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hook_manager.cpp 21.41 KB
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* Copyright (C) 2014 Patrick Mours
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause OR MIT
#include "dll_log.hpp"
#include "hook_manager.hpp"
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <Windows.h>
enum class hook_method
struct named_hook : public reshade::hook
const char *name;
hook_method method;
struct module_export
reshade::hook::address address;
const char *name;
unsigned short ordinal;
extern HMODULE g_module_handle;
HMODULE g_export_module_handle = nullptr;
static bool s_is_loading_export_module = false;
extern std::filesystem::path g_reshade_dll_path;
static std::filesystem::path s_export_hook_path;
static std::shared_mutex s_hooks_mutex;
static std::vector<named_hook> s_hooks;
static std::shared_mutex s_delayed_hook_paths_mutex;
static std::vector<std::filesystem::path> s_delayed_hook_paths;
static PVOID s_dll_notification_cookie = nullptr;
std::vector<module_export> enumerate_module_exports(HMODULE handle)
const auto image_base = reinterpret_cast<const BYTE *>(handle);
const auto image_header = reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *>(image_base +
reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER *>(image_base)->e_lfanew);
if (image_header->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE ||
image_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT].Size == 0)
return {}; // The handle does not point to a valid module
const auto export_dir = reinterpret_cast<const IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY *>(image_base +
const auto export_base = static_cast<WORD>(export_dir->Base);
if (export_dir->NumberOfFunctions == 0)
return {}; // This module does not contain any exported functions
std::vector<module_export> exports;
for (size_t i = 0; i < exports.capacity(); i++)
module_export &symbol = exports.emplace_back();
symbol.ordinal = export_base +
reinterpret_cast<const WORD *>(image_base + export_dir->AddressOfNameOrdinals)[i];
symbol.name = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(image_base +
reinterpret_cast<const DWORD *>(image_base + export_dir->AddressOfNames)[i]);
symbol.address = const_cast<void *>(reinterpret_cast<const void *>(image_base +
reinterpret_cast<const DWORD *>(image_base + export_dir->AddressOfFunctions)[symbol.ordinal - export_base]));
return exports;
static bool install_internal(const char *name, reshade::hook &hook, hook_method method)
// It does not make sense to install a hook which points to itself, so avoid that
if (hook.target == hook.replacement)
return false;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Installing hook for " << name << " at 0x" << hook.target << " with 0x" << hook.replacement << " using method " << static_cast<int>(method) << " ...";
auto status = reshade::hook::status::unknown;
switch (method)
case hook_method::export_hook:
// Export functions are always called directly
status = reshade::hook::status::success;
case hook_method::function_hook:
status = hook.install();
case hook_method::vtable_hook:
// Make virtual function table memory writable before modifying it
if (DWORD protection = PAGE_READWRITE;
VirtualProtect(hook.target, sizeof(reshade::hook::address), protection, &protection))
// Replace entry in virtual function table with the replacement function
*reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address *>(hook.target) = hook.replacement;
VirtualProtect(hook.target, sizeof(reshade::hook::address), protection, &protection);
status = reshade::hook::status::success;
status = reshade::hook::status::memory_protection_failure;
if (status != reshade::hook::status::success)
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install hook for " << name << " with status code " << static_cast<int>(status) << '!';
return false;
// Protect access to hook list with a mutex
{ const std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(s_hooks_mutex);
s_hooks.push_back({ hook, name, method });
LOG(DEBUG) << "> Succeeded.";
return true;
static bool install_internal(HMODULE target_module, HMODULE replacement_module, hook_method method)
assert(target_module != nullptr && replacement_module != nullptr && target_module != replacement_module);
// Load export tables from both modules
const auto target_exports = enumerate_module_exports(target_module);
const auto replacement_exports = enumerate_module_exports(replacement_module);
if (target_exports.empty())
LOG(WARN) << "> Empty export table! Skipped.";
return false;
size_t num_installed_hooks = 0;
std::vector<std::tuple<const char *, reshade::hook::address, reshade::hook::address>> matches;
LOG(DEBUG) << "> Dumping matches in export table:";
LOG(DEBUG) << " +--------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------+";
LOG(DEBUG) << " | Address | Ordinal | Name |";
LOG(DEBUG) << " +--------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------+";
// Analyze export tables and find entries that exist in both modules
for (const auto &symbol : target_exports)
if (symbol.name == nullptr || symbol.address == nullptr)
// Find appropriate replacement
const auto it = std::find_if(replacement_exports.cbegin(), replacement_exports.cend(),
[&symbol](const auto &module_export) {
return std::strcmp(module_export.name, symbol.name) == 0;
// Filter out uninteresting functions
if (it != replacement_exports.cend() &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "CompatValue") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "CompatString") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGIDumpJournal") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGIReportAdapterConfiguration") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGID3D10CreateDevice") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGID3D10CreateLayeredDevice") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGID3D10ETWRundown") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGID3D10GetLayeredDeviceSize") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "DXGID3D10RegisterLayers") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "D3D12PIXEventsReplaceBlock") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "D3D12PIXGetThreadInfo") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "D3D12PIXNotifyWakeFromFenceSignal") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "D3D12PIXReportCounter") != 0 &&
std::strcmp(symbol.name, "Direct3D9EnableMaximizedWindowedModeShim") != 0)
LOG(DEBUG) << " | 0x" << std::setw(16) << symbol.address << " | " << std::setw(7) << symbol.ordinal << " | " << std::setw(50) << symbol.name << " |";
matches.push_back(std::make_tuple(symbol.name, symbol.address, it->address));
LOG(DEBUG) << " +--------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------+";
LOG(INFO) << "> Found " << matches.size() << " match(es). Installing ...";
// Hook all matching exports
for (const auto &match : matches)
reshade::hook hook;
// RenderDoc hooks the IAT, so get an updated function pointer via its 'GetProcAddress' hook
hook.target = GetProcAddress(target_module, std::get<0>(match));
hook.target = std::get<1>(match);
hook.trampoline = hook.target;
hook.replacement = std::get<2>(match);
if (install_internal(std::get<0>(match), hook, method))
// Status is successfull if at least one match was found and hooked
return num_installed_hooks != 0;
static bool uninstall_internal(const char *name, reshade::hook &hook, hook_method method)
LOG(DEBUG) << "Uninstalling hook for " << name << " ...";
if (hook.uninstalled())
LOG(WARN) << "Hook for " << name << " was already uninstalled.";
return true;
auto status = reshade::hook::status::unknown;
switch (method)
case hook_method::export_hook:
LOG(DEBUG) << "> Skipped.";
return true;
case hook_method::function_hook:
status = hook.uninstall();
case hook_method::vtable_hook:
// Make virtual function table memory writable before modifying it
if (DWORD protection = PAGE_READWRITE;
VirtualProtect(hook.target, sizeof(reshade::hook::address), protection, &protection))
// Replace entry in virtual function table with the original function
*reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address *>(hook.target) = hook.trampoline;
VirtualProtect(hook.target, sizeof(reshade::hook::address), protection, &protection);
status = reshade::hook::status::success;
status = reshade::hook::status::memory_protection_failure;
if (status != reshade::hook::status::success)
LOG(WARN) << "Failed to uninstall hook for " << name << " with status code " << static_cast<int>(status) << '.';
return false;
LOG(DEBUG) << "> Succeeded.";
hook.trampoline = nullptr;
return true;
static reshade::hook find_internal(reshade::hook::address target, reshade::hook::address replacement)
assert(target != nullptr || replacement != nullptr);
// Protect access to hook list with a mutex
const std::shared_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(s_hooks_mutex);
// Enumerate list of installed hooks and find matching one
const auto it = std::find_if(s_hooks.cbegin(), s_hooks.cend(),
[target, replacement](const named_hook &hook) {
// If only a target address is provided, find the matching hook
if (replacement == nullptr)
return hook.target == target;
// Otherwise search with the replacement function address (since the target address may not be known inside a replacement function)
return hook.replacement == replacement &&
// Optionally compare the target address too, in case the replacement function is used to hook multiple targets
(target == nullptr || hook.target == target);
return it != s_hooks.cend() ? static_cast<const reshade::hook &>(*it) : reshade::hook {};
template <typename T>
static T call_unchecked(T replacement)
return reinterpret_cast<T>(find_internal(nullptr, reinterpret_cast<reshade::hook::address>(replacement)).call());
static void install_delayed_hooks(const std::filesystem::path &loaded_path)
if (s_is_loading_export_module)
// Ignore this call if unable to acquire the mutex to avoid possible deadlock
if (std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(s_delayed_hook_paths_mutex, std::try_to_lock); lock.owns_lock())
const auto remove = std::remove_if(s_delayed_hook_paths.begin(), s_delayed_hook_paths.end(),
[&loaded_path](const std::filesystem::path &path) {
// Pin the module so it cannot be unloaded by the application and cause problems when ReShade tries to call into it afterwards
HMODULE delayed_handle = nullptr;
if (!GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, path.c_str(), &delayed_handle))
return false;
LOG(INFO) << "Installing delayed hooks for " << path << " (Just loaded via LoadLibrary(" << loaded_path << ")) ...";
return install_internal(delayed_handle, g_module_handle, hook_method::function_hook) && reshade::hook::apply_queued_actions();
s_delayed_hook_paths.erase(remove, s_delayed_hook_paths.end());
LOG(WARN) << "Ignoring LoadLibrary(" << loaded_path << ") call to avoid possible deadlock.";
USHORT Length;
USHORT MaximumLength;
PWSTR Buffer;
ULONG Flags;
const UNICODE_STRING *FullDllName;
const UNICODE_STRING *BaseDllName;
PVOID DllBase;
ULONG SizeOfImage;
static VOID CALLBACK DllNotificationCallback(ULONG NotificationReason, const LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_DATA *NotificationData, PVOID)
if (NotificationReason == 1 /* LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_REASON_LOADED */)
HMODULE WINAPI HookLoadLibraryA(LPCSTR lpFileName)
static const auto trampoline = call_unchecked(&HookLoadLibraryA);
const HMODULE handle = trampoline(lpFileName);
if (handle != nullptr && handle != g_module_handle)
return handle;
HMODULE WINAPI HookLoadLibraryExA(LPCSTR lpFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags)
static const auto trampoline = call_unchecked(&HookLoadLibraryExA);
const HMODULE handle = trampoline(lpFileName, hFile, dwFlags);
if (handle != nullptr && handle != g_module_handle && (dwFlags & (LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE | LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE_EXCLUSIVE | LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE)) == 0)
return handle;
static const auto trampoline = call_unchecked(&HookLoadLibraryW);
const HMODULE handle = trampoline(lpFileName);
if (handle != nullptr && handle != g_module_handle)
return handle;
HMODULE WINAPI HookLoadLibraryExW(LPCWSTR lpFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags)
static const auto trampoline = call_unchecked(&HookLoadLibraryExW);
const HMODULE handle = trampoline(lpFileName, hFile, dwFlags);
if (handle != nullptr && handle != g_module_handle && (dwFlags & (LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE | LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE_EXCLUSIVE | LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE)) == 0)
return handle;
bool reshade::hooks::install(const char *name, hook::address target, hook::address replacement, bool queue_enable)
if (target == nullptr)
return false;
assert(replacement != nullptr);
hook hook = find_internal(nullptr, replacement);
// If the hook was already installed, make sure it was installed for the same target function
if (hook.installed())
return target == hook.target;
// Otherwise, set up the new hook and install it
hook.target = target;
hook.replacement = replacement;
return install_internal(name, hook, hook_method::function_hook) &&
(queue_enable || hook::apply_queued_actions()); // Can optionally only queue up the hooks instead of installing them right away
bool reshade::hooks::install(const char *name, hook::address vtable[], unsigned int offset, hook::address replacement)
assert(vtable != nullptr && replacement != nullptr);
hook hook = find_internal(nullptr, replacement);
// Check if the hook was already installed to this virtual function table
if (hook.installed() && hook.target == &vtable[offset])
// It may happen that some other third party (like NVIDIA Streamline) replaced the virtual function table entry since it was originally installed, just ignore that
return vtable[offset] == hook.replacement;
hook.target = &vtable[offset]; // Target is the address of the virtual function table entry
hook.trampoline = vtable[offset]; // The current function in that entry is the original function to call
hook.replacement = replacement;
return install_internal(name, hook, hook_method::vtable_hook);
void reshade::hooks::uninstall()
LOG(INFO) << "Uninstalling " << s_hooks.size() << " hook(s) ...";
// Disable all hooks in a single batch job
for (auto &hook_info : s_hooks)
// Afterwards uninstall and remove all hooks from the list
for (auto &hook_info : s_hooks)
uninstall_internal(hook_info.name, hook_info, hook_info.method);
if (s_dll_notification_cookie && s_dll_notification_cookie != reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(-1))
const auto LdrUnregisterDllNotification = reinterpret_cast<LONG(NTAPI *)(PVOID Cookie)>(
GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll"), "LdrUnregisterDllNotification"));
if (LdrUnregisterDllNotification != nullptr)
s_dll_notification_cookie = nullptr;
// Free reference to the module loaded for export hooks
// Otherwise a subsequent call to 'LoadLibrary' could return the handle to the still loaded export module, instead of loading the ReShade module again
// Unfortunately this is not technically safe to call from 'DllMain' ...
if (g_export_module_handle)
if (!FreeLibrary(g_export_module_handle))
LOG(WARN) << "Failed to unload " << s_export_hook_path << " with error code " << GetLastError() << '!';
g_export_module_handle = nullptr;
void reshade::hooks::register_module(const std::filesystem::path &target_path)
if (s_dll_notification_cookie == nullptr)
const auto LdrRegisterDllNotification = reinterpret_cast<LONG (NTAPI *)(ULONG Flags, FARPROC NotificationFunction, PVOID Context, PVOID *Cookie)>(
GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll"), "LdrRegisterDllNotification"));
if (LdrRegisterDllNotification == nullptr ||
// The Steam overlay is using 'LoadLibrary' hooks, so always use them too if it is used, to ensure that ReShade installs hooks after the Steam overlay already did so
// Detect whether the Steam overlay is used by checking for a 'SteamOverlayGameId' environment variable that Steam sets, instead of looking for 'GameOverlayRenderer[64].dll', since ReShade may be injected before the Steam overlay DLL
GetEnvironmentVariableW(L"SteamOverlayGameId", nullptr, 0) ||
LdrRegisterDllNotification(0, reinterpret_cast<FARPROC>(&DllNotificationCallback), nullptr, &s_dll_notification_cookie) != 0 /* STATUS_SUCCESS */)
LOG(DEBUG) << "Using LoadLibrary hooks.";
// Fall back 'LoadLibrary' hooks if DLL notification registration failed or the Steam overlay is used
// Skip this in the test application to make RenderDoc work (which hooks these too)
install("LoadLibraryA", reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&LoadLibraryA), reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&HookLoadLibraryA), true);
install("LoadLibraryExA", reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&LoadLibraryExA), reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&HookLoadLibraryExA), true);
install("LoadLibraryW", reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&LoadLibraryW), reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&HookLoadLibraryW), true);
install("LoadLibraryExW", reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&LoadLibraryExW), reinterpret_cast<hook::address>(&HookLoadLibraryExW), true);
// Install all 'LoadLibrary' hooks in one go immediately
if (hook::apply_queued_actions())
s_dll_notification_cookie = reinterpret_cast<PVOID>(-1); // Set cookie to something so that these hooks are only installed once
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to install LoadLibrary hooks!";
LOG(INFO) << "Registering hooks for " << target_path << " ...";
// Compare module names and delay export hooks for later installation since we cannot call 'LoadLibrary' from this function (it is called from 'DLLMain', which does not allow this)
// Do a case insensitive comparison here to catch cases like "OPENGL32" refering to the same module as "opengl32.dll"
const std::filesystem::path target_name = target_path.stem();
const std::filesystem::path replacement_name = g_reshade_dll_path.stem();
if (_wcsicmp(target_name.c_str(), replacement_name.c_str()) == 0)
assert(target_path != g_reshade_dll_path);
LOG(INFO) << "> Delayed until first call to an exported function.";
s_export_hook_path = target_path;
// Register for function hooking as well, in case a third party (like NVIDIA Streamline) explicitly loads the system library between now and the first call to an exported function
// Similarly, if the target module was not loaded yet, wait for it to get loaded in one of the 'LoadLibrary' hooks and install it then
// Pin the module so it cannot be unloaded by the application and cause problems when ReShade tries to call into it afterwards
else if (HMODULE handle; !GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, target_path.c_str(), &handle))
LOG(INFO) << "> Delayed.";
else // The target module is already loaded, so we can safely install hooks right away
LOG(INFO) << "> Libraries loaded.";
install_internal(handle, g_module_handle, hook_method::function_hook);
void reshade::hooks::ensure_export_module_loaded()
const std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock(s_delayed_hook_paths_mutex);
if (!g_export_module_handle && !s_export_hook_path.empty())
assert(s_export_hook_path.is_absolute() && !s_is_loading_export_module);
s_is_loading_export_module = true;
const HMODULE handle = LoadLibraryW(s_export_hook_path.c_str());
s_is_loading_export_module = false;
LOG(INFO) << "Installing export hooks for " << s_export_hook_path << " ...";
if (handle != nullptr)
assert(handle != g_module_handle);
install_internal(handle, g_module_handle, hook_method::export_hook);
g_export_module_handle = handle;
s_delayed_hook_paths.erase(std::remove(s_delayed_hook_paths.begin(), s_delayed_hook_paths.end(), s_export_hook_path), s_delayed_hook_paths.end());
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load " << s_export_hook_path << '!';
bool reshade::hooks::is_hooked(hook::address target)
return find_internal(target, nullptr).valid();
reshade::hook::address reshade::hooks::call(hook::address replacement, hook::address target)
for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; ++attempt)
const hook hook = find_internal(target, replacement);
if (hook.valid())
return hook.call();
else if (attempt == 0)
// If the hook does not exist yet, delay-load export hooks and try again
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to resolve hook for 0x" << replacement << '!';
return nullptr;
