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justlive1 提交于 2018-10-12 11:27 . readme增加web说明


light framework


a light framework base on Java


  • aop base on cglib
  • provide cache manager
  • config manager, support ${attrs.key:defaultValue}
  • crypto
  • exception manager, i18n friendly
  • ioc
  • scheduled job
├─ src/main
  │─ java/.../core  //oxygen-core 
  │  │- aop //aop module
  │  │- cache //cache module
  │  │- config  //config module
  │  │- constant  //constant
  │  │- convert  //type convert module
  │  │- crypto  //crypto module
  │  │- domain  //domain module
  │  │- exception  //exception module
  │  │- io  //io module
  │  │- ioc  //ioc module
  │  │- job  //scheduled job module
  │  │- scan  //class scan module
  │  │- util  //util module
  │  │- Bootstrap.java  //the class to start framework
  │  └─ Plugin.java   //the interface of plugin
  └─ resources/META-INF/services
     └─ ...core.Plugin  //Plugin service configuration file


  • simple only base on jdk
  • support multi-datasource
  • base on sql (sql is the DSL of database. It is very natural and elegant. Less is more)
├─ src/main
  │─ java/.../jdbc  //oxygen-jdbc
  │  │- config  //datasource config 
  │  │- handler  //data handler
  │  │- interceptor  //jdbc execute interceptor
  │  │- Jdbc.java  //the class used to operate database
  │  │- JdbcException.java  //jdbc excption
  │  └─ JdbcPlugin.java   //jdbc plugin
  └─ resources/META-INF/services
     │- ...handler.ColumnHandler //columnHandler service configuration file
     └─ ...core.Plugin  //add jdbcPlugin


  • useServletContainerInitializer to auto startup
  • no require the file web.xml
  • use @Router to mark a router class
  • use @Mapping to mark a request handler method
  • use @Param,@HeaderParam,@CookieParam,@PathParam to mark the parameter where to fetch, @Param is default
  • supported simple types , Map<String,Object> and object class user defined
  • supported return json , view and anything handled by yourself
├─ src/main
  │─ java/.../web 
  │  │- handler // parameter hander
  │  │- http // http parse
  │  │- mapping  // url mapping and paratemer mapping
  │  │- router  // an example
  │  │- view  // view resolver
  │  │- DefaultWebAppInitializer.java  // default web app initializer 
  │  │- DispatcherServlet.java  // dispathcer
  │  │- WebAppInitializer.java  // interface of web app initializer
  │  │- WebContainerInitializer.java  // support of web container initializer
  │  └─ WebPlugin.java  // web plugin
  └─ resources/META-INF/services
      │- ...ServletContainerIntializer // servlet3.0
      │- ...core.Plugin  // add web plugin
      │- ...ParamHandler // add paramhander services
      │- ...RequestParse // add request parser services 
      └─ ...ViewResolver // add view resolver services


  • light and simple to use
  • user ServiceLoader to load plugins and easy to extend


Add dependencies to your pom.xml:

<!-- core, include ioc, aop, config manager, crypto encoder, exceptions, scheduled job, cache and so on-->

<!-- jdbc, can be used alone -->

<!-- web -->

Quick start

Common Response

we use Resp as response

// success response with code 00000
Resp.success(Object obj);

// error response with default code 99999
Resp.error(String msg);

// error response with custom code
Resp.error(String code, String msg);


we use Exceptions to throw a runtime exception

// create instance of ErrorCode
ErrorCode err = Exceptions.errorCode(String module, String code);
ErrorCode err = Exceptions.errorMessage(String module, String code, String message);

// throw an unchecked exception wrapped
throw Exceptions.wrap(Throwable e);
throw Exceptions.wrap(Throwable e, String code, String message);
throw Exceptions.wrap(Throwable e, ErrorCode errorCode, Object... arguments);

// throw a business exception with none stack trace
throw Exceptions.fail(ErrorCode errCode, Object... params);
throw Exceptions.fail(String code, String message, Object... params);

// throw a fault with stack trace
throw Exceptions.fault(ErrorCode errCode, Object... params);
throw Exceptions.fault(String code, String message, Object... params);
throw Exceptions.fault(Throwable e, ErrorCode errCode, Object... params);
throw Exceptions.fault(Throwable e, String code, String message, Object... params)


you can use IOC container with annotation

// add scan packages property in config file

// use @Configuration and @Bean
public class Conf {
  Inter noDepBean() {
    return new NoDepBean();

// use @Bean and @Inject
public class DepBean implements Inter {

  private final NoDepBean noDepBean;

  public DepBean(NoDepBean noDepBean) {
    this.noDepBean = noDepBean;

// get bean at runtime
Inter inter = BeanStore.getBean("depBean", Inter.class);


we can use aop with annotations

// define aop method
@Before(annotation = Log.class)
public void log(Invocation invocation) {

// target method
public void print() {

Scheduled Job

@Scheduled that marks a method to be scheduled.

Exactly one of the onApplicationStart(), cron(), fixedDelay(), or fixedRate() attributes must be specified.

// Creates and executes a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, 
// and subsequently with the given delay between the termination of one execution and the commencement of the next.
@Scheduled(fixedDelay = "500")
public void run1() {

// Creates and executes a periodic action that becomes enabled first after the given initial delay, 
// and subsequently with the given period
@Scheduled(fixedRate = "600")
public void run2() {

// Schedule the specified cron task and run in async mode when application started 
@Scheduled(cron = "0/5 * * * * ?", onApplicationStart = true, async = true)
public void run3() {


There are two ways to use the cache

  • JCache.cache() Get the cache and then call the api
  • @Cacheable Use annotation to add cache on method
// use cache api 
Cache cache = JCache.cache(cacheName);
T value = cache.get(key, clazz);
cache.set(key, value, duration, timeUnit);

// use annotation
public Object method() {

@Cacheable(key = "args[0]", duration = 10, timeUnit = TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public Object method(Object arg0, Object arg1) {



  • multi-datasource
  • crud using Jdbc
  • handler ResultSet by yourself using ResultHandler<T>
  • start and close transaction
// use it alone
// add primary datasource
Jdbc.addPrimaryDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
// add mutli datasource
Jdbc.addDataSource(String name, DataSource dataSource)

// crud
T Jdbc.query(String sql, Class<T> clazz, Object... params)
List<T> Jdbc.queryForList(String sql, Class<T> clazz, Object... params)
Map<String, Object> Jdbc.queryForMap(String sql, Object... params)
List<Map<String, Object>> Jdbc.queryForMapList(String sql, Object... params)
// you can handler resultset by yourself
T Jdbc.query(String sql, ResultSetHandler<T> handler, Object... params)

int Jdbc.update(String sql, Object... params)

// start primary datasource transaction
// start named datasource transaction
Jdbc.startTx(String dataSourceName)

// close primary datasource transaction
// close named datasource transaction
Jdbc.closeTx(String dataSourceName)

// use oxygen-core, only need to write configuration file
// multi datasource names
// primary datasource

// datasource named by a

handler column yourself

  • implement ColumnHandler
  • add META-INF/services/vip.justlive.oxygen.jdbc.handler.ColumnHandler file and add the class name
public class MyColumnHandler implements ColumnHandler {

  public boolean supported(Class<?> type) {

  public Object fetch(ResultSet rs, int index) throws SQLException {

// add or update META-INF/services/vip.justlive.oxygen.jdbc.handler.ColumnHandler file and add class name

add jdbc interceptor

  • implement JdbcInterceptor
  • add interceptor using Jdbc.addJdbcInterceptor
// embed print sql interceptor
public class LogSqlJdbcInterceptor implements JdbcInterceptor {

  public void before(String sql, List<Object> params) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("execute sql: {} -> params: {}", sql, params);

// add interceptor
Jdbc.addJdbcInterceptor(JdbcInterceptor interceptor)



  • use @Router @Mapping @Param... to mark router class, request handle method and parameter
  • use View to render or redirect views,return json when the return type is not void or View
  • use Request.current(),Response.current() to get request or response in one thread
// use @Router
public class CommonRouter {

  // mark request path and request method, default is all
  @Mapping(value = "/localDate",method = HttpMethod.GET)
  public Resp localDate() {
    return Resp.success(

  // view render
  public View index() {
    View view = new View();
    return view;
  // view redirect
  public View index() {
    View view = new View();
    return view;
  // handle by yourself, the example is download
  public void download(HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
    resp.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=xx.txt");
    Files.copy(new File("xxx.txt"), resp.getOutputStream());

// get Request Response

add your ViewResolver

  • implementViewResolver
  • useServiceLoader or WebPlugin.addViewResolver to add
// an example in system
public class DefaultViewResolver implements ViewResolver {

  public boolean supported(Object data) {
    // redirect
    if (data != null && data.getClass() == View.class && ((View) data).isRedirect()) {
      return true;
    // null or not view, return json
    return data == null || data.getClass() != View.class;

  public void resolveView(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object data) {
    try {
      if (data != null && data.getClass() == View.class) {
        View view = (View) data;
        String redirectUrl = view.getPath();
        if (!redirectUrl.startsWith(Constants.HTTP_PREFIX) && !redirectUrl
            .startsWith(Constants.HTTPS_PREFIX)) {
          redirectUrl = request.getContextPath() + view.getPath();
      } else {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw Exceptions.wrap(e);

add your WebAppInitializer

only need implementWebAppInitializer and the system can auto load

public class MyWebAppInitializer implements WebAppInitializer {
  public void onStartup(ServletContext context) {
  public int order() {

Contact information

E-mail: qq11419041@163.com

QQ: 1106088328

