

xBlackSwan 暂无简介

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    xBlackSwan / rinetd forked from Gitee 极速下载 / rinetd

    Linux 和 Windows 下简单好用的工具 rinetd,实现端口映射/转发/重定向

    xBlackSwan / hge forked from Gitee 极速下载 / hge

    HGE是一个完全免费的,并且开源的2D游戏引擎,底层采用Direct3D HGE 的架构:

    xBlackSwan / bitcoin

    Bitcoin Core integration/staging tree

    xBlackSwan / mimikatz

    A little tool to play with Windows security

    xBlackSwan / pycdc

    C++ python bytecode disassembler and decompiler

    xBlackSwan / xsocks

    Reliable , light-weight reverse socks5 server for windows&linux.

    xBlackSwan / AlphaGo

    A replication of DeepMind's 2016 Nature publication, "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search," details of which can be found on their website.

    xBlackSwan / LomCN-Mir3-Server

    Create a LomCN Mir3 Server

    xBlackSwan / s5relay

    一套支持端口转发的多线程内网渗透工具,分析RFC 1928协议编写Socks5转发程序,改进网络著名开源程序HTran、lcx,并将它们进行有机整合。
