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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/gnustep/libobjc2
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gc_ops.h 1.37 KB
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David Chisnall authored 2023-02-19 14:11 . Remove Boehm GC support code.
* Garbage collection operations.
struct gc_ops
* Initialises this collector.
void (*init)(void);
* Allocates enough space for a class, followed by some extra bytes.
id (*allocate_class)(Class, size_t);
* Frees an object.
void (*free_object)(id);
* Allocates some memory that can be used to store pointers. This must be
* used instead of malloc() for internal data structures that will store
* pointers passed in from outside. The function is expected to zero the
* memory that it returns.
void* (*malloc)(size_t);
* Frees some memory that was previously used to store pointers.
void (*free)(void*);
* The mode for garbage collection
enum objc_gc_mode
/** This module neither uses, nor supports, garbage collection. */
GC_None = 0,
* This module uses garbage collection, but also sends retain / release
* messages. It can be used with or without GC.
GC_Optional = 1,
* This module expects garbage collection and will break without it.
GC_Required = 2,
* This module was compiled with automatic reference counting. This
* guarantees the use of the non-fragile ABI and means that we could
* potentially support GC, although we don't currently.
GC_ARC = 3
* The current set of garbage collector operations to use.
extern struct gc_ops *gc;
