush flush;
mmc_protocol_version version;
mmc_protocol_stats stats;
} mmc_protocol_t;
extern mmc_protocol_t mmc_ascii_protocol;
extern mmc_protocol_t mmc_binary_protocol;
/* hashing strategy */
typedef unsigned int (*mmc_hash_function_init)();
typedef unsigned int (*mmc_hash_function_combine)(unsigned int seed, const void *key, unsigned int key_len);
typedef unsigned int (*mmc_hash_function_finish)(unsigned int seed);
typedef struct mmc_hash_function {
mmc_hash_function_init init;
mmc_hash_function_combine combine;
mmc_hash_function_finish finish;
} mmc_hash_function_t;
extern mmc_hash_function_t mmc_hash_crc32;
extern mmc_hash_function_t mmc_hash_fnv1a;
#define mmc_hash(hash, key, key_len) ((hash)->finish((hash)->combine((hash)->init(), (key), (key_len))))
typedef void * (*mmc_hash_create_state)(mmc_hash_function_t *);
typedef void (*mmc_hash_free_state)(void *state);
typedef mmc_t * (*mmc_hash_find_server)(void *state, const char *key, unsigned int key_len TSRMLS_DC);
typedef void (*mmc_hash_add_server)(void *state, mmc_t *mmc, unsigned int weight);
typedef struct mmc_hash_strategy {
mmc_hash_create_state create_state;
mmc_hash_free_state free_state;
mmc_hash_find_server find_server;
mmc_hash_add_server add_server;
} mmc_hash_strategy_t;
extern mmc_hash_strategy_t mmc_standard_hash;
extern mmc_hash_strategy_t mmc_consistent_hash;
/* 32 bit magic FNV-1a prime and init */
#define FNV_32_PRIME 0x01000193
#define FNV_32_INIT 0x811c9dc5
/* failure callback prototype */
typedef void (*mmc_failure_callback)(mmc_pool_t *pool, mmc_t *mmc, void *param TSRMLS_DC);
/* server pool */
struct mmc_pool {
mmc_t **servers;
int num_servers;
mmc_protocol_t *protocol; /* wire protocol */
mmc_hash_strategy_t *hash; /* hash strategy */
void *hash_state; /* strategy specific state */
fd_set wfds;
fd_set rfds;
struct timeval timeout; /* smallest timeout for any of the servers */
int in_select;
mmc_queue_t *sending; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_t *>, connections that want to send */
mmc_queue_t *reading; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_t *>, connections that want to read */
mmc_queue_t _sending1, _sending2;
mmc_queue_t _reading1, _reading2;
mmc_queue_t pending; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_t *>, connections that have non-finalized requests */
mmc_queue_t free_requests; /* mmc_queue_t<mmc_request_t *>, request free-list */
double min_compress_savings;
unsigned int compress_threshold;
mmc_failure_callback failure_callback; /* receives notification when a server fails */
void *failure_callback_param;
/* server functions */
mmc_t *mmc_server_new(const char *, int, unsigned short, unsigned short, int, double, int TSRMLS_DC);
void mmc_server_free(mmc_t * TSRMLS_DC);
void mmc_server_disconnect(mmc_t *mmc, mmc_stream_t *io TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_server_valid(mmc_t * TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_server_failure(mmc_t *, mmc_stream_t *, const char *, int TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_request_failure(mmc_t *, mmc_stream_t *, const char *, unsigned int, int TSRMLS_DC);
/* pool functions */
mmc_pool_t *mmc_pool_new(TSRMLS_D);
void mmc_pool_free(mmc_pool_t * TSRMLS_DC);
void mmc_pool_add(mmc_pool_t *, mmc_t *, unsigned int);
void mmc_pool_close(mmc_pool_t * TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_pool_open(mmc_pool_t *, mmc_t *, mmc_stream_t *, int TSRMLS_DC);
void mmc_pool_select(mmc_pool_t * TSRMLS_DC);
void mmc_pool_run(mmc_pool_t * TSRMLS_DC);
mmc_t *mmc_pool_find_next(mmc_pool_t *, const char *, unsigned int, mmc_queue_t *, unsigned int * TSRMLS_DC);
mmc_t *mmc_pool_find(mmc_pool_t *, const char *, unsigned int TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_pool_schedule(mmc_pool_t *, mmc_t *, mmc_request_t * TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_pool_failover_handler(mmc_pool_t *, mmc_t *, mmc_request_t *, void * TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_pool_failover_handler_null(mmc_pool_t *, mmc_t *, mmc_request_t *, void * TSRMLS_DC);
mmc_request_t *mmc_pool_request(mmc_pool_t *, int,
mmc_request_response_handler, void *, mmc_request_failover_handler, void * TSRMLS_DC);
mmc_request_t *mmc_pool_request_get(mmc_pool_t *, int,
mmc_request_value_handler, void *, mmc_request_failover_handler, void * TSRMLS_DC);
#define mmc_pool_release(p, r) mmc_queue_push(&((p)->free_requests), (r))
int mmc_prepare_store(
mmc_pool_t *, mmc_request_t *, const char *, unsigned int,
const char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, zval * TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_pool_schedule_key(mmc_pool_t *, const char *, unsigned int, mmc_request_t *, unsigned int TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_pool_schedule_get(mmc_pool_t *, int, int, zval *,
mmc_request_value_handler, void *, mmc_request_failover_handler, void *, mmc_request_t * TSRMLS_DC);
/* utility functions */
int mmc_pack_value(mmc_pool_t *, mmc_buffer_t *, zval *, unsigned int * TSRMLS_DC);
int mmc_unpack_value(mmc_t *, mmc_request_t *, mmc_buffer_t *, const char *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned int TSRMLS_DC);
double timeval_to_double(struct timeval tv);
struct timeval double_to_timeval(double sec);
inline int mmc_prepare_key_ex(const char *, unsigned int, char *, unsigned int *);
inline int mmc_prepare_key(zval *, char *, unsigned int *);
#define mmc_str_left(h, n, hlen, nlen) ((hlen) >= (nlen) ? memcmp((h), (n), (nlen)) == 0 : 0)
/* globals */
long default_port;
long chunk_size;
long protocol;
long hash_strategy;
long hash_function;
long allow_failover;
long max_failover_attempts;
long redundancy;
long session_redundancy;
long compress_threshold;
long lock_timeout;
#ifdef ZTS
#define MEMCACHE_G(v) TSRMG(memcache_globals_id, zend_memcache_globals *, v)
#define MEMCACHE_G(v) (memcache_globals.v)
#endif /* MEMCACHE_POOL_H */
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* tab-width: 4
* c-basic-offset: 4
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