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fork-out-project / cchess-zero

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main.py 72.14 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
chengstone 提交于 2018-03-11 12:40 . 代码和论文翻译的提交
from asyncio import Future
import asyncio
from asyncio.queues import Queue
import uvloop
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import random
import time
import argparse
from collections import deque, defaultdict, namedtuple
import copy
from policy_value_network import *
from policy_value_network_gpus import *
import scipy.stats
from threading import Lock
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
def flipped_uci_labels(param):
def repl(x):
return "".join([(str(9 - int(a)) if a.isdigit() else a) for a in x])
return [repl(x) for x in param]
# 创建所有合法走子UCI,size 2086
def create_uci_labels():
labels_array = []
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
numbers = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
Advisor_labels = ['d7e8', 'e8d7', 'e8f9', 'f9e8', 'd0e1', 'e1d0', 'e1f2', 'f2e1',
'd2e1', 'e1d2', 'e1f0', 'f0e1', 'd9e8', 'e8d9', 'e8f7', 'f7e8']
Bishop_labels = ['a2c4', 'c4a2', 'c0e2', 'e2c0', 'e2g4', 'g4e2', 'g0i2', 'i2g0',
'a7c9', 'c9a7', 'c5e7', 'e7c5', 'e7g9', 'g9e7', 'g5i7', 'i7g5',
'a2c0', 'c0a2', 'c4e2', 'e2c4', 'e2g0', 'g0e2', 'g4i2', 'i2g4',
'a7c5', 'c5a7', 'c9e7', 'e7c9', 'e7g5', 'g5e7', 'g9i7', 'i7g9']
# King_labels = ['d0d7', 'd0d8', 'd0d9', 'd1d7', 'd1d8', 'd1d9', 'd2d7', 'd2d8', 'd2d9',
# 'd7d0', 'd7d1', 'd7d2', 'd8d0', 'd8d1', 'd8d2', 'd9d0', 'd9d1', 'd9d2',
# 'd0d7', 'd0d8', 'd0d9', 'd1d7', 'd1d8', 'd1d9', 'd2d7', 'd2d8', 'd2d9',
# 'd0d7', 'd0d8', 'd0d9', 'd1d7', 'd1d8', 'd1d9', 'd2d7', 'd2d8', 'd2d9',
# 'd0d7', 'd0d8', 'd0d9', 'd1d7', 'd1d8', 'd1d9', 'd2d7', 'd2d8', 'd2d9',
# 'd0d7', 'd0d8', 'd0d9', 'd1d7', 'd1d8', 'd1d9', 'd2d7', 'd2d8', 'd2d9']
for l1 in range(9):
for n1 in range(10):
destinations = [(t, n1) for t in range(9)] + \
[(l1, t) for t in range(10)] + \
[(l1 + a, n1 + b) for (a, b) in
[(-2, -1), (-1, -2), (-2, 1), (1, -2), (2, -1), (-1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 2)]] # 马走日
for (l2, n2) in destinations:
if (l1, n1) != (l2, n2) and l2 in range(9) and n2 in range(10):
move = letters[l1] + numbers[n1] + letters[l2] + numbers[n2]
for p in Advisor_labels:
for p in Bishop_labels:
return labels_array
def create_position_labels():
labels_array = []
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
numbers = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
for l1 in range(9):
for n1 in range(10):
move = letters[8 - l1] + numbers[n1]
# labels_array.reverse()
return labels_array
def create_position_labels_reverse():
labels_array = []
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i']
numbers = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
for l1 in range(9):
for n1 in range(10):
move = letters[l1] + numbers[n1]
return labels_array
class leaf_node(object):
def __init__(self, in_parent, in_prior_p, in_state):
self.P = in_prior_p
self.Q = 0
self.N = 0
self.v = 0
self.U = 0
self.W = 0
self.parent = in_parent
self.child = {}
self.state = in_state
def is_leaf(self):
return self.child == {}
def get_Q_plus_U_new(self, c_puct):
"""Calculate and return the value for this node: a combination of leaf evaluations, Q, and
this node's prior adjusted for its visit count, u
c_puct -- a number in (0, inf) controlling the relative impact of values, Q, and
prior probability, P, on this node's score.
# self._u = c_puct * self._P * np.sqrt(self._parent._n_visits) / (1 + self._n_visits)
U = c_puct * self.P * np.sqrt(self.parent.N) / ( 1 + self.N)
return self.Q + U
def get_Q_plus_U(self, c_puct):
"""Calculate and return the value for this node: a combination of leaf evaluations, Q, and
this node's prior adjusted for its visit count, u
c_puct -- a number in (0, inf) controlling the relative impact of values, Q, and
prior probability, P, on this node's score.
# self._u = c_puct * self._P * np.sqrt(self._parent._n_visits) / (1 + self._n_visits)
self.U = c_puct * self.P * np.sqrt(self.parent.N) / ( 1 + self.N)
return self.Q + self.U
# def select_move_by_action_score(self, noise=True):
# # P = params[self.lookup['P']]
# # N = params[self.lookup['N']]
# # Q = params[self.lookup['W']] / (N + 1e-8)
# # U = c_PUCT * P * np.sqrt(np.sum(N)) / (1 + N)
# ret_a = None
# ret_n = None
# action_idx = {}
# action_score = []
# i = 0
# for a, n in self.child.items():
# U = c_PUCT * n.P * np.sqrt(n.parent.N) / ( 1 + n.N)
# action_idx[i] = (a, n)
# if noise:
# action_score.append(n.Q + U * (0.75 * n.P + 0.25 * dirichlet([.03] * (go.N ** 2 + 1))) / (n.P + 1e-8))
# else:
# action_score.append(n.Q + U)
# i += 1
# # if(n.Q + n.U > max_Q_plus_U):
# # max_Q_plus_U = n.Q + n.U
# # ret_a = a
# # ret_n = n
# action_t = int(np.argmax(action_score[:-1]))
# return ret_a, ret_n
# # return action_t
def select_new(self, c_puct):
return max(self.child.items(), key=lambda node: node[1].get_Q_plus_U_new(c_puct))
def select(self, c_puct):
# max_Q_plus_U = 1e-10
# ret_a = None
# ret_n = None
# for a, n in self.child.items():
# n.U = c_puct * n.P * np.sqrt(n.parent.N) / ( 1 + n.N)
# if(n.Q + n.U > max_Q_plus_U):
# max_Q_plus_U = n.Q + n.U
# ret_a = a
# ret_n = n
# return ret_a, ret_n
return max(self.child.items(), key=lambda node: node[1].get_Q_plus_U(c_puct))
def expand(self, moves, action_probs):
tot_p = 1e-8
action_probs = action_probs.flatten() #.squeeze()
# print("expand action_probs shape : ", action_probs.shape)
for action in moves:
in_state = GameBoard.sim_do_action(action, self.state)
mov_p = action_probs[label2i[action]]
new_node = leaf_node(self, mov_p, in_state)
self.child[action] = new_node
tot_p += mov_p
for a, n in self.child.items():
n.P /= tot_p
def back_up_value(self, value):
self.N += 1
self.W += value
self.v = value
self.Q = self.W / self.N # node.Q += 1.0*(value - node.Q) / node.N
self.U = c_PUCT * self.P * np.sqrt(self.parent.N) / ( 1 + self.N)
# node = node.parent
# value = -value
def backup(self, value):
node = self
while node != None:
node.N += 1
node.W += value
node.v = value
node.Q = node.W / node.N # node.Q += 1.0*(value - node.Q) / node.N
node = node.parent
value = -value
pieces_order = 'KARBNPCkarbnpc' # 9 x 10 x 14
ind = {pieces_order[i]: i for i in range(14)}
labels_array = create_uci_labels()
labels_len = len(labels_array)
flipped_labels = flipped_uci_labels(labels_array)
unflipped_index = [labels_array.index(x) for x in flipped_labels]
i2label = {i: val for i, val in enumerate(labels_array)}
label2i = {val: i for i, val in enumerate(labels_array)}
def get_pieces_count(state):
count = 0
for s in state:
if s.isalpha():
count += 1
return count
def is_kill_move(state_prev, state_next):
return get_pieces_count(state_prev) - get_pieces_count(state_next)
QueueItem = namedtuple("QueueItem", "feature future")
c_PUCT = 5
virtual_loss = 3
cut_off_depth = 30
class MCTS_tree(object):
def __init__(self, in_state, in_forward, search_threads):
self.noise_eps = 0.25
self.dirichlet_alpha = 0.3 #0.03
self.p_ = (1 - self.noise_eps) * 1 + self.noise_eps * np.random.dirichlet([self.dirichlet_alpha])
self.root = leaf_node(None, self.p_, in_state)
self.c_puct = 5 #1.5
# self.policy_network = in_policy_network
self.forward = in_forward
self.node_lock = defaultdict(Lock)
self.virtual_loss = 3
self.now_expanding = set()
self.expanded = set()
self.cut_off_depth = 30
# self.QueueItem = namedtuple("QueueItem", "feature future")
self.sem = asyncio.Semaphore(search_threads)
self.queue = Queue(search_threads)
self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
self.running_simulation_num = 0
def reload(self):
self.root = leaf_node(None, self.p_,
"RNBAKABNR/9/1C5C1/P1P1P1P1P/9/9/p1p1p1p1p/1c5c1/9/rnbakabnr") # "rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR"
self.expanded = set()
def Q(self, move) -> float:
ret = 0.0
find = False
for a, n in self.root.child.items():
if move == a:
ret = n.Q
find = True
if(find == False):
print("{} not exist in the child".format(move))
return ret
def update_tree(self, act):
# if(act in self.root.child):
self.root = self.root.child[act]
self.root.parent = None
# else:
# self.root = leaf_node(None, self.p_, in_state)
# def do_simulation(self, state, current_player, restrict_round):
# node = self.root
# last_state = state
# while(node.is_leaf() == False):
# # print("do_simulation while current_player : ", current_player)
# with self.node_lock[node]:
# action, node = node.select(self.c_puct)
# current_player = "w" if current_player == "b" else "b"
# if is_kill_move(last_state, node.state) == 0:
# restrict_round += 1
# else:
# restrict_round = 0
# last_state = node.state
# positions = self.generate_inputs(node.state, current_player)
# positions = np.expand_dims(positions, 0)
# action_probs, value = self.forward(positions)
# if self.is_black_turn(current_player):
# action_probs = cchess_main.flip_policy(action_probs)
# # print("action_probs shape : ", action_probs.shape) #(1, 2086)
# with self.node_lock[node]:
# if(node.state.find('K') == -1 or node.state.find('k') == -1):
# if (node.state.find('K') == -1):
# value = 1.0 if current_player == "b" else -1.0
# if (node.state.find('k') == -1):
# value = -1.0 if current_player == "b" else 1.0
# elif restrict_round >= 60:
# value = 0.0
# else:
# moves = GameBoard.get_legal_moves(node.state, current_player)
# # print("current_player : ", current_player)
# # print(moves)
# node.expand(moves, action_probs)
# # if(node.parent != None):
# # node.parent.N += self.virtual_loss
# node.N += self.virtual_loss
# node.W += -self.virtual_loss
# node.Q = node.W / node.N
# # time.sleep(0.1)
# with self.node_lock[node]:
# # if(node.parent != None):
# # node.parent.N += -self.virtual_loss# + 1
# node.N += -self.virtual_loss# + 1
# node.W += self.virtual_loss# + leaf_v
# # node.Q = node.W / node.N
# node.backup(-value)
def is_expanded(self, key) -> bool:
"""Check expanded status"""
return key in self.expanded
async def tree_search(self, node, current_player, restrict_round) -> float:
"""Independent MCTS, stands for one simulation"""
self.running_simulation_num += 1
# reduce parallel search number
with await self.sem:
value = await self.start_tree_search(node, current_player, restrict_round)
# logger.debug(f"value: {value}")
# logger.debug(f'Current running threads : {RUNNING_SIMULATION_NUM}')
self.running_simulation_num -= 1
return value
async def start_tree_search(self, node, current_player, restrict_round)->float:
"""Monte Carlo Tree search Select,Expand,Evauate,Backup"""
now_expanding = self.now_expanding
while node in now_expanding:
await asyncio.sleep(1e-4)
if not self.is_expanded(node): # and node.is_leaf()
"""is leaf node try evaluate and expand"""
# add leaf node to expanding list
positions = self.generate_inputs(node.state, current_player)
# positions = np.expand_dims(positions, 0)
# push extracted dihedral features of leaf node to the evaluation queue
future = await self.push_queue(positions) # type: Future
await future
action_probs, value = future.result()
# action_probs, value = self.forward(positions)
if self.is_black_turn(current_player):
action_probs = cchess_main.flip_policy(action_probs)
moves = GameBoard.get_legal_moves(node.state, current_player)
# print("current_player : ", current_player)
# print(moves)
node.expand(moves, action_probs)
self.expanded.add(node) # node.state
# remove leaf node from expanding list
# must invert, because alternative layer has opposite objective
return value[0] * -1
"""node has already expanded. Enter select phase."""
# select child node with maximum action scroe
last_state = node.state
action, node = node.select_new(c_PUCT)
current_player = "w" if current_player == "b" else "b"
if is_kill_move(last_state, node.state) == 0:
restrict_round += 1
restrict_round = 0
last_state = node.state
# action_t = self.select_move_by_action_score(key, noise=True)
# add virtual loss
# self.virtual_loss_do(key, action_t)
node.N += virtual_loss
node.W += -virtual_loss
# evolve game board status
# child_position = self.env_action(position, action_t)
if (node.state.find('K') == -1 or node.state.find('k') == -1):
if (node.state.find('K') == -1):
value = 1.0 if current_player == "b" else -1.0
if (node.state.find('k') == -1):
value = -1.0 if current_player == "b" else 1.0
value = value * -1
elif restrict_round >= 60:
value = 0.0
value = await self.start_tree_search(node, current_player, restrict_round) # next move
# if node is not None:
# value = await self.start_tree_search(node) # next move
# else:
# # None position means illegal move
# value = -1
# self.virtual_loss_undo(key, action_t)
node.N += -virtual_loss
node.W += virtual_loss
# on returning search path
# update: N, W, Q, U
# self.back_up_value(key, action_t, value)
node.back_up_value(value) # -value
# must invert
return value * -1
# if child_position is not None:
# return value * -1
# else:
# # illegal move doesn't mean much for the opponent
# return 0
async def prediction_worker(self):
"""For better performance, queueing prediction requests and predict together in this worker.
speed up about 45sec -> 15sec for example.
q = self.queue
margin = 10 # avoid finishing before other searches starting.
while self.running_simulation_num > 0 or margin > 0:
if q.empty():
if margin > 0:
margin -= 1
await asyncio.sleep(1e-3)
item_list = [q.get_nowait() for _ in range(q.qsize())] # type: list[QueueItem]
#logger.debug(f"predicting {len(item_list)} items")
features = np.asarray([item.feature for item in item_list]) # asarray
# print("prediction_worker [features.shape] before : ", features.shape)
# shape = features.shape
# features = features.reshape((shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2], shape[3], shape[4]))
# print("prediction_worker [features.shape] after : ", features.shape)
# policy_ary, value_ary = self.run_many(features)
action_probs, value = self.forward(features)
for p, v, item in zip(action_probs, value, item_list):
item.future.set_result((p, v))
async def push_queue(self, features):
future = self.loop.create_future()
item = QueueItem(features, future)
await self.queue.put(item)
return future
def main(self, state, current_player, restrict_round, playouts):
node = self.root
if not self.is_expanded(node): # and node.is_leaf() # node.state
# print('Expadning Root Node...')
positions = self.generate_inputs(node.state, current_player)
positions = np.expand_dims(positions, 0)
action_probs, value = self.forward(positions)
if self.is_black_turn(current_player):
action_probs = cchess_main.flip_policy(action_probs)
moves = GameBoard.get_legal_moves(node.state, current_player)
# print("current_player : ", current_player)
# print(moves)
node.expand(moves, action_probs)
self.expanded.add(node) # node.state
coroutine_list = []
for _ in range(playouts):
coroutine_list.append(self.tree_search(node, current_player, restrict_round))
def do_simulation(self, state, current_player, restrict_round):
node = self.root
last_state = state
while(node.is_leaf() == False):
# print("do_simulation while current_player : ", current_player)
action, node = node.select(self.c_puct)
current_player = "w" if current_player == "b" else "b"
if is_kill_move(last_state, node.state) == 0:
restrict_round += 1
restrict_round = 0
last_state = node.state
positions = self.generate_inputs(node.state, current_player)
positions = np.expand_dims(positions, 0)
action_probs, value = self.forward(positions)
if self.is_black_turn(current_player):
action_probs = cchess_main.flip_policy(action_probs)
# print("action_probs shape : ", action_probs.shape) #(1, 2086)
if(node.state.find('K') == -1 or node.state.find('k') == -1):
if (node.state.find('K') == -1):
value = 1.0 if current_player == "b" else -1.0
if (node.state.find('k') == -1):
value = -1.0 if current_player == "b" else 1.0
elif restrict_round >= 60:
value = 0.0
moves = GameBoard.get_legal_moves(node.state, current_player)
# print("current_player : ", current_player)
# print(moves)
node.expand(moves, action_probs)
def generate_inputs(self, in_state, current_player):
state, palyer = self.try_flip(in_state, current_player, self.is_black_turn(current_player))
return self.state_to_positions(state)
def replace_board_tags(self, board):
board = board.replace("2", "11")
board = board.replace("3", "111")
board = board.replace("4", "1111")
board = board.replace("5", "11111")
board = board.replace("6", "111111")
board = board.replace("7", "1111111")
board = board.replace("8", "11111111")
board = board.replace("9", "111111111")
return board.replace("/", "")
# 感觉位置有点反了,当前角色的棋子在右侧,plane的后面
def state_to_positions(self, state):
# TODO C plain x 2
board_state = self.replace_board_tags(state)
pieces_plane = np.zeros(shape=(9, 10, 14), dtype=np.float32)
for rank in range(9): #横线
for file in range(10): #直线
v = board_state[rank * 9 + file]
if v.isalpha():
pieces_plane[rank][file][ind[v]] = 1
assert pieces_plane.shape == (9, 10, 14)
return pieces_plane
def try_flip(self, state, current_player, flip=False):
if not flip:
return state, current_player
rows = state.split('/')
def swapcase(a):
if a.isalpha():
return a.lower() if a.isupper() else a.upper()
return a
def swapall(aa):
return "".join([swapcase(a) for a in aa])
return "/".join([swapall(row) for row in reversed(rows)]), ('w' if current_player == 'b' else 'b')
def is_black_turn(self, current_player):
return current_player == 'b'
class GameBoard(object):
board_pos_name = np.array(create_position_labels()).reshape(9,10).transpose()
Ny = 10
Nx = 9
def __init__(self):
self.state = "RNBAKABNR/9/1C5C1/P1P1P1P1P/9/9/p1p1p1p1p/1c5c1/9/rnbakabnr"#"rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR" #
self.round = 1
# self.players = ["w", "b"]
self.current_player = "w"
self.restrict_round = 0
# 小写表示黑方,大写表示红方
# [
# "rheakaehr",
# " ",
# " c c ",
# "p p p p p",
# " ",
# " ",
# "P P P P P",
# " C C ",
# " ",
# ]
def reload(self):
self.state = "RNBAKABNR/9/1C5C1/P1P1P1P1P/9/9/p1p1p1p1p/1c5c1/9/rnbakabnr"#"rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR" #
self.round = 1
self.current_player = "w"
self.restrict_round = 0
def print_borad(board, action = None):
def string_reverse(string):
# return ''.join(string[len(string) - i] for i in range(1, len(string)+1))
return ''.join(string[i] for i in range(len(string) - 1, -1, -1))
x_trans = {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, 'g': 6, 'h': 7, 'i': 8}
if(action != None):
src = action[0:2]
src_x = int(x_trans[src[0]])
src_y = int(src[1])
# board = string_reverse(board)
board = board.replace("1", " ")
board = board.replace("2", " ")
board = board.replace("3", " ")
board = board.replace("4", " ")
board = board.replace("5", " ")
board = board.replace("6", " ")
board = board.replace("7", " ")
board = board.replace("8", " ")
board = board.replace("9", " ")
board = board.split('/')
# board = board.replace("/", "\n")
print(" abcdefghi")
for i,line in enumerate(board):
if (action != None):
if(i == src_y):
s = list(line)
s[src_x] = 'x'
line = ''.join(s)
# print(board)
def sim_do_action(in_action, in_state):
x_trans = {'a':0, 'b':1, 'c':2, 'd':3, 'e':4, 'f':5, 'g':6, 'h':7, 'i':8}
src = in_action[0:2]
dst = in_action[2:4]
src_x = int(x_trans[src[0]])
src_y = int(src[1])
dst_x = int(x_trans[dst[0]])
dst_y = int(dst[1])
# GameBoard.print_borad(in_state)
# print("sim_do_action : ", in_action)
# print(dst_y, dst_x, src_y, src_x)
board_positions = GameBoard.board_to_pos_name(in_state)
line_lst = []
for line in board_positions:
lines = np.array(line_lst)
# print(lines.shape)
# print(board_positions[src_y])
# print("before board_positions[dst_y] = ",board_positions[dst_y])
lines[dst_y][dst_x] = lines[src_y][src_x]
lines[src_y][src_x] = '1'
board_positions[dst_y] = ''.join(lines[dst_y])
board_positions[src_y] = ''.join(lines[src_y])
# src_str = list(board_positions[src_y])
# dst_str = list(board_positions[dst_y])
# print("src_str[src_x] = ", src_str[src_x])
# print("dst_str[dst_x] = ", dst_str[dst_x])
# c = copy.deepcopy(src_str[src_x])
# dst_str[dst_x] = c
# src_str[src_x] = '1'
# board_positions[dst_y] = ''.join(dst_str)
# board_positions[src_y] = ''.join(src_str)
# print("after board_positions[dst_y] = ", board_positions[dst_y])
# board_positions[dst_y][dst_x] = board_positions[src_y][src_x]
# board_positions[src_y][src_x] = '1'
board = "/".join(board_positions)
board = board.replace("111111111", "9")
board = board.replace("11111111", "8")
board = board.replace("1111111", "7")
board = board.replace("111111", "6")
board = board.replace("11111", "5")
board = board.replace("1111", "4")
board = board.replace("111", "3")
board = board.replace("11", "2")
# GameBoard.print_borad(board)
return board
def board_to_pos_name(board):
board = board.replace("2", "11")
board = board.replace("3", "111")
board = board.replace("4", "1111")
board = board.replace("5", "11111")
board = board.replace("6", "111111")
board = board.replace("7", "1111111")
board = board.replace("8", "11111111")
board = board.replace("9", "111111111")
return board.split("/")
def check_bounds(toY, toX):
if toY < 0 or toX < 0:
return False
if toY >= GameBoard.Ny or toX >= GameBoard.Nx:
return False
return True
def validate_move(c, upper=True):
if (c.isalpha()):
if (upper == True):
if (c.islower()):
return True
return False
if (c.isupper()):
return True
return False
return True
def get_legal_moves(state, current_player):
moves = []
k_x = None
k_y = None
K_x = None
K_y = None
face_to_face = False
board_positions = np.array(GameBoard.board_to_pos_name(state))
for y in range(board_positions.shape[0]):
for x in range(len(board_positions[y])):
if(board_positions[y][x] == 'r' and current_player == 'b'):
toY = y
for toX in range(x - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
for toX in range(x + 1, GameBoard.Nx):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
toX = x
for toY in range(y - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
for toY in range(y + 1, GameBoard.Ny):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
elif(board_positions[y][x] == 'R' and current_player == 'w'):
toY = y
for toX in range(x - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
for toX in range(x + 1, GameBoard.Nx):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
toX = x
for toY in range(y - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
for toY in range(y + 1, GameBoard.Ny):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
elif ((board_positions[y][x] == 'n' or board_positions[y][x] == 'h') and current_player == 'b'):
for i in range(-1, 3, 2):
for j in range(-1, 3, 2):
toY = y + 2 * i
toX = x + 1 * j
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=False) and board_positions[toY - i][x].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toY = y + 1 * i
toX = x + 2 * j
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=False) and board_positions[y][toX - j].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif ((board_positions[y][x] == 'N' or board_positions[y][x] == 'H') and current_player == 'w'):
for i in range(-1, 3, 2):
for j in range(-1, 3, 2):
toY = y + 2 * i
toX = x + 1 * j
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=True) and board_positions[toY - i][x].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toY = y + 1 * i
toX = x + 2 * j
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=True) and board_positions[y][toX - j].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif ((board_positions[y][x] == 'b' or board_positions[y][x] == 'e') and current_player == 'b'):
for i in range(-2, 3, 4):
toY = y + i
toX = x + i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=False) and toY >= 5 and \
board_positions[y + i // 2][x + i // 2].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toY = y + i
toX = x - i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=False) and toY >= 5 and \
board_positions[y + i // 2][x - i // 2].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif ((board_positions[y][x] == 'B' or board_positions[y][x] == 'E') and current_player == 'w'):
for i in range(-2, 3, 4):
toY = y + i
toX = x + i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=True) and toY <= 4 and \
board_positions[y + i // 2][x + i // 2].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toY = y + i
toX = x - i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=True) and toY <= 4 and \
board_positions[y + i // 2][x - i // 2].isalpha() == False:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'a' and current_player == 'b'):
for i in range(-1, 3, 2):
toY = y + i
toX = x + i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=False) and toY >= 7 and toX >= 3 and toX <= 5:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toY = y + i
toX = x - i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=False) and toY >= 7 and toX >= 3 and toX <= 5:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'A' and current_player == 'w'):
for i in range(-1, 3, 2):
toY = y + i
toX = x + i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=True) and toY <= 2 and toX >= 3 and toX <= 5:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toY = y + i
toX = x - i
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=True) and toY <= 2 and toX >= 3 and toX <= 5:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'k'):
k_x = x
k_y = y
if(current_player == 'b'):
for i in range(2):
for sign in range(-1, 2, 2):
j = 1 - i
toY = y + i * sign
toX = x + j * sign
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=False) and toY >= 7 and toX >= 3 and toX <= 5:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'K'):
K_x = x
K_y = y
if(current_player == 'w'):
for i in range(2):
for sign in range(-1, 2, 2):
j = 1 - i
toY = y + i * sign
toX = x + j * sign
if GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX],
upper=True) and toY <= 2 and toX >= 3 and toX <= 5:
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'c' and current_player == 'b'):
toY = y
hits = False
for toX in range(x - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
hits = False
for toX in range(x + 1, GameBoard.Nx):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
toX = x
hits = False
for toY in range(y - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
hits = False
for toY in range(y + 1, GameBoard.Ny):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isupper()):
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'C' and current_player == 'w'):
toY = y
hits = False
for toX in range(x - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
hits = False
for toX in range(x + 1, GameBoard.Nx):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
toX = x
hits = False
for toY in range(y - 1, -1, -1):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
hits = False
for toY in range(y + 1, GameBoard.Ny):
m = GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX]
if (hits == False):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
hits = True
if (board_positions[toY][toX].isalpha()):
if (board_positions[toY][toX].islower()):
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'p' and current_player == 'b'):
toY = y - 1
toX = x
if (GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=False)):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
if y < 5:
toY = y
toX = x + 1
if (GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=False)):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toX = x - 1
if (GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=False)):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
elif (board_positions[y][x] == 'P' and current_player == 'w'):
toY = y + 1
toX = x
if (GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=True)):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
if y > 4:
toY = y
toX = x + 1
if (GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=True)):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
toX = x - 1
if (GameBoard.check_bounds(toY, toX) and GameBoard.validate_move(board_positions[toY][toX], upper=True)):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[y][x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[toY][toX])
if(K_x != None and k_x != None and K_x == k_x):
face_to_face = True
for i in range(K_y + 1, k_y, 1):
face_to_face = False
if(face_to_face == True):
if(current_player == 'b'):
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[k_y][k_x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[K_y][K_x])
moves.append(GameBoard.board_pos_name[K_y][K_x] + GameBoard.board_pos_name[k_y][k_x])
return moves
def softmax(x):
# print(x)
probs = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
# print(np.sum(probs))
probs /= np.sum(probs)
return probs
class cchess_main(object):
def __init__(self, playout=400, in_batch_size=128, exploration = True, in_search_threads = 16, processor = "cpu", num_gpus = 1, res_block_nums = 7, human_color = 'b'):
self.epochs = 5
self.playout_counts = playout #400 #800 #1600 200
self.temperature = 1 #1e-8 1e-3
# self.c = 1e-4
self.batch_size = in_batch_size #128 #512
# self.momentum = 0.9
self.game_batch = 400 # Evaluation each 400 times
# self.game_loop = 25000
self.top_steps = 30
self.top_temperature = 1 #2
# self.Dirichlet = 0.3 # P(s,a) = (1 - ϵ)p_a + ϵη_a #self-play chapter in the paper
self.eta = 0.03
# self.epsilon = 0.25
# self.v_resign = 0.05
# self.c_puct = 5
self.learning_rate = 0.001 #5e-3 # 0.001
self.lr_multiplier = 1.0 # adaptively adjust the learning rate based on KL
self.buffer_size = 10000
self.data_buffer = deque(maxlen=self.buffer_size)
self.game_borad = GameBoard()
# self.current_player = 'w' #“w”表示红方,“b”表示黑方。
self.policy_value_netowrk = policy_value_network(res_block_nums) if processor == 'cpu' else policy_value_network_gpus(num_gpus, res_block_nums)
self.search_threads = in_search_threads
self.mcts = MCTS_tree(self.game_borad.state, self.policy_value_netowrk.forward, self.search_threads)
self.exploration = exploration
self.resign_threshold = -0.8 #0.05
self.global_step = 0
self.kl_targ = 0.025
self.log_file = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'log_file.txt'), 'w')
self.human_color = human_color
def flip_policy(prob):
prob = prob.flatten()
return np.asarray([prob[ind] for ind in unflipped_index])
def policy_update(self):
"""update the policy-value net"""
mini_batch = random.sample(self.data_buffer, self.batch_size)
#print("training data_buffer len : ", len(self.data_buffer))
state_batch = [data[0] for data in mini_batch]
mcts_probs_batch = [data[1] for data in mini_batch]
winner_batch = [data[2] for data in mini_batch]
# print(np.array(winner_batch).shape)
# print(winner_batch)
winner_batch = np.expand_dims(winner_batch, 1)
# print(winner_batch.shape)
# print(winner_batch)
start_time = time.time()
old_probs, old_v = self.mcts.forward(state_batch)
for i in range(self.epochs):
accuracy, loss, self.global_step = self.policy_value_netowrk.train_step(state_batch, mcts_probs_batch, winner_batch,
self.learning_rate * self.lr_multiplier) #
new_probs, new_v = self.mcts.forward(state_batch)
kl_tmp = old_probs * (np.log((old_probs + 1e-10) / (new_probs + 1e-10)))
# print("kl_tmp.shape", kl_tmp.shape)
kl_lst = []
for line in kl_tmp:
# print("line.shape", line.shape)
all_value = [x for x in line if str(x) != 'nan' and str(x)!= 'inf']#除去inf值
kl = np.mean(kl_lst)
# kl = scipy.stats.entropy(old_probs, new_probs)
# kl = np.mean(np.sum(old_probs * (np.log(old_probs + 1e-10) - np.log(new_probs + 1e-10)), axis=1))
if kl > self.kl_targ * 4: # early stopping if D_KL diverges badly
print("train using time {} s".format(time.time() - start_time))
# adaptively adjust the learning rate
if kl > self.kl_targ * 2 and self.lr_multiplier > 0.1:
self.lr_multiplier /= 1.5
elif kl < self.kl_targ / 2 and self.lr_multiplier < 10:
self.lr_multiplier *= 1.5
explained_var_old = 1 - np.var(np.array(winner_batch) - old_v.flatten()) / np.var(np.array(winner_batch))
explained_var_new = 1 - np.var(np.array(winner_batch) - new_v.flatten()) / np.var(np.array(winner_batch))
kl, self.lr_multiplier, loss, accuracy, explained_var_old, explained_var_new))
kl, self.lr_multiplier, loss, accuracy, explained_var_old, explained_var_new) + '\n')
# return loss, accuracy
# def policy_evaluate(self, n_games=10):
# """
# Evaluate the trained policy by playing games against the pure MCTS player
# Note: this is only for monitoring the progress of training
# """
# # current_mcts_player = MCTSPlayer(self.policy_value_net.policy_value_fn, c_puct=self.c_puct,
# # n_playout=self.n_playout)
# # pure_mcts_player = MCTS_Pure(c_puct=5, n_playout=self.pure_mcts_playout_num)
# win_cnt = defaultdict(int)
# for i in range(n_games):
# winner = self.game.start_play(start_player=i % 2) #current_mcts_player, pure_mcts_player,
# win_cnt[winner] += 1
# win_ratio = 1.0 * (win_cnt[1] + 0.5 * win_cnt[-1]) / n_games
# print("num_playouts:{}, win: {}, lose: {}, tie:{}".format(self.pure_mcts_playout_num, win_cnt[1], win_cnt[2],
# win_cnt[-1]))
# return win_ratio
def run(self):
batch_iter = 0
batch_iter += 1
play_data, episode_len = self.selfplay()
print("batch i:{}, episode_len:{}".format(batch_iter, episode_len))
extend_data = []
# states_data = []
for state, mcts_prob, winner in play_data:
states_data = self.mcts.state_to_positions(state)
# prob = np.zeros(labels_len)
# for idx in range(len(mcts_prob[0][0])):
# prob[label2i[mcts_prob[0][0][idx]]] = mcts_prob[0][1][idx]
extend_data.append((states_data, mcts_prob, winner))
if len(self.data_buffer) > self.batch_size:
# if (batch_iter) % self.game_batch == 0:
# print("current self-play batch: {}".format(batch_iter))
# win_ratio = self.policy_evaluate()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# def get_action(self, state, temperature = 1e-3):
# # for i in range(self.playout_counts):
# # state_sim = copy.deepcopy(state)
# # self.mcts.do_simulation(state_sim, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round)
# futures = []
# with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.search_threads) as executor:
# for _ in range(self.playout_counts):
# state_sim = copy.deepcopy(state)
# futures.append(executor.submit(self.mcts.do_simulation, state_sim, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round))
# vals = [f.result() for f in futures]
# actions_visits = [(act, nod.N) for act, nod in self.mcts.root.child.items()]
# actions, visits = zip(*actions_visits)
# probs = softmax(1.0 / temperature * np.log(visits)) #+ 1e-10
# move_probs = []
# move_probs.append([actions, probs])
# if(self.exploration):
# act = np.random.choice(actions, p=0.75 * probs + 0.25*np.random.dirichlet(0.3*np.ones(len(probs))))
# else:
# act = np.random.choice(actions, p=probs)
# self.mcts.update_tree(act)
# return act, move_probs
def get_hint(self, mcts_or_net, reverse, disp_mcts_msg_handler):
if mcts_or_net == "mcts":
if self.mcts.root.child == {}:
self.mcts.main(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round,
actions_visits = [(act, nod.N) for act, nod in self.mcts.root.child.items()]
actions, visits = zip(*actions_visits)
# print("visits : ", visits)
# print("np.log(visits) : ", np.log(visits))
probs = softmax(1.0 / self.temperature * np.log(visits)) # + 1e-10
act_prob_dict = defaultdict(float)
for i in range(len(actions)):
if self.human_color == 'w':
action = "".join(flipped_uci_labels(actions[i]))
action = actions[i]
act_prob_dict[action] = probs[i]
elif mcts_or_net == "net":
positions = self.mcts.generate_inputs(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player)
positions = np.expand_dims(positions, 0)
action_probs, value = self.mcts.forward(positions)
if self.mcts.is_black_turn(self.game_borad.current_player):
action_probs = cchess_main.flip_policy(action_probs)
moves = GameBoard.get_legal_moves(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player)
tot_p = 1e-8
action_probs = action_probs.flatten() # .squeeze()
act_prob_dict = defaultdict(float)
# print("expand action_probs shape : ", action_probs.shape)
for action in moves:
# in_state = GameBoard.sim_do_action(action, self.state)
mov_p = action_probs[label2i[action]]
if self.human_color == 'w':
action = "".join(flipped_uci_labels(action))
act_prob_dict[action] = mov_p
# new_node = leaf_node(self, mov_p, in_state)
# self.child[action] = new_node
tot_p += mov_p
for a, _ in act_prob_dict.items():
act_prob_dict[a] /= tot_p
sorted_move_probs = sorted(act_prob_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1], reverse=reverse)
# print(sorted_move_probs)
return sorted_move_probs
def get_action(self, state, temperature = 1e-3):
# for i in range(self.playout_counts):
# state_sim = copy.deepcopy(state)
# self.mcts.do_simulation(state_sim, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round)
self.mcts.main(state, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round, self.playout_counts)
actions_visits = [(act, nod.N) for act, nod in self.mcts.root.child.items()]
actions, visits = zip(*actions_visits)
probs = softmax(1.0 / temperature * np.log(visits)) #+ 1e-10
move_probs = []
move_probs.append([actions, probs])
act = np.random.choice(actions, p=0.75 * probs + 0.25*np.random.dirichlet(0.3*np.ones(len(probs))))
act = np.random.choice(actions, p=probs)
win_rate = self.mcts.Q(act) # / 2.0 + 0.5
# if position.n < 30: # self.top_steps
# move = select_weighted_random(position, on_board_move_prob)
# else:
# move = select_most_likely(position, on_board_move_prob)
return act, move_probs, win_rate
def get_action_old(self, state, temperature = 1e-3):
for i in range(self.playout_counts):
state_sim = copy.deepcopy(state)
self.mcts.do_simulation(state_sim, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round)
actions_visits = [(act, nod.N) for act, nod in self.mcts.root.child.items()]
actions, visits = zip(*actions_visits)
probs = softmax(1.0 / temperature * np.log(visits)) #+ 1e-10
move_probs = []
move_probs.append([actions, probs])
act = np.random.choice(actions, p=0.75 * probs + 0.25*np.random.dirichlet(0.3*np.ones(len(probs))))
act = np.random.choice(actions, p=probs)
return act, move_probs
def check_end(self):
if (self.game_borad.state.find('K') == -1 or self.game_borad.state.find('k') == -1):
if (self.game_borad.state.find('K') == -1):
print("Green is Winner")
return True, "b"
if (self.game_borad.state.find('k') == -1):
print("Red is Winner")
return True, "w"
elif self.game_borad.restrict_round >= 60:
print("TIE! No Winners!")
return True, "t"
return False, ""
def human_move(self, coord, mcts_or_net):
win_rate = 0
x_trans = {0: 'a', 1: 'b', 2: 'c', 3: 'd', 4: 'e', 5: 'f', 6: 'g', 7: 'h', 8: 'i'}
src = coord[0:2]
dst = coord[2:4]
src_x = (x_trans[src[0]])
src_y = str(src[1])
dst_x = (x_trans[dst[0]])
dst_y = str(dst[1])
action = src_x + src_y + dst_x + dst_y
if self.human_color == 'w':
action = "".join(flipped_uci_labels(action))
if mcts_or_net == "mcts":
if self.mcts.root.child == {}:
# self.get_action(self.game_borad.state, self.temperature)
self.mcts.main(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player, self.game_borad.restrict_round,
win_rate = self.mcts.Q(action) # / 2.0 + 0.5
last_state = self.game_borad.state
# print(self.game_borad.current_player, " now take a action : ", action, "[Step {}]".format(self.game_borad.round))
self.game_borad.state = GameBoard.sim_do_action(action, self.game_borad.state)
self.game_borad.round += 1
self.game_borad.current_player = "w" if self.game_borad.current_player == "b" else "b"
if is_kill_move(last_state, self.game_borad.state) == 0:
self.game_borad.restrict_round += 1
self.game_borad.restrict_round = 0
return win_rate
def select_move(self, mcts_or_net):
if mcts_or_net == "mcts":
action, probs, win_rate = self.get_action(self.game_borad.state, self.temperature)
# win_rate = self.mcts.Q(action) / 2.0 + 0.5
elif mcts_or_net == "net":
positions = self.mcts.generate_inputs(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player)
positions = np.expand_dims(positions, 0)
action_probs, value = self.mcts.forward(positions)
win_rate = value[0, 0] # / 2 + 0.5
if self.mcts.is_black_turn(self.game_borad.current_player):
action_probs = cchess_main.flip_policy(action_probs)
moves = GameBoard.get_legal_moves(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player)
tot_p = 1e-8
action_probs = action_probs.flatten() # .squeeze()
act_prob_dict = defaultdict(float)
# print("expand action_probs shape : ", action_probs.shape)
for action in moves:
# in_state = GameBoard.sim_do_action(action, self.state)
mov_p = action_probs[label2i[action]]
act_prob_dict[action] = mov_p
# new_node = leaf_node(self, mov_p, in_state)
# self.child[action] = new_node
tot_p += mov_p
for a, _ in act_prob_dict.items():
act_prob_dict[a] /= tot_p
action = max(act_prob_dict.items(), key=lambda node: node[1])[0]
# self.mcts.update_tree(action)
print('Win rate for player {} is {:.4f}'.format(self.game_borad.current_player, win_rate))
last_state = self.game_borad.state
print(self.game_borad.current_player, " now take a action : ", action, "[Step {}]".format(self.game_borad.round)) # if self.human_color == 'w' else "".join(flipped_uci_labels(action))
self.game_borad.state = GameBoard.sim_do_action(action, self.game_borad.state)
self.game_borad.round += 1
self.game_borad.current_player = "w" if self.game_borad.current_player == "b" else "b"
if is_kill_move(last_state, self.game_borad.state) == 0:
self.game_borad.restrict_round += 1
self.game_borad.restrict_round = 0
x_trans = {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3, 'e': 4, 'f': 5, 'g': 6, 'h': 7, 'i': 8}
if self.human_color == 'w':
action = "".join(flipped_uci_labels(action))
src = action[0:2]
dst = action[2:4]
src_x = int(x_trans[src[0]])
src_y = int(src[1])
dst_x = int(x_trans[dst[0]])
dst_y = int(dst[1])
return (src_x, src_y, dst_x - src_x, dst_y - src_y), win_rate
def selfplay(self):
# p1, p2 = self.game_borad.players
states, mcts_probs, current_players = [], [], []
z = None
game_over = False
winnner = ""
start_time = time.time()
# self.game_borad.print_borad(self.game_borad.state)
while(not game_over):
action, probs, win_rate = self.get_action(self.game_borad.state, self.temperature)
state, palyer = self.mcts.try_flip(self.game_borad.state, self.game_borad.current_player, self.mcts.is_black_turn(self.game_borad.current_player))
prob = np.zeros(labels_len)
if self.mcts.is_black_turn(self.game_borad.current_player):
for idx in range(len(probs[0][0])):
# probs[0][0][idx] = "".join((str(9 - int(a)) if a.isdigit() else a) for a in probs[0][0][idx])
act = "".join((str(9 - int(a)) if a.isdigit() else a) for a in probs[0][0][idx])
# for idx in range(len(mcts_prob[0][0])):
prob[label2i[act]] = probs[0][1][idx]
for idx in range(len(probs[0][0])):
prob[label2i[probs[0][0][idx]]] = probs[0][1][idx]
# mcts_probs.append(probs)
last_state = self.game_borad.state
# print(self.game_borad.current_player, " now take a action : ", action, "[Step {}]".format(self.game_borad.round))
self.game_borad.state = GameBoard.sim_do_action(action, self.game_borad.state)
self.game_borad.round += 1
self.game_borad.current_player = "w" if self.game_borad.current_player == "b" else "b"
if is_kill_move(last_state, self.game_borad.state) == 0:
self.game_borad.restrict_round += 1
self.game_borad.restrict_round = 0
# self.game_borad.print_borad(self.game_borad.state, action)
if (self.game_borad.state.find('K') == -1 or self.game_borad.state.find('k') == -1):
z = np.zeros(len(current_players))
if (self.game_borad.state.find('K') == -1):
winnner = "b"
if (self.game_borad.state.find('k') == -1):
winnner = "w"
z[np.array(current_players) == winnner] = 1.0
z[np.array(current_players) != winnner] = -1.0
game_over = True
print("Game end. Winner is player : ", winnner, " In {} steps".format(self.game_borad.round - 1))
elif self.game_borad.restrict_round >= 60:
z = np.zeros(len(current_players))
game_over = True
print("Game end. Tie in {} steps".format(self.game_borad.round - 1))
# elif(self.mcts.root.v < self.resign_threshold):
# pass
# elif(self.mcts.root.Q < self.resign_threshold):
# pass
# self.mcts.root = leaf_node(None, self.mcts.p_, "RNBAKABNR/9/1C5C1/P1P1P1P1P/9/9/p1p1p1p1p/1c5c1/9/rnbakabnr")#"rnbakabnr/9/1c5c1/p1p1p1p1p/9/9/P1P1P1P1P/1C5C1/9/RNBAKABNR"
print("Using time {} s".format(time.time() - start_time))
return zip(states, mcts_probs, z), len(z)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--mode', default='train', choices=['train', 'play'], type=str, help='train or play')
parser.add_argument('--ai_count', default=1, choices=[1, 2], type=int, help='choose ai player count')
parser.add_argument('--ai_function', default='mcts', choices=['mcts', 'net'], type=str, help='mcts or net')
parser.add_argument('--train_playout', default=400, type=int, help='mcts train playout')
parser.add_argument('--batch_size', default=512, type=int, help='train batch_size')
parser.add_argument('--play_playout', default=400, type=int, help='mcts play playout')
parser.add_argument('--delay', dest='delay', action='store',
nargs='?', default=3, type=float, required=False,
help='Set how many seconds you want to delay after each move')
parser.add_argument('--end_delay', dest='end_delay', action='store',
nargs='?', default=3, type=float, required=False,
help='Set how many seconds you want to delay after the end of game')
parser.add_argument('--search_threads', default=16, type=int, help='search_threads')
parser.add_argument('--processor', default='cpu', choices=['cpu', 'gpu'], type=str, help='cpu or gpu')
parser.add_argument('--num_gpus', default=1, type=int, help='gpu counts')
parser.add_argument('--res_block_nums', default=7, type=int, help='res_block_nums')
parser.add_argument('--human_color', default='b', choices=['w', 'b'], type=str, help='w or b')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.mode == 'train':
train_main = cchess_main(args.train_playout, args.batch_size, True, args.search_threads, args.processor, args.num_gpus, args.res_block_nums, args.human_color) # * args.num_gpus
elif args.mode == 'play':
from ChessGame import *
game = ChessGame(args.ai_count, args.ai_function, args.play_playout, args.delay, args.end_delay, args.batch_size,
args.search_threads, args.processor, args.num_gpus, args.res_block_nums, args.human_color) # * args.num_gpus
