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Modified by 山哥(wangys0927@gmail.com) - from Mtrpcic PathJS:

  • (V0.9) Add legacy IE(6,7) supported.
  • (V0.9) Use new powerful route parser.
  • (V1.0) Support AMD loader.
  • (V1.0) The path does not need hash tag or hashbang tag prefix defined in Path.map().
  • (V1.0) Use hashbang tag default. If you want to use hash tag, only just do: Path.listen({hashbang:false}).
  • (V1.0) Add method Path.to(path) to forward path.
  • (V1.0) Path.listen() method add optional parameter: {hashbang: true|false}.
  • (V1.0) Path.history.listen() method use new optional parameter: {hashbang: true|false, fallback: true|false}.
  • (V1.0.1) this.params supported parse QueryString parameters.


PathJS is a lightweight, client-side routing library that allows you to create "single page" applications using Hashbangs and/or HTML5 pushState.


  • Lightweight
  • Supports the HTML5 History API, the 'onhashchange' method, and graceful degredation
  • Supports root routes, rescue methods, paramaterized routes, optional route components (dynamic routes), and Aspect Oriented Programming
  • Well Tested (tests available in the ./tests directory)
  • Compatible with all major browsers (Firefox 3+, Chrome 9+, Opera 11+, IE6+)
  • Independant of all third party libraries, but plays nice with all of them

Using PathJS - A Brief Example

function clearPanel(){
    // You can put some code in here to do fancy DOM transitions, such as fade-out or slide-in.






Document and Examples

Getting Started

The hashtag("#") is the original method of using PathJS. It is compatible with all modern browsers, and even some that are not-so-modern. To get started, all you need to do is define a route. A route can be any string prepended with a hash, such as:


Binding Routes

PathJS provides the Path object. This is the root of the library, and is your gateway into route-defining heaven. You can define your routes like so:

// Use an anonymous function
    alert("Hello, World!");

// Or define one and use it
function hello_world(){
    alert("Hello, World!");

Aspect Oriented Programming

In addition to defining methods that will be executed when a route is activated, you can define methods that will be called before a route is activated, and after a route is left. This can be done via the enter and exit methods, respectively. They work exactly the same as the to method:

//Let's add an 'enter' method to one of our routes
    alert("Enter, minions!");

// You can also chain the methods together
    alert("Method chaining is great!");

Before Filters and Execution Halting

In some cases, you may want to perform multiple actions before an action is taken, and depending on their results, cancel the action altogether. For this reason, PathJS supports multiple 'enter' actions, which can be assigned individually or as an array:

    alert("First one!");
        return false;
        alert("And third!");


The methods are executed first-in-first-out, and if any of them returns false, the execution chain is immediately halted. In the example above, the third 'enter' method, as well as the actual action, will never get called, because the second one explicitly returns false.

Route Parameters

What good would a routing system be if it didn't allow you to use parameters? If you provide a route that contains a :token, that token will match anything, as long as the rest of the route matches as well. You can access the parameters inside your methods via the this.params object:

    alert("Username: " + this.params['name']);

The above route will match any of the following hrefs:


Optional/Dynamic Routes

You can define a route that has optional components by wrapping the non-mandatory components in parentheses. Inside your bound method(s), any params that were not provided will come back as undefined.

    var user_id = this.params["user_id"] || "Set a default here!";

The above route will match both of the following:

#!/users    // Your "user_id" parameter will be undefined.
#!/users/7  // Your "user_id" parameter will be set to "7".

All supported Route rules

/users                 // Static rule: Path.map('/users')
/users/:id             // Named route parameter: Path.map('/users/:id') 
                          // --> this.params['id']
/users/:id(\\d+)       // Parameter muse be digits: Path.map('/users/:id(\\d+)')
                          // --> this.params['id']
/users/:id?            // Parameter is optional: Path.map('/users/:id?') 
                          // --> this.params['id'] || 'undefined'
/users/:id/:action     // Path.map('/users/:id/:action')
                          // --> this.params['id'], this.params['action']
/users/(\\d+)          // Regexp route parameter: Path.map('/users/(\\d+)')
                          // --> this.params[0]
/users/(\\d+)/(\\w+)   // Path.map('/users/(\\d+)/(\\w+)')
                          // --> this.params[0], this.params[1]
/users/:id/(\\w+)      // Named parameter and regexp parameter mixed use: Path.map('/users/:id/(\\w+)')
                          // --> this.params['id'], this.params[0]
/users/*               // Wildcard parameter: Path.map('/users/*') 
                          // --> this.params[0] || 'undefined'
['/A', '/B', '/C']     // Array multi route, can matched any one given: Path.map(['/A', '/B', '/C'])
/^#\/comments\/(\d+)$/ // Regexp route: Path.map(/^#\/comments\/(\d+)$/)

/users_:id_:action                 // /users_2_edit
/get.:id..comments\\?p=:page(\\d+) // get.1202..comments?page=1
/... as define yourself...                    

Root Route

If a user were to land on your page without a route defined, you can force them to use a root route. This route will be automatically selected on page load:


Rescue Method

If a route somehow ended up in your system without being properly bound to an action, you can specify a "rescue" method that will be called. This lets you provide instant user feedback if they click an undefined route:

    alert("404: Route Not Found");

Automatic Dispatching

If a user gets to your page with an already defined route (for example, the click a referral link with the href of "www.yoursite.com/media#download"), PathJS will automatically find and execute the appropriate route methods.

Listen Carefully

You can define routes all day long, but if you don't tell us to listen for them, nothing's going to happen. Once you've got your routes defined, start the listener up by simply typing:


You should always wrap your Path.listen() statements in some form of "Document Ready" method. This prevents errors when users come to your site with a predefined route. Without knowing the DOM is completely done loading, that route will be executed, and may try to perform operations it won't yet have the ability to do.

HTML5 PushState

As of version 0.7, PathJS officially supports the HTML5 History API via pushState. Before reading this page, please make sure you've read the wiki page about Getting Started. The HTML5 History API is only supported by some modern browsers.

Differences with the Hashtag

  • There is no support for root routes or default routes, as these don't make sense when the URI contains no special characters. Simply pass the full route around.
  • Rather than calling the Path.listen() method, you now call the Path.history.listen() method
  • To trigger an event, call the Path.history.pushState method, rather than the history.pushState method.

Defining Routes

You define the routes the same as usual, except you omit the Hashtag from your route:

    alert("Hello, World!");

Executing Routes

Much like the regular HTML5 History API, to add a new history item to the global history object, you need to call the pushState method. When you want to use the PathJS Route Dispatcher, you need to call the PathJS pushState method.

Path.history.pushState(state, title, path);

The Path.history.pushState method is analogous to the standard history.pushState method, but wraps calls to the PathJS dispatcher. You can access the history state information the same as if you had manually set the state via history.pushState.

Listen Carefully & Graceful Degredation

As mentioned above, you now need to call the Path.history.listen() method instead of the standard Path.listen() method. Unlike the standard Path.listen() method, this method accepts a single boolean parameter, which tells the PathJS library whether or not it should fallback to hashtag support if HTML5 is not supported.

Path.history.listen({'hashbang': true|false, 'fallback': true});  // Yes, please fall back to hashtags if HTML5 is not supported.
Path.history.listen({'fallback': false}); // No, do not fall back to hashtags.
Path.history.listen();      // This is the same as passing "false".

This new method does several things:

  1. Checks to see if HTML5 is supported, and sets the Path.history.supported attribute accordingly
  2. Assigns internal methods to the window.onpopstate attribute to provide 'back' capabilities
  3. Checks, depending on the fallback parameter, whether or not to invoke the hashtag listener and to modify your defined routes to support hashtags.


  • The Path.history.listen() method will wrap a call to Path.listen() if you want gracefull degredation to Hashtags. There is no need for you to call it yourself in this case.
  • PathJS only provides wrappers for the HTML5 History API, and as such, the HTML5 support is only available in modern browsers that support the HTML5 History API.

Running Tests

To run the tests, simply navigate to the ./tests folder and open the HTML file in your browser. Please note that the HTML5 History API is not compatible with the file:// protocol, and to run the tests in the tests/pushstate folder, you will need to run them through a webserver such as nginx or Apache.

Next Steps

  • Adding support for "after" callbacks
  • Deprecating the "enter" callback in favour of "before"

Pull Requests

To make a pull request, please do the following:

  • Mention what specific version of PathJS you were using when you encountered the issue/added the feature. This can be accessed by doing Path.version in a debugger console
  • Make sure you update the test suite with your changes. All tests must pass
  • Make sure to update the minified version of the source
  • Do not modify the Path.version attribute. I will modify that manually when merging the request


This code is provided with no warranty. While I strive to maintain backwards compatibility, the code is still under active development. As this is the case, some revisions may break break compatibility with earlier versions of the library. Please keep this in mind when using PathJS.

Copyright and Licensing

Copyright (c) 2015 Wangyongshan, Mike Trpcic released under the MIT license.

The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 山哥(wangys0927@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.


Simple, lightweight routing for web browsers. Supported by IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari... 展开 收起






