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dict_util.go 10.01 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2016 ego authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package gse
import (
var (
// ToLower set alpha tolower
ToLower = true
const (
zhS1 = "dict/zh/s_1.txt"
zhT1 = "dict/zh/t_1.txt"
// Init init seg config
func (seg *Segmenter) Init() {
if seg.MinTokenFreq == 0 {
seg.MinTokenFreq = 2.0
if seg.TextFreq == "" {
seg.TextFreq = "2.0"
// Dictionary 返回分词器使用的词典
func (seg *Segmenter) Dictionary() *Dictionary {
return seg.Dict
// ToToken make the text, freq and pos to token structure
func (seg *Segmenter) ToToken(text string, freq float64, pos ...string) Token {
var po string
if len(pos) > 0 {
po = pos[0]
words := seg.SplitTextToWords([]byte(text))
token := Token{text: words, freq: freq, pos: po}
return token
// AddToken add new text to token
func (seg *Segmenter) AddToken(text string, freq float64, pos ...string) error {
token := seg.ToToken(text, freq, pos...)
return seg.Dict.AddToken(token)
// AddTokenForce add new text to token and force
// time-consuming
func (seg *Segmenter) AddTokenForce(text string, freq float64, pos ...string) (err error) {
err = seg.AddToken(text, freq, pos...)
// ReAddToken remove and add token again
func (seg *Segmenter) ReAddToken(text string, freq float64, pos ...string) error {
token := seg.ToToken(text, freq, pos...)
err := seg.Dict.RemoveToken(token)
if err != nil {
return err
return seg.Dict.AddToken(token)
// RemoveToken remove token in dictionary
func (seg *Segmenter) RemoveToken(text string) error {
words := seg.SplitTextToWords([]byte(text))
token := Token{text: words}
return seg.Dict.RemoveToken(token)
// Empty empty the seg dictionary
func (seg *Segmenter) Empty() error {
seg.Dict = nil
return nil
// LoadDictMap load dictionary from []map[string]string
func (seg *Segmenter) LoadDictMap(dict []map[string]string) error {
if seg.Dict == nil {
seg.Dict = NewDict()
for _, d := range dict {
// Parse the word frequency
freq := seg.Size(len(d), d["text"], d["freq"])
if freq == 0.0 {
words := seg.SplitTextToWords([]byte(d["text"]))
token := Token{text: words, freq: freq, pos: d["pos"]}
return nil
// LoadDict load the dictionary from the file
// The format of the dictionary is (one for each participle):
// participle text, frequency, part of speech
// Can load multiple dictionary files, the file name separated by "," or ", "
// the front of the dictionary preferentially load the participle,
// such as: "user_dictionary.txt,common_dictionary.txt"
// When a participle appears both in the user dictionary and
// in the `common dictionary`, the `user dictionary` is given priority.
// 从文件中载入词典
// 可以载入多个词典文件,文件名用 "," 或 ", " 分隔,排在前面的词典优先载入分词,比如:
// "用户词典.txt,通用词典.txt"
// 当一个分词既出现在用户词典也出现在 `通用词典` 中,则优先使用 `用户词典`。
// 词典的格式为(每个分词一行):
// 分词文本 频率 词性
func (seg *Segmenter) LoadDict(files ...string) error {
if !seg.Load {
seg.Dict = NewDict()
seg.Load = true
var (
dictDir = path.Join(path.Dir(GetCurrentFilePath()), "data")
dictPath string
// load bool
if len(files) > 0 {
dictFiles := DictPaths(dictDir, files[0])
if !seg.SkipLog {
log.Println("Dict files path: ", dictFiles)
if len(dictFiles) == 0 {
log.Println("Warning: dict files is nil.")
// return errors.New("Dict files is nil.")
if len(dictFiles) > 0 {
// load = true
// files = dictFiles
for i := 0; i < len(dictFiles); i++ {
err := seg.Read(dictFiles[i])
if err != nil {
return err
if len(files) == 0 {
dictPath = path.Join(dictDir, zhS1)
path1 := path.Join(dictDir, zhT1)
// files = []string{dictPath}
err := seg.Read(dictPath)
if err != nil {
return err
err = seg.Read(path1)
if err != nil {
return err
// if files[0] != "" && files[0] != "en" && !load {
// for _, file := range strings.Split(files[0], ",") {
// // for _, file := range files {
// err := seg.Read(file)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// }
// }
if !seg.SkipLog {
log.Println("Gse dictionary loaded finished.")
return nil
// GetCurrentFilePath get current file path
func GetCurrentFilePath() string {
_, filePath, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
return filePath
// GetIdfPath get the idf path
func GetIdfPath(files ...string) []string {
var (
dictDir = path.Join(path.Dir(GetCurrentFilePath()), "data")
dictPath = path.Join(dictDir, "dict/zh/idf.txt")
files = append(files, dictPath)
return files
// Read read the dict flie
func (seg *Segmenter) Read(file string) error {
if !seg.SkipLog {
log.Printf("Load the gse dictionary: \"%s\" ", file)
dictFile, err := os.Open(file)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Could not load dictionaries: \"%s\", %v \n", file, err)
return err
defer dictFile.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(dictFile)
return seg.Reader(reader, file)
// Size frequency is calculated based on the size of the text
func (seg *Segmenter) Size(size int, text, freqText string) (freq float64) {
if size == 0 {
// 文件结束或错误行
// continue
if size < 2 {
if !seg.LoadNoFreq {
// 无效行
freqText = seg.TextFreq
// 解析词频
var err error
freq, err = strconv.ParseFloat(freqText, 64)
if err != nil {
// continue
// 过滤频率太小的词
if freq < seg.MinTokenFreq {
return 0.0
// 过滤长度为1的词, 降低词频
if len([]rune(text)) < 2 {
freq = 2
// Reader load dictionary from io.Reader
func (seg *Segmenter) Reader(reader io.Reader, files ...string) error {
var (
file string
text, freqText string
freq float64
pos string
if len(files) > 0 {
file = files[0]
// 逐行读入分词
line := 0
for {
size, fsErr := fmt.Fscanln(reader, &text, &freqText, &pos)
if fsErr != nil {
if fsErr == io.EOF {
// End of file
if size > 0 {
if seg.MoreLog {
log.Printf("File '%v' line \"%v\" read error: %v, skip",
file, line, fsErr.Error())
} else {
log.Printf("File '%v' line \"%v\" is empty, read error: %v, skip",
file, line, fsErr.Error())
freq = seg.Size(size, text, freqText)
if freq == 0.0 {
if size == 2 {
// 没有词性, 标注为空字符串
pos = ""
// 将分词添加到字典中
words := seg.SplitTextToWords([]byte(text))
token := Token{text: words, freq: freq, pos: pos}
return nil
// DictPaths get the dict's paths
func DictPaths(dictDir, filePath string) (files []string) {
var dictPath string
if filePath == "en" {
var fileName []string
if strings.Contains(filePath, ", ") {
fileName = strings.Split(filePath, ", ")
} else {
fileName = strings.Split(filePath, ",")
for i := 0; i < len(fileName); i++ {
if fileName[i] == "jp" {
dictPath = path.Join(dictDir, "dict/jp/dict.txt")
if fileName[i] == "zh" {
dictPath = path.Join(dictDir, zhS1)
path1 := path.Join(dictDir, zhT1)
files = append(files, path1)
if fileName[i] == "zh_s" {
dictPath = path.Join(dictDir, zhS1)
if fileName[i] == "zh_t" {
dictPath = path.Join(dictDir, zhT1)
// if str[i] == "ti" {
// }
dictName := fileName[i] != "en" &&
fileName[i] != "zh" &&
fileName[i] != "zh_s" && fileName[i] != "zh_t" &&
fileName[i] != "jp" && fileName[i] != "ti"
if dictName {
dictPath = fileName[i]
if dictPath != "" && dictPath != " " {
files = append(files, dictPath)
// }
// IsJp is Japan char return true
func IsJp(segText string) bool {
for _, r := range segText {
jp := unicode.Is(unicode.Scripts["Hiragana"], r) ||
unicode.Is(unicode.Scripts["Katakana"], r)
if jp {
return true
return false
// CalcToken calc the segmenter token
func (seg *Segmenter) CalcToken() {
// 计算每个分词的路径值,路径值含义见 Token 结构体的注释
logTotalFreq := float32(math.Log2(seg.Dict.totalFreq))
for i := range seg.Dict.Tokens {
token := &seg.Dict.Tokens[i]
token.distance = logTotalFreq - float32(math.Log2(token.freq))
// 对每个分词进行细致划分,用于搜索引擎模式,
// 该模式用法见 Token 结构体的注释。
for i := range seg.Dict.Tokens {
token := &seg.Dict.Tokens[i]
segments := seg.segmentWords(token.text, true)
// 计算需要添加的子分词数目
numTokensToAdd := 0
for iToken := 0; iToken < len(segments); iToken++ {
if len(segments[iToken].token.text) > 0 {
hasJp := false
if len(segments[iToken].token.text) == 1 {
segText := string(segments[iToken].token.text[0])
hasJp = IsJp(segText)
if !hasJp {
token.segments = make([]*Segment, numTokensToAdd)
// 添加子分词
iSegmentsToAdd := 0
for iToken := 0; iToken < len(segments); iToken++ {
if len(segments[iToken].token.text) > 0 {
hasJp := false
if len(segments[iToken].token.text) == 1 {
segText := string(segments[iToken].token.text[0])
hasJp = IsJp(segText)
if !hasJp {
token.segments[iSegmentsToAdd] = &segments[iToken]
