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劍開天門 / distributedschedule_samgr_lite

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Due to limited platform resources, a unified system ability (SA) framework is provided to harmonize differences of hardware architectures (for example, RISC-V, Cortex-M, and Cortex-A), resources, and running modes. Two types of hardware platforms (M- and A-core) are defined.

  • M-core: hardware platforms with Cortex-M or equivalent processing capabilities. The system memory is generally less than 512 KB. There is only a lightweight file system that can be used in limited scenarios, or no file system at all. M-core platforms comply with the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS).
  • A-core: hardware platforms with Cortex-A or equivalent processing capabilities. The system memory is greater than 512 KB. There is a comprehensive file system for storing a large amount of data. A-core platforms comply with the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) specifications.

This service-oriented SA framework enables you to develop services, features, and external APIs, and implement multi-service process sharing and service invoking for inter-process communication (IPC). Wherein:

  • M core provides services, features, external APIs, and multi-service process sharing development.
  • In addition to the capabilities provided by M-core, A-core provides capabilities such as IPC service invoking, permission control for IPC service invoking, and IPC service API development.

Service-oriented architecture

  • Provider: a service provider that provides capabilities (external APIs) for the system
  • Consumer: a service consumer that invokes the features (external APIs) provided by the service
  • Samgr: an agency that manages capabilities provided by providers and helps consumers discover providers' capabilities

Main objects of the SA framework:

  • SamgrLite: provides service registration and discovery.
  • Service: implements lifecycle APIs of the service during service development.
  • Feature: implements lifecycle APIs of the feature during feature development.
  • IUnknown: implements external APIs for services or features based on IUnknown.
  • IClientProxy: implements the consumer's proxy to send messages during IPC invoking.
  • IServerProxy: implements the provider's proxy during IPC invoking, which needs to be implemented by developers.

Directory Structure

Table 1 Structure of the source code directory of the SA framework




External APIs of the M- and A-core SA frameworks


External APIs for service invocation between A-core processes


External APIs of the event broadcast service within M- and A-core processes


POSIX and CMSIS interface adaptation layer, which is used to harmonize the differences between the APIs of M- and A-core


Stub functions for M-core service registration and discovery


Basic code for the M- and A-core SA frameworks


Registration and discovery for service invocation between A-core processes


IPC address management and access control for service invocation between A-core processes


Packet RX/TX management for A-core IPC


Event broadcast service for M- and A-core processes


  • The SA framework is developed using the C programming language.
  • Services in the same process use IUnknown for invoking. Messages are passed to the service through IUnknown.
  • The service name and feature name must be constant character strings and the length must be less than 16 bytes.
  • More-core depends on the Bootstrap service and calls the OHOS_SystemInit() function in the system startup function.
  • A-core depends on the Samgr library and calls the SAMGR_Bootstrap() function in the main function.

Developing a Service

  • Inherit and redefine a service.

    typedef struct ExampleService {
        Identity identity;
    } ExampleService;
  • Implement the lifecycle function of the service.

    static const char *GetName(Service *service)
        return EXAMPLE_SERVICE;
    static BOOL Initialize(Service *service, Identity identity)
        ExampleService *example = (ExampleService *)service;
        // Save the unique ID of the service, which is used when IUnknown is used to send messages to the service.
        example->identity = identity;
        return TRUE;
    static BOOL MessageHandle(Service *service, Request *msg)
        ExampleService *example = (ExampleService *)service;
        switch (msg->msgId) {
            case MSG_SYNC:
                // Process the service.
        return FALSE;
    static TaskConfig GetTaskConfig(Service *service)
        TaskConfig config = {LEVEL_HIGH, PRI_BELOW_NORMAL,
                             0x800, 20, SHARED_TASK};
        return config;
  • Create a service object.

    static ExampleService g_example = {
        .GetName = GetName,
        .Initialize = Initialize,
        .MessageHandle = MessageHandle,
        .GetTaskConfig = GetTaskConfig,
            .Invoke = NULL,
            .SyncCall = SyncCall,
  • Register the service and API with Samgr.

    static void Init(void)
        SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterService((Service *)&g_example);
        SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterDefaultFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example));
  • Define the initializer of the service.


Developing a Feature of a Service

  • Inherit and redefine a feature.

    typedef struct DemoFeature {
        Identity identity;
        Service *parent;
    } DemoFeature;
  • Implement the lifecycle function of the feature.

    static const char *FEATURE_GetName(Feature *feature)
        return EXAMPLE_FEATURE;
    static void FEATURE_OnInitialize(Feature *feature, Service *parent, Identity identity)
        DemoFeature *demoFeature = (DemoFeature *)feature;
        demoFeature->identity = identity;
        demoFeature->parent = parent;
    static void FEATURE_OnStop(Feature *feature, Identity identity)
        g_example.identity.queueId = NULL;
        g_example.identity.featureId = -1;
        g_example.identity.serviceId = -1;
    static BOOL FEATURE_OnMessage(Feature *feature, Request *request)
        if (request->msgId == MSG_PROC) {
            Response response = {.data = "Yes, you did!", .len = 0};
            SAMGR_SendResponse(request, &response);
            return TRUE;
        } else {
            if (request->msgId == MSG_TIME_PROC) {
                LOS_Msleep(WAIT_FEATURE_PROC * 10);
                if (request->msgValue) {
                } else {
                return FALSE;
        return FALSE;
  • Create a feature object.

    static DemoFeature g_example = {
        .GetName = FEATURE_GetName,
        .OnInitialize = FEATURE_OnInitialize,
        .OnStop = FEATURE_OnStop,
        .OnMessage = FEATURE_OnMessage,
            .AsyncCall = AsyncCall,
            .AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall,
            .SyncCall = SyncCall,
            .AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack,
        .identity = {-1, -1, NULL},
  • Register the feature and API with Samgr.

    static void Init(void){
        SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeature(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, (Feature *)&g_example);
        SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example));
  • Define the initializer of the feature.


Developing an External API for Intra-Process Communication

  • Define the IUnknown API.

    typedef struct DemoApi {
        BOOL (*AsyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff);
        BOOL (*AsyncTimeCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown);
        BOOL (*SyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload);
        BOOL (*AsyncCallBack)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, Handler handler);
    } DemoApi;
  • Define the reference object of IUnknown.

    typedef struct DemoRefApi {
    } DemoRefApi;
  • Initialize the object of IUnknown.

    static DemoRefApi api = {
            .AsyncCall = AsyncCall,
            .AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall,
            .SyncCall = SyncCall,
            .AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack,
  • Register the feature API.


Invoking a Service in the Same Process

  • Obtain the external API of the service.

    DemoApi *demoApi = NULL;
    IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE);
    if (iUnknown == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, DEFAULT_VERSION, (void **)&demoApi);
    if (result != 0 || demoApi == NULL) {
        return NULL;
  • Call the API.

    if (demoApi->AsyncCallBack == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    demoApi->AsyncCallBack((IUnknown *)demoApi, "I wanna async call callback good result!", AsyncHandler);
  • Release the API.

    int32 ref = demoApi->Release((IUnknown *)demoApi);

Developing an External API for IPC

  • Inherit IServerProxy to replace IUnknown: INHERIT_SERVER_IPROXY

    typedef struct DemoFeatureApi {
        BOOL (*AsyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff);
        BOOL (*AsyncTimeCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown);
        BOOL (*SyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload);
        BOOL (*AsyncCallBack)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, IOwner notify, INotifyFunc handler);
    } DemoFeatureApi;
  • Initialize the IServerProxy object.

    static DemoFeature g_example = {
        .Invoke = Invoke,
        .AsyncCall = AsyncCall,
        .AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall,
        .SyncCall = SyncCall,
        .AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack,
  • Implement the Invoke function to process IPC messages.

    static int32 Invoke(IServerProxy *iProxy, int funcId, void *origin, IpcIo *req, IpcIo *reply)
        DemoFeatureApi *api = (DemoFeatureApi *)iProxy;
        BOOL ret;
        size_t len = 0;
        switch (funcId) {
            case ID_ASYNCALL:
                ret = api->AsyncCall((IUnknown *)iProxy, (char *)IpcIoPopString(req, &len));
                IpcIoPushBool(reply, ret);
            case ID_ASYNTIMECALL:
                ret = api->AsyncTimeCall((IUnknown *)iProxy);
                IpcIoPushBool(reply, ret);
            case ID_SYNCCALL: {
                struct Payload payload;
                payload.id = IpcIoPopInt32(req);
                payload.value = IpcIoPopInt32(req);
                payload.name = (char *)IpcIoPopString(req, &len);
                ret = api->SyncCall((IUnknown *)iProxy, &payload);
                IpcIoPushString(reply, ret ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
            case ID_ASYNCCALLBACK: { // convert to sync proxy
                IpcIoPushString(reply, "Yes, you did!");
                IpcIoPushBool(reply, TRUE);
                IpcIoPushBool(reply, FALSE);
        return EC_SUCCESS;
  • Register the API. This step is same as the API registration for intra-process communication.

    SAMGR_GetInstance()->RegisterFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, GET_IUNKNOWN(g_example));

Invoking a Service in Another Process

  • Obtain the external API of the service in another process.

    IClientProxy *demoApi = NULL;
    IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE);
    if (iUnknown == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, CLIENT_PROXY_VER, (void **)&demoApi);
    if (result != 0 || demoApi == NULL) {
        return NULL;
  • Invoke the API for sending IPC messages.

    IpcIo request;char data[250];
    IpcIoInit(&request, data, sizeof(data), 0);
    demoApi->Invoke(demoApi, 0, &request, NULL, NULL);
  • Release the API.

    int32 ref = demoApi->Release((IUnknown *)demoApi);

Developing a Client Proxy for Inter-Process Service Invocation

  • Define a client proxy for the IPC API.

    typedef struct DemoClientProxy {
        BOOL (*AsyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff);
        BOOL (*AsyncTimeCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown);
        BOOL (*SyncCall)(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload);
        BOOL (*AsyncCallBack)(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, IOwner notify, INotifyFunc handler);
    } DemoClientProxy;
    typedef struct DemoClientEntry {
    } DemoClientEntry;
  • Enable the client proxy to encapsulate the IPC message API.

    static BOOL AsyncCall(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff)
        DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown;
        IpcIo request;
        char data[MAX_DATA_LEN];
        IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0);
        IpcIoPushString(&request, buff);
        int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_ASYNCALL, &request, NULL, NULL);
        return ret == EC_SUCCESS;
    static BOOL AsyncTimeCall(IUnknown *iUnknown)
        DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown;
        IpcIo request;
        char data[MAX_DATA_LEN];
        IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0);
        int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_ASYNTIMECALL, &request, NULL, NULL);
        return ret == EC_SUCCESS;
    static int Callback(IOwner owner, int code, IpcIo *reply)
        size_t len = 0;
        return strcpy_s(owner, MAX_DATA_LEN, (char *)IpcIoPopString(reply, &len));
    static BOOL SyncCall(IUnknown *iUnknown, struct Payload *payload)
        DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown;
        IpcIo request;
        char data[MAX_DATA_LEN];
        IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0);
        IpcIoPushInt32(&request, payload->id);
        IpcIoPushInt32(&request, payload->value);
        IpcIoPushString(&request, payload->name);
        int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_SYNCCALL, &request, data, Callback);
        data[MAX_DATA_LEN - 1] = 0;
        HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_APP, "[TID:0x%lx]Remote response is %s!", pthread_self(), data);
        return ret == EC_SUCCESS;
    struct CurrentNotify {
        IOwner notify;
        INotifyFunc handler;
    static int CurrentCallback(IOwner owner, int code, IpcIo *reply)
        struct CurrentNotify *notify = (struct CurrentNotify *)owner;
        size_t len = 0;
        char *response = (char *)IpcIoPopString(reply, &len);
        HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_APP, "[TID:0x%lx]Notify Remote response is %s!", pthread_self(), response);
        notify->handler(notify->notify, response);
        return EC_SUCCESS;
    static BOOL AsyncCallBack(IUnknown *iUnknown, const char *buff, IOwner notify, INotifyFunc handler)
        struct CurrentNotify owner = {notify, handler};
        DemoClientProxy *proxy = (DemoClientProxy *)iUnknown;
        IpcIo request;
        char data[MAX_DATA_LEN];
        IpcIoInit(&request, data, MAX_DATA_LEN, 0);
        IpcIoPushString(&request, buff);
        int ret = proxy->Invoke((IClientProxy *)proxy, ID_ASYNCCALLBACK, &request, &owner, CurrentCallback);
        return ret == EC_SUCCESS;
  • Implement the factory method for creating the client proxy.

    void *DEMO_CreatClient(const char *service, const char *feature, uint32 size)
        uint32 len = size + sizeof(DemoClientEntry);
        uint8 *client = malloc(len);
        (void)memset_s(client, len, 0, len);
        DemoClientEntry *entry = (DemoClientEntry *)&client[size];
        entry->ver = ((uint16)CLIENT_PROXY_VER | (uint16)DEFAULT_VERSION);
        entry->ref = 1;
        entry->iUnknown.QueryInterface = IUNKNOWN_QueryInterface;
        entry->iUnknown.AddRef = IUNKNOWN_AddRef;
        entry->iUnknown.Release = IUNKNOWN_Release;
        entry->iUnknown.Invoke = NULL;
        entry->iUnknown.AsyncCall = AsyncCall;
        entry->iUnknown.AsyncTimeCall = AsyncTimeCall;
        entry->iUnknown.SyncCall = SyncCall;
        entry->iUnknown.AsyncCallBack = AsyncCallBack;
        return client;
    void DEMO_DestroyClient(const char *service, const char *feature, void *iproxy)
  • Register the factory method of the client proxy with Samgr.

    SAMGR_RegisterFactory(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE, DEMO_CreatClient, DEMO_DestroyClient);
  • Obtain the external API of the service in another process.

    DemoClientProxy *demoApi = NULL;
    IUnknown *iUnknown = SAMGR_GetInstance()->GetFeatureApi(EXAMPLE_SERVICE, EXAMPLE_FEATURE);
    if (iUnknown == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    int result = iUnknown->QueryInterface(iUnknown, DEFAULT_VERSION, (void **)&demoApi);
    if (result != 0 || demoApi == NULL) {
        return NULL;
  • Invoke the client proxy API of the service in another process.

    if (demoApi->AsyncCallBack == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    demoApi->AsyncCallBack((IUnknown *)demoApi,
                           "I wanna async call callback good result!", NULL, AsyncHandler);
  • Release the API.

    int32 ref = demoApi->Release((IUnknown *)demoApi);

Repositories Involved

Distributed Scheduler subsystem


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. Definitions. "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright owner that is granting the License. "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising permissions granted by this License. "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and configuration files. "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix below). "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. 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System manager service framework | 系统能力管理框架 expand collapse


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