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与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
engine.go 22.62 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
// Copyright 2013 Hui Chen
// Copyright 2016 ego authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"): you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
// a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
Package riot is riot engine
package riot
import (
const (
// Version get the riot version
Version string = "v0.10.0.425, Danube River!"
// NumNanosecondsInAMillisecond nano-seconds in a milli-second num
NumNanosecondsInAMillisecond = 1000000
// StoreFilePrefix persistent store file prefix
StoreFilePrefix = "riot"
// DefaultPath default db path
DefaultPath = "./riot-index"
// GetVersion get the riot version
func GetVersion() string {
return Version
// Engine initialize the engine
type Engine struct {
loc sync.RWMutex
// 计数器,用来统计有多少文档被索引等信息
numDocsIndexed uint64
numDocsRemoved uint64
numDocsForceUpdated uint64
numIndexingReqs uint64
numRemovingReqs uint64
numForceUpdatingReqs uint64
numTokenIndexAdded uint64
numDocsStored uint64
// 记录初始化参数
initOptions types.EngineOpts
initialized bool
indexers []core.Indexer
rankers []core.Ranker
segmenter gse.Segmenter
loaded bool
stopTokens StopTokens
dbs []store.Store
// 建立索引器使用的通信通道
segmenterChan chan segmenterReq
indexerAddDocChans []chan indexerAddDocReq
indexerRemoveDocChans []chan indexerRemoveDocReq
rankerAddDocChans []chan rankerAddDocReq
// 建立排序器使用的通信通道
indexerLookupChans []chan indexerLookupReq
rankerRankChans []chan rankerRankReq
rankerRemoveDocChans []chan rankerRemoveDocReq
// 建立持久存储使用的通信通道
storeIndexDocChans []chan storeIndexDocReq
storeInitChan chan bool
// Indexer initialize the indexer channel
func (engine *Engine) Indexer(options types.EngineOpts) {
engine.indexerAddDocChans = make(
[]chan indexerAddDocReq, options.NumShards)
engine.indexerRemoveDocChans = make(
[]chan indexerRemoveDocReq, options.NumShards)
engine.indexerLookupChans = make(
[]chan indexerLookupReq, options.NumShards)
for shard := 0; shard < options.NumShards; shard++ {
engine.indexerAddDocChans[shard] = make(
chan indexerAddDocReq, options.IndexerBufLen)
engine.indexerRemoveDocChans[shard] = make(
chan indexerRemoveDocReq, options.IndexerBufLen)
engine.indexerLookupChans[shard] = make(
chan indexerLookupReq, options.IndexerBufLen)
// Ranker initialize the ranker channel
func (engine *Engine) Ranker(options types.EngineOpts) {
engine.rankerAddDocChans = make(
[]chan rankerAddDocReq, options.NumShards)
engine.rankerRankChans = make(
[]chan rankerRankReq, options.NumShards)
engine.rankerRemoveDocChans = make(
[]chan rankerRemoveDocReq, options.NumShards)
for shard := 0; shard < options.NumShards; shard++ {
engine.rankerAddDocChans[shard] = make(
chan rankerAddDocReq, options.RankerBufLen)
engine.rankerRankChans[shard] = make(
chan rankerRankReq, options.RankerBufLen)
engine.rankerRemoveDocChans[shard] = make(
chan rankerRemoveDocReq, options.RankerBufLen)
// InitStore initialize the persistent store channel
func (engine *Engine) InitStore() {
engine.storeIndexDocChans = make(
[]chan storeIndexDocReq, engine.initOptions.StoreShards)
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.StoreShards; shard++ {
engine.storeIndexDocChans[shard] = make(
chan storeIndexDocReq)
engine.storeInitChan = make(
chan bool, engine.initOptions.StoreShards)
// CheckMem check the memory when the memory is larger
// than 99.99% using the store
func (engine *Engine) CheckMem() {
// Todo test
if !engine.initOptions.UseStore {
log.Println("Check virtualMemory...")
vmem, _ := mem.VirtualMemory()
log.Printf("Total: %v, Free: %v, UsedPercent: %f%%\n",
vmem.Total, vmem.Free, vmem.UsedPercent)
useMem := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", vmem.UsedPercent)
if useMem == "99.99" {
engine.initOptions.UseStore = true
engine.initOptions.StoreFolder = DefaultPath
// os.MkdirAll(DefaultPath, 0777)
// Store start the persistent store work connection
func (engine *Engine) Store() {
// if engine.initOptions.UseStore {
err := os.MkdirAll(engine.initOptions.StoreFolder, 0700)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Can not create directory: %s ; %v",
engine.initOptions.StoreFolder, err)
// 打开或者创建数据库
engine.dbs = make([]store.Store, engine.initOptions.StoreShards)
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.StoreShards; shard++ {
dbPath := engine.initOptions.StoreFolder + "/" +
StoreFilePrefix + "." + strconv.Itoa(shard)
db, err := store.OpenStore(dbPath, engine.initOptions.StoreEngine)
if db == nil || err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to open database ", dbPath, ": ", err)
engine.dbs[shard] = db
// 从数据库中恢复
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.StoreShards; shard++ {
go engine.storeInit(shard)
// 等待恢复完成
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.StoreShards; shard++ {
for {
inx := atomic.LoadUint64(&engine.numDocsIndexed)
numDoced := engine.numIndexingReqs == inx
if numDoced {
// 关闭并重新打开数据库
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.StoreShards; shard++ {
dbPath := engine.initOptions.StoreFolder + "/" +
StoreFilePrefix + "." + strconv.Itoa(shard)
db, err := store.OpenStore(dbPath, engine.initOptions.StoreEngine)
if db == nil || err != nil {
log.Fatal("Unable to open database ", dbPath, ": ", err)
engine.dbs[shard] = db
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.StoreShards; shard++ {
go engine.storeIndexDoc(shard)
// }
// WithGse Using user defined segmenter
// If using a not nil segmenter and the dictionary is loaded,
// the `opt.GseDict` will be ignore.
func (engine *Engine) WithGse(segmenter gse.Segmenter) *Engine {
if engine.initialized {
log.Fatal(`Do not re-initialize the engine,
WithGse should call before initialize the engine.`)
engine.segmenter = segmenter
engine.loaded = true
return engine
func (engine *Engine) initDef(options types.EngineOpts) types.EngineOpts {
if options.GseDict == "" && !options.NotUseGse && !engine.loaded {
log.Printf("Dictionary file path is empty, load the default dictionary file.")
options.GseDict = "zh"
if options.UseStore == true && options.StoreFolder == "" {
log.Printf("Store file path is empty, use default folder path.")
options.StoreFolder = DefaultPath
// os.MkdirAll(DefaultPath, 0777)
return options
// Init initialize the engine
func (engine *Engine) Init(options types.EngineOpts) {
// 将线程数设置为CPU数
// runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU())
// runtime.GOMAXPROCS(128)
// 初始化初始参数
if engine.initialized {
log.Fatal("Do not re-initialize the engine.")
options = engine.initDef(options)
engine.initOptions = options
engine.initialized = true
if !options.NotUseGse {
if !engine.loaded {
// 载入分词器词典
engine.loaded = true
// 初始化停用词
// 初始化索引器和排序器
for shard := 0; shard < options.NumShards; shard++ {
engine.indexers = append(engine.indexers, core.Indexer{})
engine.rankers = append(engine.rankers, core.Ranker{})
// 初始化分词器通道
engine.segmenterChan = make(
chan segmenterReq, options.NumGseThreads)
// 初始化索引器通道
// 初始化排序器通道
// engine.CheckMem(engine.initOptions.UseStore)
// 初始化持久化存储通道
if engine.initOptions.UseStore {
// 启动分词器
for iThread := 0; iThread < options.NumGseThreads; iThread++ {
go engine.segmenterWorker()
// 启动索引器和排序器
for shard := 0; shard < options.NumShards; shard++ {
go engine.indexerAddDoc(shard)
go engine.indexerRemoveDoc(shard)
go engine.rankerAddDoc(shard)
go engine.rankerRemoveDoc(shard)
for i := 0; i < options.NumIndexerThreads; i++ {
go engine.indexerLookup(shard)
for i := 0; i < options.NumRankerThreads; i++ {
go engine.rankerRank(shard)
// 启动持久化存储工作协程
if engine.initOptions.UseStore {
atomic.AddUint64(&engine.numDocsStored, engine.numIndexingReqs)
// IndexDoc add the document to the index
// 将文档加入索引
// 输入参数:
// docId 标识文档编号,必须唯一,docId == 0 表示非法文档(用于强制刷新索引),[1, +oo) 表示合法文档
// data 见 DocIndexData 注释
// forceUpdate 是否强制刷新 cache,如果设为 true,则尽快添加到索引,否则等待 cache 满之后一次全量添加
// 注意:
// 1. 这个函数是线程安全的,请尽可能并发调用以提高索引速度
// 2. 这个函数调用是非同步的,也就是说在函数返回时有可能文档还没有加入索引中,因此
// 如果立刻调用Search可能无法查询到这个文档。强制刷新索引请调用FlushIndex函数。
func (engine *Engine) IndexDoc(docId string, data types.DocData,
forceUpdate ...bool) {
engine.Index(docId, data, forceUpdate...)
// Index add the document to the index
func (engine *Engine) Index(docId string, data types.DocData,
forceUpdate ...bool) {
var force bool
if len(forceUpdate) > 0 {
force = forceUpdate[0]
// if engine.HasDoc(docId) {
// engine.RemoveDoc(docId)
// }
// data.Tokens
engine.internalIndexDoc(docId, data, force)
hash := murmur.Sum32(docId) % uint32(engine.initOptions.StoreShards)
if engine.initOptions.UseStore && docId != "0" {
engine.storeIndexDocChans[hash] <- storeIndexDocReq{
docId: docId, data: data}
func (engine *Engine) internalIndexDoc(docId string, data types.DocData,
forceUpdate bool) {
if !engine.initialized {
log.Fatal("The engine must be initialized first.")
if docId != "0" {
atomic.AddUint64(&engine.numIndexingReqs, 1)
if forceUpdate {
atomic.AddUint64(&engine.numForceUpdatingReqs, 1)
hash := murmur.Sum32(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", docId, data.Content))
engine.segmenterChan <- segmenterReq{
docId: docId, hash: hash, data: data, forceUpdate: forceUpdate}
// RemoveDoc remove the document from the index
// 将文档从索引中删除
// 输入参数:
// docId 标识文档编号,必须唯一,docId == 0 表示非法文档(用于强制刷新索引),[1, +oo) 表示合法文档
// forceUpdate 是否强制刷新 cache,如果设为 true,则尽快删除索引,否则等待 cache 满之后一次全量删除
// 注意:
// 1. 这个函数是线程安全的,请尽可能并发调用以提高索引速度
// 2. 这个函数调用是非同步的,也就是说在函数返回时有可能文档还没有加入索引中,因此
// 如果立刻调用 Search 可能无法查询到这个文档。强制刷新索引请调用 FlushIndex 函数。
func (engine *Engine) RemoveDoc(docId string, forceUpdate ...bool) {
var force bool
if len(forceUpdate) > 0 {
force = forceUpdate[0]
if !engine.initialized {
log.Fatal("The engine must be initialized first.")
if docId != "0" {
atomic.AddUint64(&engine.numRemovingReqs, 1)
if force {
atomic.AddUint64(&engine.numForceUpdatingReqs, 1)
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.NumShards; shard++ {
engine.indexerRemoveDocChans[shard] <- indexerRemoveDocReq{
docId: docId, forceUpdate: force}
if docId == "0" {
engine.rankerRemoveDocChans[shard] <- rankerRemoveDocReq{docId: docId}
if engine.initOptions.UseStore && docId != "0" {
// 从数据库中删除
hash := murmur.Sum32(docId) % uint32(engine.initOptions.StoreShards)
go engine.storeRemoveDoc(docId, hash)
// // 获取文本的分词结果
// func (engine *Engine) Tokens(text []byte) (tokens []string) {
// querySegments := engine.segmenter.Segment(text)
// for _, s := range querySegments {
// token := s.Token().Text()
// if !engine.stopTokens.IsStopToken(token) {
// tokens = append(tokens, token)
// }
// }
// return tokens
// }
// Segment get the word segmentation result of the text
// 获取文本的分词结果, 只分词与过滤弃用词
func (engine *Engine) Segment(content string) (keywords []string) {
var segments []string
hmm := engine.initOptions.Hmm
if engine.initOptions.GseMode {
segments = engine.segmenter.CutSearch(content, hmm)
} else {
segments = engine.segmenter.Cut(content, hmm)
for _, token := range segments {
if !engine.stopTokens.IsStopToken(token) {
keywords = append(keywords, token)
// Tokens get the engine tokens
func (engine *Engine) Tokens(request types.SearchReq) (tokens []string) {
// 收集关键词
// tokens := []string{}
if request.Text != "" {
reqText := strings.ToLower(request.Text)
if engine.initOptions.NotUseGse {
tokens = strings.Split(reqText, " ")
} else {
// querySegments := engine.segmenter.Segment([]byte(reqText))
// tokens = engine.Tokens([]byte(reqText))
tokens = engine.Segment(reqText)
// 叠加 tokens
for _, t := range request.Tokens {
tokens = append(tokens, t)
for _, t := range request.Tokens {
tokens = append(tokens, t)
func maxRankOutput(rankOpts types.RankOpts, rankLen int) (int, int) {
var start, end int
if rankOpts.MaxOutputs == 0 {
start = utils.MinInt(rankOpts.OutputOffset, rankLen)
end = rankLen
return start, end
start = utils.MinInt(rankOpts.OutputOffset, rankLen)
end = utils.MinInt(start+rankOpts.MaxOutputs, rankLen)
return start, end
func (engine *Engine) rankOutID(rankerOutput rankerReturnReq,
rankOutArr types.ScoredIDs) types.ScoredIDs {
for _, doc := range rankerOutput.docs.(types.ScoredIDs) {
rankOutArr = append(rankOutArr, doc)
return rankOutArr
func (engine *Engine) rankOutDocs(rankerOutput rankerReturnReq,
rankOutArr types.ScoredDocs) types.ScoredDocs {
for _, doc := range rankerOutput.docs.(types.ScoredDocs) {
rankOutArr = append(rankOutArr, doc)
return rankOutArr
// NotTimeOut not set engine timeout
func (engine *Engine) NotTimeOut(request types.SearchReq,
rankerReturnChan chan rankerReturnReq) (
rankOutArr interface{}, numDocs int) {
var (
rankOutID types.ScoredIDs
rankOutDoc types.ScoredDocs
idOnly = engine.initOptions.IDOnly
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.NumShards; shard++ {
rankerOutput := <-rankerReturnChan
if !request.CountDocsOnly {
if rankerOutput.docs != nil {
if idOnly {
rankOutID = engine.rankOutID(rankerOutput, rankOutID)
} else {
rankOutDoc = engine.rankOutDocs(rankerOutput, rankOutDoc)
numDocs += rankerOutput.numDocs
if idOnly {
rankOutArr = rankOutID
rankOutArr = rankOutDoc
// TimeOut set engine timeout
func (engine *Engine) TimeOut(request types.SearchReq,
rankerReturnChan chan rankerReturnReq) (
rankOutArr interface{}, numDocs int, isTimeout bool) {
deadline := time.Now().Add(time.Nanosecond *
var (
rankOutID types.ScoredIDs
rankOutDoc types.ScoredDocs
idOnly = engine.initOptions.IDOnly
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.NumShards; shard++ {
select {
case rankerOutput := <-rankerReturnChan:
if !request.CountDocsOnly {
if rankerOutput.docs != nil {
if idOnly {
rankOutID = engine.rankOutID(rankerOutput, rankOutID)
} else {
rankOutDoc = engine.rankOutDocs(rankerOutput, rankOutDoc)
numDocs += rankerOutput.numDocs
case <-time.After(deadline.Sub(time.Now())):
isTimeout = true
if idOnly {
rankOutArr = rankOutID
rankOutArr = rankOutDoc
// RankID rank docs by types.ScoredIDs
func (engine *Engine) RankID(request types.SearchReq, rankOpts types.RankOpts,
tokens []string, rankerReturnChan chan rankerReturnReq) (output types.SearchResp) {
// 从通信通道读取排序器的输出
numDocs := 0
rankOutput := types.ScoredIDs{}
//**********/ begin
timeout := request.Timeout
isTimeout := false
if timeout <= 0 {
// 不设置超时
rankOutArr, num := engine.NotTimeOut(request, rankerReturnChan)
rankOutput = rankOutArr.(types.ScoredIDs)
numDocs += num
} else {
// 设置超时
rankOutArr, num, timeout := engine.TimeOut(request, rankerReturnChan)
rankOutput = rankOutArr.(types.ScoredIDs)
numDocs += num
isTimeout = timeout
// 再排序
if !request.CountDocsOnly && !request.Orderless {
if rankOpts.ReverseOrder {
} else {
// 准备输出
output.Tokens = tokens
// 仅当 CountDocsOnly 为 false 时才充填 output.Docs
if !request.CountDocsOnly {
if request.Orderless {
// 无序状态无需对 Offset 截断
output.Docs = rankOutput
} else {
rankOutLen := len(rankOutput)
start, end := maxRankOutput(rankOpts, rankOutLen)
output.Docs = rankOutput[start:end]
output.NumDocs = numDocs
output.Timeout = isTimeout
// Ranks rank docs by types.ScoredDocs
func (engine *Engine) Ranks(request types.SearchReq, rankOpts types.RankOpts,
tokens []string, rankerReturnChan chan rankerReturnReq) (output types.SearchResp) {
// 从通信通道读取排序器的输出
numDocs := 0
rankOutput := types.ScoredDocs{}
//**********/ begin
timeout := request.Timeout
isTimeout := false
if timeout <= 0 {
// 不设置超时
rankOutArr, num := engine.NotTimeOut(request, rankerReturnChan)
rankOutput = rankOutArr.(types.ScoredDocs)
numDocs += num
} else {
// 设置超时
rankOutArr, num, timeout := engine.TimeOut(request, rankerReturnChan)
rankOutput = rankOutArr.(types.ScoredDocs)
numDocs += num
isTimeout = timeout
// 再排序
if !request.CountDocsOnly && !request.Orderless {
if rankOpts.ReverseOrder {
} else {
// 准备输出
output.Tokens = tokens
// 仅当 CountDocsOnly 为 false 时才充填 output.Docs
if !request.CountDocsOnly {
if request.Orderless {
// 无序状态无需对 Offset 截断
output.Docs = rankOutput
} else {
rankOutLen := len(rankOutput)
start, end := maxRankOutput(rankOpts, rankOutLen)
output.Docs = rankOutput[start:end]
output.NumDocs = numDocs
output.Timeout = isTimeout
// SearchDoc find the document that satisfies the search criteria.
// This function is thread safe, return not IDonly
func (engine *Engine) SearchDoc(request types.SearchReq) (output types.SearchDoc) {
resp := engine.Search(request)
return types.SearchDoc{
BaseResp: resp.BaseResp,
Docs: resp.Docs.(types.ScoredDocs),
// SearchID find the document that satisfies the search criteria.
// This function is thread safe, return IDonly
func (engine *Engine) SearchID(request types.SearchReq) (output types.SearchID) {
// return types.SearchID(engine.Search(request))
resp := engine.Search(request)
return types.SearchID{
BaseResp: resp.BaseResp,
Docs: resp.Docs.(types.ScoredIDs),
// Search find the document that satisfies the search criteria.
// This function is thread safe
// 查找满足搜索条件的文档,此函数线程安全
func (engine *Engine) Search(request types.SearchReq) (output types.SearchResp) {
if !engine.initialized {
log.Fatal("The engine must be initialized first.")
tokens := engine.Tokens(request)
var rankOpts types.RankOpts
if request.RankOpts == nil {
rankOpts = *engine.initOptions.DefRankOpts
} else {
rankOpts = *request.RankOpts
if rankOpts.ScoringCriteria == nil {
rankOpts.ScoringCriteria = engine.initOptions.DefRankOpts.ScoringCriteria
// 建立排序器返回的通信通道
rankerReturnChan := make(
chan rankerReturnReq, engine.initOptions.NumShards)
// 生成查找请求
lookupRequest := indexerLookupReq{
countDocsOnly: request.CountDocsOnly,
tokens: tokens,
labels: request.Labels,
docIds: request.DocIds,
options: rankOpts,
rankerReturnChan: rankerReturnChan,
orderless: request.Orderless,
logic: request.Logic,
// 向索引器发送查找请求
for shard := 0; shard < engine.initOptions.NumShards; shard++ {
engine.indexerLookupChans[shard] <- lookupRequest
if engine.initOptions.IDOnly {
output = engine.RankID(request, rankOpts, tokens, rankerReturnChan)
output = engine.Ranks(request, rankOpts, tokens, rankerReturnChan)
// Flush block wait until all indexes are added
// 阻塞等待直到所有索引添加完毕
func (engine *Engine) Flush() {
for {
inxd := engine.numIndexingReqs == atomic.LoadUint64(&engine.numDocsIndexed)
numRm := engine.numRemovingReqs * uint64(engine.initOptions.NumShards)
rmd := numRm == atomic.LoadUint64(&engine.numDocsRemoved)
nums := engine.numIndexingReqs == atomic.LoadUint64(&engine.numDocsStored)
stored := !engine.initOptions.UseStore || nums
if inxd && rmd && stored {
// 保证 CHANNEL 中 REQUESTS 全部被执行完
// 强制更新,保证其为最后的请求
engine.IndexDoc("0", types.DocData{}, true)
for {
numf := engine.numForceUpdatingReqs * uint64(engine.initOptions.NumShards)
forced := numf == atomic.LoadUint64(&engine.numDocsForceUpdated)
if forced {
// FlushIndex block wait until all indexes are added
// 阻塞等待直到所有索引添加完毕
func (engine *Engine) FlushIndex() {
// Close close the engine
// 关闭引擎
func (engine *Engine) Close() {
if engine.initOptions.UseStore {
for _, db := range engine.dbs {
// 从文本hash得到要分配到的 shard
func (engine *Engine) getShard(hash uint32) int {
return int(hash - hash/uint32(engine.initOptions.NumShards)*
