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云落 / clean option

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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
cleanoptions.php 52.43 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
云落 提交于 2015-02-26 14:12 . add
Plugin Name: 数据清理大师(逗比版)
Plugin URI: http://www.mittineague.com/dev/co.php
Description: 彻底清理数据库冗余数据的插件
Version: 9.3.2
Author: Mittineague
Author URI: http://www.mittineague.com
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) )
define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' );
if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) )
define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins' );
if ( ! defined( 'PLUGINDIR' ) )
define( 'PLUGINDIR', 'wp-content/plugins' );
function mitt_co_add_settings_link($links, $file)
if ( $file == plugin_basename(__FILE__) )
$co_settings_link = "<a href='tools.php?page=cleanoptions.php'>" . __('开始清理', 'cleanoptions') . "</a>";
array_unshift( $links, $co_settings_link ); // before Deactivate | Edit
return $links;
function mitt_co_admin_init()
$co_plugin_dir = dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__));
add_filter('plugin_action_links', 'mitt_co_add_settings_link', null, 2);
function mitt_co_css()
<style type="text/css">
.mitt_co_submit {
margin: 0.7em 0;
clear: left;
fieldset#mod_mem {
margin: 0.5em 0;
#mitt_co_table {
border: 1px solid #000;
margin-bottom: 0.7em;
#mitt_co_table th {
border-bottom: 1px solid #777;
#mitt_co_table td {
padding: .1em;
border-right: 1px solid #bbb;
border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb;
span.co_found_core {
font-size: 0.8em;
white-space: pre;
span.co_google_link {
white-space: pre;
div.mitt_co_errors {
border: 2px solid #f00;
margin: 0.7em 0;
padding: 1em;
div.mitt_co_errors strong {
color: #f00;
div.mitt_co_errors dt, div#mitt_co_msg dt {
font: bold 105% monospace;
color: #046;
div#mitt_co p.wpdberror {
border: 2px solid #f00;
padding: 1em;
div#mitt_co p.wpdberror strong {
color: #f00;
margin: 0.2em 0.7em 0.2em 0;
ul#mitt_co_help {
list-style-type: disc;
list-style-position: inside;
ul#mitt_co_help li ul li {
list-style-type: none;
margin-left: 2em;
span.mitt_co_ps {
border: 1px inset #000;
margin-left: 0.7em;
padding: 0 1em 0.2em 1em;
background-color: #fff;
span#mitt_co_pss {
font-size: 1.25em;
font-weight: bold;
div#mitt_co_searchbar {
float: right;
margin-top: 0.7em;
border: 1px solid #777;
div#mitt_co_searchbar input#mitt_co_psi {
margin: 0.5em -0.4em 0.5em 0.5em;
width: 25em;
div#mitt_co_searchbar input.mitt_co_submit {
margin: 0 0.5em 0.6em -0.4em;
#mitt_co_hrsep {
visibility: hidden;
clear: right;
function mitt_get_opt_tbl_len($show = true)
global $wpdb;
if($show == true)
$get_tbl_len = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(option_id) FROM $wpdb->options");
$get_tbl_len = ( $get_tbl_len ) ? $get_tbl_len : 0;
return (int) $get_tbl_len;
function mitt_add_co_page()
global $cononce;
$opt_tbl_len = mitt_get_opt_tbl_len(false);
if ( function_exists('add_management_page') )
$mitt_co_mp = add_management_page('数据清理大师', '数据清理大师 (' . $opt_tbl_len . ')', 'manage_options', basename(__FILE__), 'mitt_co_page');
add_action("admin_head-$mitt_co_mp", 'mitt_co_css');
$cononce = md5('cleanoptions');
function mitt_co_page()
global $cononce, $co_err_obj, $as_warn_flag, $db_err_flag, $en_warn_flag , $fs_err_flag, $cur_wp_ver, $content_dir_name, $plugins_dir_name, $bye_rss, $rss_gone, $search_paths;
$as_warn_flag = $db_err_flag = $en_warn_flag = $fs_err_flag = false;
if ( function_exists('current_user_can') && !current_user_can('manage_options') ) die;
/* run Bug Fix in case user did an older version's 'delete all' */
if ( !get_option('rss_excerpt_length') ) add_option('rss_excerpt_length', 50);
if ( !get_option('rss_use_excerpt') ) add_option('rss_use_excerpt', 0);
if ( !get_option('rss_language') ) add_option('rss_language', 'en');
/* "delete all" constants */
if ( ! defined( 'CO_MIN_BEFORE_SHOW' ) )
define( 'CO_MIN_BEFORE_SHOW', 500 ); // arbitrary threshold - 500
if ( ! defined( 'CO_KEEP_NEWER' ) )
define( 'CO_KEEP_NEWER', 100 ); // arbitrary offset - 100
/* "Large Table" constant */
if ( ! defined( 'CO_BATCH_SIZE' ) )
define( 'CO_BATCH_SIZE', 350 ); // arbitrary size - 350, even # only
$co_mem_lim = ini_get('memory_limit');
function co_return_bytes($val)
$val = trim($val);
$val = ( strlen($val) > 0 ) ? $val : ' ';
$last = strtolower( $val { strlen($val)-1 } );
case 'g':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
$val *= 1024;
$val = 0;
return $val;
$mem_lim_as_bytes = co_return_bytes($co_mem_lim);
$opt_tbl_len = mitt_get_opt_tbl_len(false);
if ( ($opt_tbl_len > CO_BATCH_SIZE)
&& ($mem_lim_as_bytes < 67108864)
&& !ini_get('safe_mode') )
ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
if ( ($opt_tbl_len > CO_BATCH_SIZE)
&& !ini_get('safe_mode') )
$co_time_lim = ini_get('max_execution_time');
if ( $co_time_lim < 60 )
$cur_wp_ver = get_bloginfo('version');
$cur_wp_ver = substr( $cur_wp_ver, 0, 3 );
$bye_rss = ($cur_wp_ver >= 2.8) ? true : false;
$rss_gone = ($cur_wp_ver >= 2.9) ? true : false;
$del_all_warning = '';
$lf_select_msg = '';
$common_form_message = '<p>' . __('这个插件是用来干嘛的呢,这样比喻吧,电脑软件卸载之后会有很多注册表保留,C盘还有会有残留文件,我们需要用软件清理残留数据,这款插件就和系统清理软件一样,清理主题和插件的数据库残余数据。另外他是治疗插件或者主题异常的良方,你应该是卸载插件或者主题,然后就能清理这些插件和主题的残余数据。 ————云落留', 'cleanoptions') . '</p>';
if ($rss_gone != true )
$del_all_warning = '<p>' . __('Most likely there are an extreme number of "rss_hash" rows in the wp_options table.', 'cleanoptions') . '</p>
<p><strong>!' . __('WARNING', 'cleanoptions') . '!</strong> ' . sprintf(__('To avoid excessive memory use, using "%s" does not attempt to list all of the "rss_hash" options, nor will you be able to review the contents.', 'cleanoptions'), __('Delete ALL \'rss\' Options', 'cleanoptions') ) . '<br />';
$del_all_warning .= sprintf(__('"%s" attempts to provide some measure against the deletion of current "rss_hash" options by not deleting any "rss_hash" rows with an option_id newer than (the last row id - %d ). Because plugins and themes also add rows to the wp_options table, depending on your recent installation history, this may remove <strong>ALL</strong> of the "rss_hash" options, both older AND <strong>CURRENT</strong> ones, no questions asked.', 'cleanoptions'), __('Delete ALL \'rss\' Options', 'cleanoptions'), CO_KEEP_NEWER) . '<br />';
$del_all_warning .= sprintf(__('Although removing current "rss_hash" rows should not "break" your WordPress blog (they should be entered again next time the feed is cached), please <strong>BACKUP</strong> your database <strong>BEFORE</strong> doing this.<br />After using "%1$s", you should "%2$s" to clean the wp_options table further.', 'cleanoptions'), __('Delete ALL \'rss\' Options', 'cleanoptions'), __('Find Orphaned Options', 'cleanoptions') ). '</p>';
$del_all_warning .= '<p>' . __('It is <strong>highly recommended</strong> that you Limit the "Find" to only a selected number of the most recent "rss_hash" options Instead and repeat the process until the number becomes manageable.', 'cleanoptions') . '</p>';
$lf_select_msg = '<p>' . __('The lower the number of "rss_hash" option pairs you "Find", the less likely it is that you will experience problems with memory during the "Find". However, depending on the number of feed rows that are current, the "Find" may not include any older ones that can be deleted.<br />The higher the number of "rss_hash" pairs you "Find", the more likely it is that older ones that can be deleted will be included. But there is a greater chance of having memory problems during the "Find".<br />It is suggested that you start off with a lower "Find", and increase the number gradually, if you wish to, on subsequent "Finds". If you get a memory error, use a lower number.<br />Again said, it is recommended that you scan the results on the review page of anything you select prior to it\'s deletion, to ensure that you really want to remove it.', 'cleanoptions') . '</p>';
$lf_lmu = __('Low Memory usage', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_mmu = __('Moderate Memory usage', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_hmu = __('High Memory usage', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_find = __('Find', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_10pairs = __('10 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_25pairs = __('25 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_50pairs = __('50 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_75pairs = __('75 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_100pairs = __('100 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_125pairs = __('125 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_150pairs = __('150 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_175pairs = __('175 pairs', 'cleanoptions');
$lf_select = <<<EOLS
<fieldset id='low_mem'>
<span>&nbsp;$lf_find: </span>
<input id='lf_20' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='20' />
<label id='l_20' for='lf_20'>$lf_10pairs</label>
<input id='lf_50' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='50' checked='checked' />
<label id='l_50' for='lf_50'>$lf_25pairs</label>
<fieldset id='mod_mem'>
<span>&nbsp;$lf_find: </span>
<input id='lf_100' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='100' />
<label id='l_100' for='lf_100'>$lf_50pairs</label>
<input id='lf_150' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='150' />
<label id='l_150' for='lf_150'>$lf_75pairs</label>
<input id='lf_200' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='200' />
<label id='l_200' for='lf_200'>$lf_100pairs</label>
<fieldset id='high_mem'>
<span>&nbsp;$lf_find: </span>
<input id='lf_250' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='250' />
<label id='l_250' for='lf_250'>$lf_125pairs</label>
<input id='lf_300' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='300' />
<label id='l_300' for='lf_300'>$lf_150pairs</label>
<input id='lf_350' name='limit_query' type='radio' value='350' />
<label id='l_350' for='lf_350'>$lf_175pairs</label>
<br />
$sc_select = "<input name='hide_known_core' id='hide_known_core' type='checkbox' value='1' checked='checked' />
&nbsp;<label for='hide_known_core'>" . __('不查看不清除WordPress核心数据表单,把我的勾选去掉你就完了(¬_¬)', 'cleanoptions') . "</label><br />";
$sh_select = "<input name='hide_as_warn' id='hide_as_warn' type='checkbox' value='1' />
&nbsp;<label for='hide_as_warn'>" . __('别管我是啥!!!!别选我就是了!!!', 'cleanoptions') . "</label><br />";
/* determine location paths */
$wad = getcwd();
$content_under_blog_root = ( str_replace(ABSPATH, '', WP_CONTENT_DIR) == 'wp-content' ) ? true : false;
$plugins_under_content = ( str_replace(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/', '', WP_PLUGIN_DIR) == 'plugins' ) ? true : false;
$plugins_under_blog_root = ( str_replace(ABSPATH . '/', '', WP_PLUGIN_DIR) == 'plugins' ) ? true : false;
$back_out_of_admin = '..'; // default, blog under top level doc root
if ( $sdr . '/' != ABSPATH )
$back_out_of_admin = '';
$admin_depth = count( explode('/', str_replace($sdr . '/', '', $wad) ) );
for ($h = 0; $h < $admin_depth; $h++)
$back_out_of_admin .= '../';
$content_search = $plugins_search = '..';
$content_dir_name = 'wp-content'; // default
$plugins_dir_name = 'plugins'; // default
if ( ! $content_under_blog_root )
$content_path = str_replace($sdr . '/', '', WP_CONTENT_DIR);
$content_dir_name = end( explode('/', $content_path) );
$content_separator = ($back_out_of_admin == '..') ? '/' : '';
$content_search = $back_out_of_admin . $content_separator . $content_path;
if ( (! $plugins_under_content) && (! $plugins_under_blog_root) )
$plugins_path = str_replace($sdr . '/', '', WP_PLUGIN_DIR);
$plugins_dir_name = end( explode('/', $plugins_path) );
$plugins_separator = ($back_out_of_admin == '..') ? '/' : '';
$plugins_search = $back_out_of_admin . $plugins_separator . $plugins_path;
$search_paths = array('..', $content_search, $plugins_search);
$search_paths = array_unique($search_paths);
/* deal with errors */
function add_wp_error($code, $message)
global $co_err_obj;
if ( !is_object($co_err_obj) )
$co_err_obj = new WP_Error();
if ( is_object ($co_err_obj) )
$co_err_obj->add($code, $message);
echo '<div class="mitt_co_errors"><strong>' . __('WARNING', 'cleanoptions') . ' !!</strong><br />';
echo $code . ': ' . $message . '</div>';
function check_for_wp_errors()
global $co_err_obj;
if ( !empty($co_err_obj) )
echo '<div class="mitt_co_errors">';
echo "<strong>" . __('WARNING', 'cleanoptions') . " !!</strong><dl>";
foreach ($co_err_obj->get_error_codes() as $err_code)
echo '<dt>' . $err_code . '</dt>';
foreach ($co_err_obj->get_error_messages($err_code) as $err_msg)
echo '<dd>' . $err_msg . '</dd>';
echo '</dl></div>';
/* search folders */
function mitt_co_searchdir($dir)
global $fs_err_flag, $content_dir_name, $plugins_dir_name;
$file_list = array();
$stack[] = $dir;
while ($stack)
$current_dir = array_pop($stack);
if ( ($current_dir == '..')
|| ( substr($current_dir, 0, 6) == '../wp-')
|| ( strpos($current_dir, $content_dir_name) !== false)
|| ( strpos($current_dir, $plugins_dir_name) !== false) )
if ( $dh = opendir($current_dir) )
while ( ($file = readdir($dh)) !== false )
if ( ($file !== '.') && ($file !== '..') )
$current_file = "{$current_dir}/{$file}";
$get_ext = pathinfo($current_file);
if ( is_file($current_file) && isset($get_ext['extension']) && ($get_ext['extension'] == 'php') )
$file_list[] = $current_file;
elseif ( is_dir($current_file) )
$stack[] = $current_file;
add_wp_error(__('File System Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('无法打开文件夹 %s', 'cleanoptions'), $current_dir) );
$fs_err_flag = true;
return $file_list;
/* Find Orphans Section */
if ( isset($_POST['find_orphans']) )
$co_fo_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_fo' : '_wpnonce';
check_admin_referer('clean-options-find-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_fo_name);
<div id="mitt_co" class="wrap">
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>">
$co_pro_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_pro' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-pre-remove-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_pro_name);
$out = array();
foreach($search_paths as $search_path)
$search_results = mitt_co_searchdir($search_path);
$out = array_unique( array_merge($out, $search_results) );
$pattern = "#(?:\(| |\=)(?:get|update)_(?:user_|site_)?(?:option|settings)[ ]?\([ ]?[\'\"]([-\w]+)[\'\"][ ]?\)#";
$trans_pattern = "#(?:get_transient[ ]?\([ ]?[\'\"])([\w]+)(?:[\'\"][ ]?\))#";
$alt_1_pattern = "#(?:\(| |\=)get_(?:user_)?(?:option|settings)[ ]?\([ ]?([$][->\w]+)[ ]?\)#";
$alt_2_pattern = "#(?:\(| |\=)get_(?:user_)?(?:option|settings)[ ]?\([ ]?([\'\"][-\w]+[\'\"][ ]?[\.][ ]?[-\w$]+)[ ]?\)#";
$temp_file_options_arr = array();
$ignore = array(
'cleanoptions.php', //cleanoptions
'subscribe2.php', //subscribe2 4.13
foreach ( $out as $found_file )
if ( !is_readable($found_file) )
add_wp_error(__('File System Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('Could not open file %s', 'cleanoptions'), $found_file) );
$fs_err_flag = true;
$show_alt_opt_name = 'true';
$file_data = file_get_contents($found_file);
preg_match_all($pattern, $file_data, $matches_arr);
preg_match_all($trans_pattern, $file_data, $trans_matches_arr);
$trans_opts = array();
if ( is_array($trans_matches_arr[1]) && !empty($trans_matches_arr[1]) )
foreach ( $trans_matches_arr[1] as $trans_match)
$trans_opt_name = '_transient_' . $trans_match;
$trans_opts[] = $trans_opt_name;
if ( isset($_POST['hide_as_warn']) && ($_POST['hide_as_warn'] != FALSE) ) $show_alt_opt_name = 'false';
if ( $show_alt_opt_name == 'true' )
foreach ( $ignore as $exempt )
if ( strpos($found_file, $exempt) !== FALSE ) $show_alt_opt_name = 'false';
if ( $show_alt_opt_name == 'true' )
preg_match_all($alt_1_pattern, $file_data, $alt_1_matches_arr);
preg_match_all($alt_2_pattern, $file_data, $alt_2_matches_arr);
if ( is_array($alt_1_matches_arr[1]) && !empty($alt_1_matches_arr[1]) )
foreach ( $alt_1_matches_arr[1] as $alt_syntax_match )
$alt_syntax_match = str_replace('$', '&#36;', wp_specialchars($alt_syntax_match) );
add_wp_error(__('Alternate Syntax', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__(' %1$s has an option line with %2$s', 'cleanoptions'), $found_file, $alt_syntax_match) );
$as_warn_flag = true;
if ( is_array($alt_2_matches_arr[1]) && !empty($alt_2_matches_arr[1]) )
foreach ($alt_2_matches_arr[1] as $alt_syntax_match)
$alt_syntax_match = str_replace('$', '&#36;', wp_specialchars($alt_syntax_match) );
add_wp_error(__('Alternate Syntax', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__(' %1$s has an option line with %2$s', 'cleanoptions'), $found_file, $alt_syntax_match) );
$as_warn_flag = true;
$temp_file_options_arr = array_unique ( array_merge ($temp_file_options_arr, $trans_opts) );
$temp_file_options_arr = array_unique ( array_merge ($temp_file_options_arr, $matches_arr[1]) );
/* Search Options Table for Existing option values */
/* autoload = yes block (Plugins) <2.9 */
/* all options 2.9+ */
function get_all_yes_autoload_options()
global $wpdb, $db_err_flag, $en_warn_flag, $rss_gone;
$all_yes_options = array();
if ($rss_gone == true)
$yes_query = "
SELECT option_name
, option_value
FROM $wpdb->options
$yes_query = "
SELECT option_name
, option_value
FROM $wpdb->options
WHERE autoload LIKE 'yes'
OR ( autoload NOT LIKE 'yes'
AND option_name NOT LIKE 'rss\_%' )
$yes_options = $wpdb->get_results($yes_query, ARRAY_A);
if( !is_array($yes_options) )
add_wp_error(__('Database Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('%s (the Orphaned Options query) did not return an array.', 'cleanoptions'), $yes_query) );
$db_err_flag = true;
$yes_options = array();
foreach ( $yes_options as $yes_option )
$yes_opt_val = ( !empty($yes_option['option_value']) ) ? $yes_option['option_value'] : 'EMPTY';
if ( empty($yes_option['option_name']) )
add_wp_error(__('Empty Name', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('There is an autoload yes Option with No Name with the value: %s', 'cleanoptions'), wp_specialchars($yes_opt_val) ) );
$en_warn_flag = true;
$all_yes_options[] = $yes_option['option_name'];
return apply_filters('all_options', $all_yes_options);
$temp_table_options_arr = get_all_yes_autoload_options();
echo "<h3>" . __('选择数据表单:', 'cleanoptions') . "</h3>
<p>" . __('下面列出了您的WordPress系统下所有的数据表单,通过选择可以清理出冗余的残余的数据,在这里你可能会发现曾经卸载了的插件或者主题的数据,这里的数据就犹如电脑软件卸载后的C盘残余,通过查看数据表单名字或者表单前缀来识别数据的归属,比如知名插件七牛插件的数据表单前缀是wpjam_,wp-super-cache数据残余前缀是wpsc,等等在这里希望您慢慢选择,如果您选择错误,删除了错误的数据会不会出事?没事,即便删除了后果也就是你重新设置下插件或者主题。', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>";
$orphans = array_diff($temp_table_options_arr, $temp_file_options_arr);
unset($temp_table_options_arr, $temp_file_options_arr);
$known_ok = array('active_plugins', //3.0
'admin_email', //3.0
'advanced_edit', //3.0
'blog_charset', //3.0
'blogdescription', //3.0
'blogname', //3.0
'category_base', //3.0
'comment_max_links', //3.0
'comment_moderation', //3.0
'comments_notify', //3.0
'cron', //3.0@
'date_format', //3.0
'default_category', //3.0
'default_comment_status', //3.0
'default_ping_status', //3.0
'default_pingback_flag', //3.0
'default_post_edit_rows', //3.0
'dismissed_update_core', //3.0&
'gmt_offset', //3.0
'gzipcompression', //3.0
'hack_file', //3.0
'home', //3.0
'links_recently_updated_append', //3.0
'links_recently_updated_prepend', //3.0
'links_recently_updated_time' , //3.0
'links_updated_date_format', //3.0
'mailserver_login', //3.0
'mailserver_pass', //3.0
'mailserver_port', //3.0
'mailserver_url', //3.0
'moderation_keys', //3.0
'moderation_notify', //3.0
'page_for_posts', //3.0
'page_on_front', //3.0
'permalink_structure', //3.0
'ping_sites', //3.0
'posts_per_page', //3.0
'posts_per_rss', //3.0
'require_name_email', //3.0
'rewrite_rules', //3.0!
'rss_use_excerpt', //3.0
'rss_excerpt_length', //3.0+
'show_on_front', //3.0*
'siteurl', //3.0
'start_of_week', //3.0
'time_format', //3.0
'use_balanceTags', //3.0
'use_smilies', //3.0
'use_ssl', //3.0% get_user_option
'users_can_register', //3.0
// multisite
'template', //3.0
'stylesheet', //3.0
'upload_path', //3.0
'fileupload_url', //3.0
// akismet ver 2.3.0 with WordPress ver 3.0
'wordpress_api_key', //3.0
'akismet_discard_month', //3.0
'akismet_connectivity_time', //3.0
'akismet_available_servers', //3.0
'akismet_spam_count', //3.0
'widget_akismet', //3.0
// old kubrick theme
'kubrick_header_color', //2.9
'kubrick_header_display', //2.9
'kubrick_header_image', //2.9
// get_transient()s
'_site_transient_theme_roots', //2.9.1
'_site_transient_timeout_theme_roots', //2.9.1
'_transient_doing_cron', //2.9.1
'_transient_mailserver_last_checked', //2.9.1
'_transient_plugin_slugs', //2.9.1
'_transient_timeout_plugin_slugs', //2.9.1
'_transient_timeout_dirsize_cache', //3.0
'_transient_random_seed', //2.9.1
'_transient_rewrite_rules', //2.9.1
'_transient_update_core', //2.9.1
'_transient_update_plugins', //2.9.1
'_transient_update_themes', //2.9.1
'_transient_wporg_theme_feature_list', //2.9.1
// Core default widgets
'widget_archives', //2.9.1
'widget_calendar', //2.9.1
'widget_categories', //2.9.1
'widget_links', //2.9.1
'widget_meta', //2.9.1
'widget_nav_menu', //3.0
'widget_pages', //2.9.1
'widget_recent_comments', //2.9.1
'widget_recent_posts', //2.9.1
'widget_rss', //2.9.1
'widget_search', //2.9.1
'widget_tag_cloud', //2.9.1
'widget_text', //2.9.1
// from earlier versions
'embed_autourls', //2.9
'embed_size_h', //2.9
'embed_size_w', //2.9
'timezone_string', //2.8 and 3.0+
'widget_recent-comments', //2.8
'widget_recent-posts', //2.8
'widget_recent_entries', //2.8
'close_comments_days_old', //2.7
'close_comments_for_old_posts', //2.7
'comment_order', //2.7
'comments_per_page', //2.7
'default_comments_page', //2.7
'image_default_align', //2.7
'image_default_link_type', //2.7
'image_default_size', //2.7
'large_size_h', //2.7
'large_size_w', //2.7
'page_comments', //2.7
'sticky_posts', //2.7
'thread_comments', //2.7
'thread_comments_depth', //2.7
'widget_categories', //2.7
'widget_rss', //2.7
'widget_text', //2.7
'avatar_default', //2.6
'enable_app', //2.6
'enable_xmlrpc', //2.6
'page_attachment_uris', //2.6!
'avatar_rating', //2.5
'medium_size_w', //2.5
'medium_size_h', //2.5
'show_avatars', //2.5
'thumbnail_crop', //2.5
'thumbnail_size_h', //2.5
'thumbnail_size_w', //2.5
'upload_url_path', //2.5
'xvalid_options', //2.3 during backup
'tag_base', //2.2 and 3.0!
'import-blogger', //2.1.3
'blog_public', //2.1
'default_link_category', //2.1
'show_on_front', //2.1
'secret', //2.0.3
'upload_path', //2.0.1
'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', //2.0.1
'db_version', //2.0
'default_role', //2.0
'use_trackback', //1.5.1
'blacklist_keys', //1.5
'comment_registration', //1.5
'comment_whitelist', //1.5
'default_email_category', //1.5
'html_type', //1.5
'page_uris', //1.5
'recently_edited', //1.5
'rss_language', //1.5
'stylesheet', //1.5
'template', //1.5
'use_linksupdate', //1.5
if ( ! $rss_gone )
$known_ok += array('doing_cron',
if ( ! $bye_rss )
$known_ok += array('what_to_show',
$po_unique_id = 1;
$found_safe = 'false';
$found_some = 'false';
if ( empty($orphans) )
echo "<h4>" . __('No Orphaned Options were found', 'cleanoptions') . "</h4>";
foreach ( $orphans as $opt_val )
if ( ( in_array($opt_val, $known_ok) )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, 'user_roles') !== FALSE )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, 'category_children') !== FALSE )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, '_transient_feed_') !== FALSE )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, '_transient_timeout_feed_') !== FALSE )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, '_transient_plugins_delete_result_') !== FALSE )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, '_site_transient_') !== FALSE )
if ( !isset($_POST['hide_known_core']) || ($_POST['hide_known_core'] != '1') )
echo "-&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $opt_val . "<span class='co_found_core'>\t(" . __('known WordPress Core option', 'cleanoptions') . ")</span><br />";
$found_safe = 'true';
if ( ( get_bloginfo('version') < '2.9.1' )
&& ( ( strpos($opt_val, '_transient_rss_') !== FALSE )
|| ( strpos($opt_val, '_transient_timeout_rss_') !== FALSE ) ) )
if ( !isset($_POST['hide_known_core']) || ($_POST['hide_known_core'] != '1') )
echo "-&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $opt_val . "<span class='co_found_core'>\t(" . __('known WordPress Core option', 'cleanoptions') . ")</span><br />";
$found_safe = 'true';
echo "<input id='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' name='prune_opt[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $opt_val . "' />";
echo "&nbsp;<label for='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' >" . $opt_val . "</label><br />";
$found_some = 'true';
if ( !empty($orphans) )
if ( ($found_safe != 'true') && ($found_some != 'true') )
echo "<h4>" . __('No Orphaned Options were found', 'cleanoptions') . "</h4>";
if ( ($found_safe == 'true') && ($found_some != 'true') )
echo "<h4>" . __('Only WordPress Core Options were found', 'cleanoptions') . "</h4>";
/* autoload != yes block (RSS cache) */
/* for <2.9 only */
if ($rss_gone != true )
function get_all_no_autoload_options()
global $wpdb, $db_err_flag, $en_warn_flag, $cur_wp_ver, $bye_rss;
$no_query_less = '';
$all_no_options = array();
$opt_tbl_len = mitt_get_opt_tbl_len();
if ( isset($_POST['limit_query'])
&& ( is_numeric($_POST['limit_query']) )
&& ( $_POST['limit_query'] > 0 ) )
$query_limit = ( $_POST['limit_query'] < $opt_tbl_len ) ? (int)$_POST['limit_query'] : ( ( floor( $opt_tbl_len / 2 ) ) * 2 );
$no_query_less = " ORDER BY option_id DESC LIMIT " . ($query_limit / 2) . " ";
/* check for subquery support */
$mysql_db_ver = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.7' ) ? $wpdb->db_version() : 'unknown';
if ( ( $mysql_db_ver != 'unknown' ) && ( $mysql_db_ver >= '4.1' ) )
$no_query = "
SELECT ts_opts.option_name
, ts_opts.option_value
FROM ( SELECT option_name
, option_value
FROM $wpdb->options
WHERE autoload NOT LIKE 'yes'
AND option_name LIKE 'rss\_%\_ts'
) AS ts_opts
SELECT non_ts_rss_opts.option_name
FROM ( SELECT option_name
FROM $wpdb->options
WHERE autoload NOT LIKE 'yes'
AND option_name LIKE 'rss\_%'
AND option_name NOT LIKE 'rss\_%\_ts'
) AS non_ts_rss_opts
$no_options = $wpdb->get_results($no_query, ARRAY_A);
$ts_query = "
SELECT option_name
, option_value
FROM $wpdb->options
WHERE autoload NOT LIKE 'yes'
AND option_name LIKE 'rss\_%\_ts'
$ts_results = $wpdb->get_results($ts_query, ARRAY_A);
if( !is_array($ts_results) )
if ( $bye_rss != true )
add_wp_error(__('Database Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('%s (the "rss_" timestamp Options query) did not return an array', 'cleanoptions'), $ts_query) );
$db_err_flag = true;
$ts_results = array();
$non_ts_query = "
SELECT option_name
FROM $wpdb->options
WHERE autoload NOT LIKE 'yes'
AND option_name LIKE 'rss\_%'
AND option_name NOT LIKE 'rss\_%\_ts'
$non_ts_results = $wpdb->get_results($non_ts_query, ARRAY_A);
if( !is_array($non_ts_results) )
if ( $bye_rss != true )
add_wp_error(__('Database Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('%s (the "rss_" non-timestamp Options query) did not return an array', 'cleanoptions'), $non_ts_query) );
$db_err_flag = true;
$non_ts_results = array();
$no_options = array_merge($ts_results, $non_ts_results);
if( !is_array($no_options) )
if ( $bye_rss != true )
add_wp_error(__('Database Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('%s (the "rss_" Options query) did not return an array', 'cleanoptions'), $no_query) );
$db_err_flag = true;
$no_options = array();
foreach ( $no_options as $no_option )
$no_opt_val = ( !empty($no_option['option_value']) ) ? $no_option['option_value'] : 'EMPTY';
if ( empty($no_option['option_name']) )
add_wp_error(__('Empty Name', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('There is an autoload not equal to yes Option with No Name with the value: %s', 'cleanoptions'), wp_specialchars($no_opt_val) ) );
$en_warn_flag = true;
$no_value = maybe_unserialize($no_opt_val);
$all_no_options[ $no_option['option_name'] ] = apply_filters('pre_option_' . $no_option['option_name'], $no_value);
return apply_filters('all_options', $all_no_options);
$temp_rss_opt_arr = get_all_no_autoload_options();
function read_rss_ts($rss_opt_val)
$mtime = get_option($rss_opt_val);
$age = time() - $mtime;
$days = floor($age/86400);
return $days;
$rss_opt_arr = array();
$rss_ts_arr = array();
$ts_regex = '/^(?:rss_)[a-f0-9]+(?:_ts)$/i';
$rss_regex = '/^(?:rss_)[a-f0-9]+$/i';
foreach ( $temp_rss_opt_arr as $key => $value )
if ( preg_match($ts_regex, $key) )
$rss_ts_arr[] = read_rss_ts($key);
$rss_opt_arr[] = $key;
else if ( preg_match($rss_regex, $key) )
$rss_opt_arr[] = $key;
sort($rss_ts_arr, SORT_NUMERIC);
$num_rss_days = count($rss_ts_arr);
/* arbitrary "safe" numbers -
* if less than 15 RSS options exempt
* all rss_ options for the most recent
* 100 days otherwise exempt rss_ options
* with the same date and newer
* than the 14'th rss_ option
$ok_rss_date = '100';
if ($num_rss_days > '14')
$ok_rss_date = $rss_ts_arr['13'];
$newer_ver_message = ( $bye_rss == true ) ? __('The "rss_" options are obsolete as of WordPress version 2.8 All are selectable and it should be safe to remove any that remain.', 'cleanoptions') : '';
echo "<h3>" . __('RSS Options', 'cleanoptions') . "</h3><p>" . sprintf(__('The following contains "RSS" Options added to the wp_options table from the blog\'s dashboard page and other files that parse RSS feeds and cache the results.<br />In each pair, the upper option is the cached feed and the lower is the option\'s timestamp.<br />Those listed may include options that are <strong>Currently Active</strong>.<br />When shown, "rss_" option pairs with dates newer or the same as the date of 14\'th newest "rss_" option pair (the ones that are more likely to be current) have no checkbox but begin with "-" and end with "<em># %1$s</em>" in italics.<br />The older "rss_" options can be selected and end with "<strong># %2$s</strong>" in bold.', 'cleanoptions'), __('days old', 'cleanoptions'), __('days old', 'cleanoptions') ) . " " . $newer_ver_message . "</p>";
$rss_opt_arr = array_chunk($rss_opt_arr, 2, FALSE);
if ( empty($rss_opt_arr) )
echo __('There were No "rss_" Options found', 'cleanoptions') . "<br />";
$odd_man_out = array();
foreach ( $rss_opt_arr as $rss_opt_val )
$rss_opt_date = ( isset($rss_opt_val[1]) && preg_match($ts_regex, $rss_opt_val[1]) ) ? read_rss_ts($rss_opt_val[1]) : '';
if ( isset($rss_opt_val[1])
&& ( strstr($rss_opt_val[1], $rss_opt_val[0])
&& ( $rss_opt_date > $ok_rss_date )
|| ($bye_rss == true) ) )
if ( !empty($rss_opt_date) && preg_match($rss_regex, $rss_opt_val[0]) )
echo "<input id='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' name='prune_opt[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $rss_opt_val[0] . "' />";
echo "&nbsp;<label for='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' >" . $rss_opt_val[0] . "</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>" . $rss_opt_date . " " . __('days old', 'cleanoptions') . "</strong><br />";
$odd_man_out[] = $rss_opt_val[0];
if ( !empty($rss_opt_date) && preg_match($ts_regex, $rss_opt_val[1]) )
echo "<input id='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' name='prune_opt[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $rss_opt_val[1] . "' />";
echo "&nbsp;<label for='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' >" . $rss_opt_val[1] . "</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>" . $rss_opt_date . " " . __('days old', 'cleanoptions') . "</strong><br /><br />";
$odd_man_out[] = $rss_opt_val[1];
else if ( !empty($rss_opt_date)
&& isset($rss_opt_val[1])
&& strstr($rss_opt_val[1], $rss_opt_val[0])
&& ( $rss_opt_date <= $ok_rss_date ) )
if ( preg_match($rss_regex, $rss_opt_val[0]) )
echo "-&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $rss_opt_val[0] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>" . $rss_opt_date . " " . __('days old', 'cleanoptions') . "</em><br />";
$odd_man_out[] = $rss_opt_val[0];
if ( preg_match($ts_regex, $rss_opt_val[1]) )
echo "-&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $rss_opt_val[1] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>" . $rss_opt_date . " " . __('days old', 'cleanoptions') . "</em><br /><br />";
$odd_man_out[] = $rss_opt_val[1];
$rss_opt_arr_sz = count($rss_opt_val);
for ($i = 0; $i < $rss_opt_arr_sz; $i++)
$odd_man_out[] = $rss_opt_val[$i];
$rss_opt_date = '';
if ( !empty($odd_man_out) )
echo "<p><strong>!" . __('WARNING', 'cleanoptions') . "!</strong> " . __('The following options were not paired correctly. Be certain to check their information carefully before you remove them.', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>";
$omo_arr_sz = count($odd_man_out);
for ($j = 0; $j < $omo_arr_sz; $j++)
if ( preg_match($ts_regex, $odd_man_out[$j]) )
$rss_opt_date = read_rss_ts($odd_man_out[$j]);
if ( ($rss_opt_date > $ok_rss_date) || ($bye_rss == true) )
echo "<input name='prune_opt[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $odd_man_out[$j] . "' />";
echo "&nbsp;<label for='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' >" . $odd_man_out[$j] . "</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>" . $rss_opt_date . " " . __('days old', 'cleanoptions') . "</strong><br />";
else if ( $rss_opt_date <= $ok_rss_date )
echo "-&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $odd_man_out[$j] . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>" . $rss_opt_date . " " . __('days old', 'cleanoptions') . "</em><br /><br />";
echo "<input id='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' name='prune_opt[]' type='checkbox' value='" . $odd_man_out[$j] . "' />";
echo "&nbsp;<label for='prune_opt_" . $po_unique_id . "' >" . $odd_man_out[$j] . "</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>!" . __('ALERT', 'cleanoptions') . "! " . __('Age Unknown', 'cleanoptions') . "</strong> " . __('check the age of the corresponding "_ts" option.', 'cleanoptions') . "<br />";
} // end $rss_gone != true if
<!-- javascript select all modified from wp-db-backup 2.1.5 plugin by Austin Matzko http://www.ilfilosofo.com/blog/ -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var selectAllOptions = function() {};
var n = function(c) {
var p = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var i=0; i<p.length; i++)
if( 'prune_opt[]' == p[i].getAttribute('name') ) p[i].checked = c;
b.a = function() { n(true) }
b.n = function() { n(false) }
document.write('<p><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="selectAllOptions.a()"><?php echo __('选择全部', 'cleanoptions'); ?></a> / <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="selectAllOptions.n()"><?php echo __('反选全部', 'cleanoptions'); ?></a> <?php echo __('是否全部选择需要好好考虑啊!!', 'cleanoptions'); ?></p>');
<input class="mitt_co_submit" type="submit" name="pre_remove_orphans" value="<?php echo __('查看选中的数据信息', 'cleanoptions'); ?>" />
/* Look for Search String in Files Section */
else if ( isset($_POST['look_for_names']) )
$co_pro_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_pro' : '_wpnonce';
check_admin_referer('clean-options-pre-remove-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_pro_name);
<div id="mitt_co" class="wrap">
if ( isset($_POST['mitt_co_psi']) && ( trim($_POST['mitt_co_psi']) != '' ) && ( trim($_POST['mitt_co_psi']) != __('Enter Search String here', 'cleanoptions') ) )
$probe = array();
foreach($search_paths as $search_path)
$look_dir = mitt_co_searchdir($search_path);
$probe = array_unique( array_merge($probe, $look_dir) );
$probe_match_arr = array();
$probe_string = htmlentities($_POST['mitt_co_psi']);
$probe_string = preg_replace('#[ ]+#', '', $probe_string);
$ps_arr_len = 0;
if ( strpos($probe_string, '*AND*') !== false )
$probe_string = explode('*AND*', $probe_string);
if ( is_array($probe_string) )
foreach($probe_string as $ps_key => $ps_val)
if($ps_val == "")
$probe_string = array_values($probe_string);
$ps_arr_len = count($probe_string);
if ( $ps_arr_len == 1 ) $probe_string = (string)$probe_string[0];
foreach ( $probe as $found_file )
if ( !is_readable($found_file) )
add_wp_error(__('File System Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('Could not open file %s', 'cleanoptions'), $found_file) );
$fs_err_flag = true;
else if ( strpos($found_file, 'cleanoptions') === false )
$file_data = file_get_contents($found_file);
if ( is_string($probe_string) )
if ( strpos($file_data, $probe_string) !== false )
$probe_match_arr[] = $found_file;
else if ( ( is_array($probe_string) ) && ( $ps_arr_len == 2 ) )
if ( ( strpos($file_data, $probe_string[0] ) !== false ) && ( strpos($file_data, $probe_string[1] ) !== false ) )
$probe_match_arr[] = $found_file;
else if ( ( is_array($probe_string) ) && ( $ps_arr_len > 2 ) )
if ( ( strpos($file_data, $probe_string[0] ) !== false ) && ( strpos($file_data, $probe_string[1] ) !== false ) && ( strpos($file_data, $probe_string[2] ) !== false ) )
$probe_match_arr[] = $found_file;
if ( is_array($probe_string) )
$probe_string = ( $ps_arr_len == 2 ) ? $probe_string[0] . '*AND*' . $probe_string[1] : $probe_string[0] . '*AND*' . $probe_string[1] . '*AND*' . $probe_string[2];
if ( is_array($probe_match_arr) && !empty($probe_match_arr) )
echo "<p><span id='mitt_co_pss'>" . $probe_string . "</span> " . __('was found in:', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>\r\n";
$pma_len = count($probe_match_arr);
for ($p = 0; $p < $pma_len; $p++)
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $probe_match_arr[$p] . "<br />\r\n";
echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('No files were found containing %s', 'cleanoptions'), '<span id=\'mitt_co_pss\'>' . $probe_string . '</span>') . "</p>\r\n";
echo "<b>" . __('No Search string was entered.', 'cleanoptions') . "</b><br />";
echo "<br />" . sprintf(__('Return to the %s', 'cleanoptions'), '<a href=\'' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '\'>' . __('first screen', 'cleanoptions') . '</a>') . "<br />";
/* Pre Remove Orphans Section */
else if ( isset($_POST['pre_remove_orphans']) )
$co_pro_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_pro' : '_wpnonce';
check_admin_referer('clean-options-pre-remove-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_pro_name);
<div id="mitt_co" class="wrap">
if ( ( isset($_POST['prune_opt']) ) && ( is_array($_POST['prune_opt']) ) )
echo "<p>" . __('嗨,走到这里了,小心肝是不是还有点扑通扑通的,担心出错?没事,看看下面数据表单里面的数据内容,看一下是否有选择错误,另外,数据表单里面有乱码是正常情况,直接忽略。', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>";
global $wpdb, $db_err_flag;
$prune_opt_arr = $_POST['prune_opt'];
$prune_query = "SELECT option_name, option_value FROM $wpdb->options WHERE ";
$prune_wheres = '';
foreach ( $prune_opt_arr as $pruneopt )
if ( !empty($pruneopt) )
$prune_wheres .= "option_name LIKE '" . $pruneopt . "' OR ";
$prune_wheres = rtrim($prune_wheres, ' OR ');
$prune_query .= $prune_wheres;
$q_results = $wpdb->get_results($prune_query, ARRAY_A);
echo "<table id='mitt_co_table'>";
echo "<tr><th>表单名称</th><th>表单内容</th></tr>";
if( !is_array($q_results) )
add_wp_error(__('Database Error', 'cleanoptions'), sprintf(__('%s (the review information query) did not return an array', 'cleanoptions'), $prune_query) );
$db_err_flag = true;
$q_results = array();
foreach ( $q_results as $q_val )
$opt_name = $q_val['option_name'];
$opt_name = wordwrap($opt_name, 10, ' ', 1);
echo "<tr><td>" . $opt_name . "</td>";
$opt_val = htmlentities( print_r($q_val['option_value'], TRUE) );
$opt_val = wordwrap($opt_val, 20, ' ', 1);
if ( preg_match("/^[0-9]{10}$/", $opt_val) )
$blog_date_format = get_option('date_format');
$blog_time_format = get_option('time_format');
$both_format = $blog_date_format . ' ' . $blog_time_format;
$opt_val = $opt_val . " [*timestamp = " . date($both_format, (int)$opt_val) . "]";
echo "<td>" . $opt_val . "</td></tr>\r\n";
echo "</table>";
$opt_arr_str = ( empty($prune_opt_arr) ) ? '' : implode('#', $prune_opt_arr);
if ( !empty($opt_arr_str) )
echo "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "'>";
$co_dro_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_dro' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-do-remove-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_dro_name);
echo "<input type='hidden' name='orphan_opts' value='" . $opt_arr_str . "' />";
echo "<input type='radio' name='confirm_rem' value='1' /> " . __('删除选中的表单', 'cleanoptions') . "<br />";
echo "<input type='radio' name='confirm_rem' value='0' checked='checked' /> " . __('不删除这些表单', 'cleanoptions') . "<br />";
echo "<input class='mitt_co_submit' type='submit' name='do_remove_orphans' value='" . __('提交', 'cleanoptions') . "' />
echo "<b>" . __('No Orphaned Options where selected.', 'cleanoptions') . "</b><br />";
echo sprintf(__('Return to the %s', 'cleanoptions'), '<a href="' . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . '">' . __('first screen', 'cleanoptions') . '</a>') . "<br />";
/* Do Remove Orphans Section */
else if ( isset($_POST['do_remove_orphans']) )
$co_dro_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_dro' : '_wpnonce';
check_admin_referer('clean-options-do-remove-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_dro_name);
if ( ( isset($_POST['confirm_rem']) ) && ($_POST['confirm_rem'] == "1") )
if ( !empty($_POST['orphan_opts']) )
echo "<div id='message' class='updated fade'>
<p><strong>" . __('Removed Options', 'cleanoptions') . ":</strong><br />";
$orphan_opt_arr = explode("#", $_POST['orphan_opts']);
foreach ( $orphan_opt_arr as $orphanopt )
echo $orphanopt . "<br />";
<div id="mitt_co" class="wrap">
echo $common_form_message;
$opt_tbl_len = mitt_get_opt_tbl_len();
echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('The Options table currently has %s found rows.', 'cleanoptions'), '<b>' . $opt_tbl_len . '</b>') . "</p>";
if ( ($opt_tbl_len > CO_MIN_BEFORE_SHOW) && ($rss_gone != true) )
echo $del_all_warning;
echo "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "'>";
$co_dar_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_dar' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-del-all-rss_' . $cononce, $co_dar_name);
echo "<input class='mitt_co_submit' type='submit' name='del_all_rss' value='" . __('Delete ALL \'rss\' Options', 'cleanoptions') . "' />
echo "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "'>";
$co_fo_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_fo' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-find-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_fo_name);
if ( $opt_tbl_len > CO_BATCH_SIZE ) echo $lf_select;
echo $sc_select;
echo $sh_select;
echo "<input class='mitt_co_submit' type='submit' name='find_orphans' value='" . __('Find Orphaned Options', 'cleanoptions') . "' />
/* Delete All RSS Section */
else if ( (isset($_POST['del_all_rss'])) && ($rss_gone != true) )
$co_dar_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_dar' : '_wpnonce';
check_admin_referer('clean-options-del-all-rss_' . $cononce, $co_dar_name);
global $wpdb;
$last_option_id = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT option_id FROM $wpdb->options ORDER BY option_id DESC LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);
$maybe_safe = $last_option_id[0]['option_id'] - CO_KEEP_NEWER;
if ( $maybe_safe < 0 ) $maybe_safe = 0;
$del_all_query = "
DELETE FROM $wpdb->options
WHERE autoload NOT LIKE 'yes'
AND option_id < $maybe_safe
AND option_name LIKE 'rss\_%'
AND option_name NOT LIKE 'rss\_excerpt\_length'
AND option_name NOT LIKE 'rss\_use\_excerpt'
AND option_name NOT LIKE 'rss\_language'
$rows_deleted = $wpdb->rows_affected;
echo "<div id='message' class='updated fade'>
<p><strong>" . sprintf(__('Removed %d "rss_hash" Options', 'cleanoptions'), $rows_deleted) . "</strong></p>";
<div id="mitt_co" class="wrap">
echo $common_form_message;
echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('The Options table currently has %s found rows.', 'cleanoptions'), '<b>' . mitt_get_opt_tbl_len() . '</b>') . "</p>
<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "'>";
$co_fo_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_fo' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-find-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_fo_name);
echo "<p>" . __('Every "rss_hash" option in the wp_options table will be shown, including current ones.', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>
<input class='mitt_co_submit' type='submit' name='find_orphans' value='" . __('Find Orphaned Options', 'cleanoptions') . "' />
/* Intitial View Section */
if ( function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() )
echo "<div id='message' class='updated fade'>
<p><strong>" . __('WARNING', 'cleanoptions') . " !!</strong><br />" . __('The Clean Options plugin has not been thoroughly tested for use with WordPress MULTISITES enabled.<br />Clean Options version 1.3.2 should work with WordPress 3.0 with the exception that if MULTISITES is enabled, the plugin will only find options found in the primary blog\'s wp_options table.<br />Use At Your Own Risk.<br />Clean Options 2.0.0 is currently being developed. It will not be fully compatible with older versions of WordPress, but it will be compatible with WordPress 3.0, including finding options if MULTISITES is enabled. However, portions of the i18n l10n files will not have translations for any of the new text - unless and until they are provided.', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>
<div id="mitt_co" class="wrap">
echo $common_form_message;
$opt_tbl_len = mitt_get_opt_tbl_len();
echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('您的数据库里面有 %s 个表单.', 'cleanoptions'), '<b>' . $opt_tbl_len . '</b>') . "</p>";
if ( ($opt_tbl_len > CO_MIN_BEFORE_SHOW) && ($rss_gone != true) )
echo $del_all_warning;
echo "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "'>";
$co_dar_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_dar' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-del-all-rss_' . $cononce, $co_dar_name);
echo "<input class='mitt_co_submit' type='submit' name='del_all_rss' value='" . __('删除全部 \'rss\' Options', 'cleanoptions') . "' />
echo "<form method='post' action='" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . "'>";
$co_fo_name = ( $cur_wp_ver >= '2.5' ) ? '_mitt_co_fo' : '_wpnonce';
if ( function_exists('wp_nonce_field') )
wp_nonce_field('clean-options-find-orphans_' . $cononce, $co_fo_name);
if ( $opt_tbl_len > CO_BATCH_SIZE ) echo $lf_select;
echo $sc_select;
echo $sh_select;
echo "<input class='mitt_co_submit' type='submit' name='find_orphans' value='" . __('别废话,直接点我!!!!!', 'cleanoptions') . "' />
<!-- /* Warning Message explanations and FURTHER INFORMATION SECTION */ -->
<div id="mitt_co_msg" class="wrap">
if ( $as_warn_flag || $db_err_flag || $en_warn_flag || $fs_err_flag )
echo "<h2>" . __('', 'cleanoptions') . "</h2>";
echo "<p>" . __('', 'cleanoptions') . "</p>
if ( $fs_err_flag == true )
echo "<dt>" . __('File System Error', 'cleanoptions') . " - " . __('Could not open folder/file', 'cleanoptions') . " ....</dt>
<dd>" . __('The plugin failed to open a folder/file. This is most often because of inadequate permissions settings. i.e. The "read" permission setting. They do not need to be "world" readable, but scripts must be able to. Options that are in files that can not be read may appear in the "orphaned options" list when in fact they are not orphaned. In many cases, knowing the folder/file should help in identification of options that are not really orphaned.', 'cleanoptions') . "</dd>";
echo '</dl>';
echo "<h3>" . __('', 'cleanoptions') . "</h3>
<!-- /* add to list as translations become available ll_CC (email|URL)?=>Name (URL=>LinkText)? */ -->
if ( function_exists('add_action') )
add_action('admin_init', 'mitt_co_admin_init');
add_action('admin_menu', 'mitt_add_co_page');
clean option
