

Tiamo0 暂无简介

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    Tiamo0 / zonata

    zonata is a toolkit for convenient cgroup resource management.

    Tiamo0 / arpack forked from src-openEuler / arpack

    Fortran 77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems

    Tiamo0 / armadillo forked from src-openEuler / armadillo

    Fast C++ matrix library with interfaces to LAPACK and ATLAS.

    Tiamo0 / ptcr forked from openEuler / ptcr

    A tool for container runtime performance measure.

    Tiamo0 / mousetweaks forked from src-openEuler / mousetweaks

    Accessibility enhancements for the mouse

    Tiamo0 / KubeHawk forked from openEuler / KubeHawk

    KubeHawk is a CloudNative Kubernetes-Cluster tracking and observability solution based on eBPF technology.

    Tiamo0 / obmp

    object memory pool,轻量级内存池,为每个thread添加缓冲区,以object为单位进行缓存,在高并发场景下,有效改善glibc ptmalloc2的内存峰值、内存黑洞问题。

    Tiamo0 / lcr forked from openEuler / lcr

    lcr(Lightweight Container Runtime) is CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to OCI specification. It is based on liblxc and written by C

    Tiamo0 / iSulad forked from openEuler / iSulad

    iSulad is a light weight container runtime daemon which is designed for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.

    Tiamo0 / lxc forked from src-openEuler / lxc

    Tiamo0 / ptcr-orig

    ptcr is a container runtime performance measure tool.

    Tiamo0 / community forked from openEuler / community

    Community governance is listed in the repository.

    Tiamo0 / busybox forked from JakeYang / busybox

    BusyBox 是一个集成了一百多个最常用linux命令和工具的软件。

    Tiamo0 / test_acl

    Commands for manipulating POSIX access control lists

    Tiamo0 / kernel forked from openEuler / kernel

    openEuler 内核是 openEuler操作系统的核心,是系统性能和稳定性的基础,是链接芯片、设备与业务的桥梁。openEuler 内核致力于打造成最具活力的产业Linux平台,成为信息产业基础设施的可靠基石。

    Tiamo0 / wdiff

    Tiamo0 / argbash forked from src-openEuler / argbash

    Bash argument parsing code generator.

    Tiamo0 / bison

    Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an annotated context-free grammar into a deterministic LR or generalized LR (GLR) parser employing LALR(1) parser tables.
