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yunxiang / openEuler RISCV 2203 V2测试

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openEuler 22.03 RISC-V V2 版本验收测试报告


日期 修订版本 修改章节
2023/1/16 1.0.0 初始


本文主要描述openEuler 22.03 RISC-V V2版本的整体测试过程,详细叙述测试覆盖情况,并通过问题分析对版本整体质量进行评估和总结。


openEuler 是一款开源操作系统。当前 openEuler 内核源于 Linux,支持 RISC-V 处理器,能够充分释放计算芯片的潜能,是由全球开源贡献者构建的高效、稳定、安全的开源操作系统。

本文主要汇总 openEuler 22.03-V2 RISC-V 版本的总体测试活动,按照社区开发模式进行运作,结合社区 Tarsier 团队制定的版本计划规划相应的测试计划及活动。测试报告覆盖新需求、继承需求的测试执行情况和评估,并结合各类专项测试活动和版本问题单总体情况进行整体的说明和质量评估。


本文档测试对象是 openEuler 22.03 RISC-V 2022年12月11日和 openEuler 22.03-V2 RISC-V(20221228)发布版本,发布范围相较 22.03 LTS RISC-V 版本主要变动:

  • 软件包选型升级
  • 软件:Xfce 桌面(预装),Chromium 浏览器(预装),Firefox 浏览器(预装),Libreoffice 办公套件(预装),Tunderbird 电子邮件客户端(预装),GIMP 图片编辑工具(预装), DDE, MySQL
  • 全栈支持 Unmatched 开发板,全栈支持 VisionFive 开发板,部分支持 D1 开发板, 部分支持 Licheerv 开发板
  • 修复 Bug



硬件/QEMU 硬件配置信息 测试结果
HiFive Unmatched CPU: SiFive Freedom U740 SoC
内存:16GB DDR4
存储设备:SanDisk Ultra 32GB micro SD
VisionFive CPU: JH7100
内存:8GB DDR4
存储设备:SanDisk Ultra 32GB micro SD
D1 CPU: C906
内存:2GB DDR4
存储设备:SanDisk Ultra 32GB micro SD
Qemu 7.2 CPU: 8
Licheerv CPU: 全志 D1 阿里平头哥 玄铁 C906 内核
内存: 16bit 512MB DDR3
存储设备:SanDisk Ultra 32GB micro SD


openEuler 22.03-V2 RISC-V QEMU和Unmatched,Visionfive、D1、Licheerv版本通过或基本通过测试发布。





openEuler 22.03-V2 RISC-V(20221228)版本

需求 测试分层策略
支持HiFive Unmatched 对HiFive Unmatched进行安装、基本功能、兼容性及稳定性的测试
支持VisionFive 对VisionFive进行安装、基本功能、兼容性及稳定性的测试通过
支持D1 对D1进行安装、部分基本功能、兼容性及稳定性的测试通过, 主要缺陷:WiFi 功能不可用,LibreOffice 启动闪退,修改屏幕分辨率后 Xfce 显示可能出现问题
支持Licheerv 对Licheerv进行安装、部分基本功能、兼容性及稳定性的测试通过, 主要缺陷:LibreOffice 启动闪退,修改屏幕分辨率后 Xfce 显示可能出现问题
支持常用软件和系统设置功能软件 验证常用软件和系统设置功能软件在openEuler RISC-V版本上的可安装和基本功能
支持Xfce桌面 验证Xfce桌面系统在openEuler RISC-V版本上的可安装和基本功能
支持Chromium软件 验证Chromium软件的安装和软件的基本功能
支持Firefox软件 验证Firefox软件的安装和软件的基本功能,D1启动缓慢,bilibili.com视频无法打开
支持Libreoffice软件 验证Libreoffice软件的安装和软件的基本功能,D1和Licheerv启动闪退
支持Tunderbird软件 验证Tunderbird软件的安装和软件的基本功能
支持Eclipse软件 验证Eclipse软件的安装和软件的基本功能
支持MySQL软件 验证MySQL的安装和软件的基本功能
支持GIMP软件 验证GIMP软件的安装和软件的基本功能




  • P1 / blocking 指阻塞性bug修复之前什么都不能干。例如用户数据丢失可能列为P1
  • P2 / important 指用户几乎总会遇到并影响使用,例如常用用例中程序崩溃、关键功能无法使用等
  • P3 / normal 指用户经常遇到并且影响使用体验的bug
  • P4 / improvement 不紧急的bug
  • P5 / wishlist 期望实现的功能等


openEuler 22.03-V2 RISC-V 版本整体测试按照Tarsier团队的计划,共完成了一轮重点特性测试+一轮自动化测试(常用软件和系统设置功能)+一轮回归测试;其中第一轮测试聚焦在新移植软件的安装和基础功能测试;一轮自动化测试验证交付版本的常用软件和系统设置功能;一轮回归测通过测试第一轮报告的缺陷,验证缺陷的修复和影响程度;版本发布验收测试是在版本正式发布至官网后开展的轻量化验证活动,旨在保证发布件和测试验证过程交付件的一致性。

openEuler 22.03-V2 RISC-V 版本系统主要组件共发现缺陷 个,P1 0 个,P2 1 个,P3 3 个,P4 81 个,P5 0 个,其中openEuler 22.03-V1 RISC-V 版本中部分问题已修复,回归测试结果正常,版本整体质量较好。自动化测试共1426个测试用例,通过测试用例 1006 个,未通过测试用例 420 个,软件源包依赖缺陷 90 个。



序号 组件/特性名称 测试用例数目 通过用例 问题数目 特性质量评估 备注
1 支持HiFive Unmatched 16 14 2 全栈支持Unmatched开发板
2 支持VisionFive 16 14 2 全栈支持VisionFive开发板
3 支持D1 14 9 5 部分支持D1开发板, 缺陷:WiFi 和蓝牙功能不可用,LibreOffice 启动闪退,修改屏幕分辨率后 Xfce 显示可能出现问题,HDMI 接口热插拔可能不可用, Firefox启动缓慢(3分钟以上),Firefox无法浏览bilibili.com视频。
4 支持Licheerv 17 10 7 部分支持Licheerv开发板,缺陷:LibreOffice 启动闪退,修改屏幕分辨率后 Xfce 显示可能出现问题,HDMI 接口热插拔可能不可用,Firefox浏览bilibili.com视频50%左右失败网页报错, Thunderbird无法关闭。
5 支持Xfce桌面 76 72 4 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
6 支持DDE 70 61 9 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
7 支持Chromium浏览器 158 134 24 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
8 支持Firefox浏览器 75 71 4 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
9 支持Libreoffice 255 235 20 安装正常,卸载失败,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
10 支持Tunderbird 22 20 2 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好,可以收发邮件。
11 支持MYSQL 48 48 0 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
12 支持GIMP 33 28 5 安装和卸载正常,整体核心功能(重要组件和系统插件)稳定正常,整体质量良好。
  • ●: 表示特性不稳定,风险高
  • ▲: 表示特性基本可用,遗留少量问题
  • █: 表示特性质量良好


  • 测试范围:共329个测试套(327个软件包+systemd+os-basic),1426个测试用例
  • 测试框架:mugen-riscv(由第三测试小队开发维护的mugen分支,新增了测试环境自动复原、多线程测试和测试结果自动分析等功能)仓库链接
  • 测试方式:测试环境自动复原,测试套间隔离以及自动分配硬盘外设资源的自动化测试 使用qemu_test.py,利用qemu qcow2快照实现在测试每个测试套时单独建立qemu虚拟机进行测试,保证了测试套间不会相互干扰。测试程序运行时会根据测试套文件中"add disk"字段的信息,自动创建硬盘资源并分配给对应的虚拟机。
  • 详细测试结果
  • 测试结论:本次自动化测试共1426个测试用例,通过测试用例 1006 个,未通过测试用例 420 个,以下为 详细测试报告未通过测试分析


以下为2203-V1版本中失败的测试用例现状,修复了 13 个,排除了 12 个,余下 45 个正在修复中。

序号 测试套 测试用例 状态
1 Java—1.8.0-openjdk oe_test_openjdk_rmic_rmid 已排除
2 Java—1.8.0-openjdk oe_test_openjdk_appletviewer_clhsdb 未修复
3 Java—1.8.0-openjdk oe_test_openjdk_jdb_jdep 未修复
4 easymock oe_test_easymock_junit4 已排除
5 easymock oe_test_easymock_junit5 已排除
6 easymock oe_test_easymock_spring 未修复
7 pcp oe_test_pmdumplog_02 已排除
8 pcp oe_test_pmevent_01 已排除
9 pcp oe_test_pmlogconf_pmlogsize 已排除
10 pcp oe_test_pmpython_mkaf_pcp-python 已排除
11 pcp oe_test_pmval_01 已排除
12 djvulibre oe_test_djvulibre_01 已排除
13 rabbitmq-server oe_test_rabbitmq-server 已排除
14 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamav-milter 已排除
15 clamav oe_test_clamav_sigtool_2 已排除
16 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamdtop 未修复
17 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamonacc 未修复
18 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamscan_1 未修复
19 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamscan_2 未修复
20 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamscan_3 未修复
21 clamav oe_test_clamav_clamsubmit 未修复
22 clamav oe_test_service_clamav-clamonacc 未修复
23 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radclient2oe_test_freeradius_freeradius_raddebugAndCheckrad 已修复
24 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_rad_counter 已修复
25 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radclient 已修复
26 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radcryptAndRadeapclient 已修复
27 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radlastAndRadsniff 已修复
28 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radsqlrelay 已修复
29 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radclient2 未修复
30 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radeapclient 未修复
31 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radlast 未修复
32 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radsniff 未修复
33 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radsniff2 未修复
34 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radtestAndRadwho 未修复
35 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radwho 未修复
36 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_radzap 未修复
37 freeradius oe_test_freeradius_freeradius-utils_rlm_ippool_toolAndSmbencrypt 未修复
38 freeradius oe_test_service_radiusd 未修复
39 atune oe_test_service_atune-engine 已修复
40 atune oe_test_service_atuned 未修复
41 p7zip oe_test_p7zip_7za_001 已修复
42 p7zip oe_test_p7zip_7za_002 已修复
43 p7zip oe_test_p7zip_7za_003 已修复
44 p7zip oe_test_p7zip_7za_004 已修复
45 p7zip oe_test_p7zip_7za_005 已修复
46 kubernetes oe_test_service_kube-controller-manager 已修复
47 kubernetes oe_test_service_kube-scheduler 已修复
48 kubernetes oe_test_service_kube-proxy 未修复
49 os-basic oe_test_awk 未修复
50 os-basic oe_test_disk_graphics_card 未修复
51 os-basic oe_test_disk_schedule_specific 未修复
52 os-basic oe_test_disk_schedule_udev 未修复
53 os-basic oe_test_IOaccess_1Gfile 未修复
54 os-basic oe_test_kernel_kdump 未修复
55 os-basic oe_test_kernel_module_operation 未修复
56 os-basic oe_test_nmcli_set_bond 未修复
57 os-basic oe_test_nmcli_set_team 未修复
58 os-basic oe_test_power_measurement_internal 未修复
59 os-basic oe_test_power_powertop_powerup 未修复
60 os-basic oe_test_power_powertop2tuned_optimize 未修复
61 os-basic oe_test_server_httpd_checkfirewall 未修复
62 os-basic oe_test_server_httpd_restart 未修复
63 os-basic oe_test_server_httpd_tls 未修复
64 os-basic oe_test_server_openssh_secure 未修复
65 os-basic oe_test_server_openssh_verifykey 未修复
66 os-basic oe_test_server_squid_blacklist 未修复
67 os-basic oe_test_server_squid_ip 未修复
68 os-basic oe_test_server_squid_proxy 未修复
69 os-basic oe_test_system_monitor_share_total 未修复
70 os-basic oe_test_who 未修复



  • OpenEuler 22.03 V2 riscv64 preview 安装镜像
  • OpenEuler 22.03 V2 riscv64 软件源


  • 发现出问题的软件包往往彼此关联,如libreoffice的众多语言包、texlive的若干插件、vdsm的一些钩子等等

  • 依赖树顶端的软件包出问题时,整个依赖树都无法正常运转。如大量软件包依赖于vdsm,当它无法正常安装时,那些依赖它的软件包也会无法正常安装

  • 部分软件包出现同名多版本共存的现象,导致包管理器无法选择哪一种进行安装

  • 大多数依赖问题源于所依赖的软件包版本号不满足条件或无法提供相关功能,或在软件源中找不到所对应的依赖的软件包

  • 测试软件包总数22534个,发现缺陷90个。


序号 包名 描述
1 vdo - nothing provides kmod-kvdo >= 6.2 needed by vdo-
2 texlive-biblatex-apa - nothing provides biber needed by texlive-biblatex-apa-8:svn47268-24.oe2203.noarch
3 texlive-ctanupload - nothing provides perl(HTML::FormatText) needed by texlive-ctanupload-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides perl(HTML::TreeBuilder) needed by texlive-ctanupload-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides perl(WWW::Mechanize) needed by texlive-ctanupload-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
4 texlive-exceltex - nothing provides perl(Spreadsheet::ParseExcel) needed by texlive-exceltex-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
5 texlive-includernw - nothing provides R-knitr needed by texlive-includernw-8:svn47557-24.oe2203.noarch
6 texlive-latexindent - nothing provides perl(Log::Dispatch::File) needed by texlive-latexindent-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides perl(Log::Log4perl) needed by texlive-latexindent-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides perl(Log::Log4perl::Appender::Screen) needed by texlive-latexindent-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
7 fence-agents-sbd - nothing provides sbd needed by fence-agents-sbd-4.2.1-32.oe2203.noarch
8 nvwa - nothing provides criu needed by nvwa-0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64
9 lirc-tools-gui - nothing provides xorg-x11-fonts-core needed by lirc-tools-gui-0.10.1-1.oe2203.riscv64
10 python3-keras-rl2 - nothing provides python3.9dist(tensorflow) >= 2.1 needed by python3-keras-rl2-1.0.4-1.oe2203.noarch
11 python3-nni - nothing provides python3.9dist(websockets) needed by python3-nni-1.8-2.oe2203.riscv64
- nothing provides python3.9dist(hyperopt) = 0.1.2 needed by python3-nni-1.8-2.oe2203.riscv64
12 python3-spec - nothing provides python3.9dist(nose) >= 1.3 needed by python3-spec-1.4.1-1.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides python3.9dist(nose) < 2 needed by python3-spec-1.4.1-1.oe2203.noarch
13 texlive-oldstandard - nothing provides oldstandard-sfd-fonts needed by texlive-oldstandard-8:svn41735-24.oe2203.noarch
14 vdsm - nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
15 gnome-builder - nothing provides devhelp-libs(riscv-64) >= 3.25.1 needed by gnome-builder-3.40.0-1.oe2203.riscv64
16 ovirt-engine-dwh-grafana-integration-setup - nothing provides ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-common >= 4.4.0 needed by ovirt-engine-dwh-grafana-integration-setup-
17 ovirt-engine-dwh-setup - nothing provides ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-common >= 4.4.0 needed by ovirt-engine-dwh-setup-
18 perl-Any-URI-Escape - nothing provides perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.28.0) needed by perl-Any-URI-Escape-0.01-1.oe2203.noarch
19 A-FOT - nothing provides llvm-bolt needed by A-FOT-v1.0-0.oe2.riscv64
20 dirac - nothing provides libcppunit-1.14.so.0()(64bit) needed by dirac-1.0.2-33.4.oe2.riscv64
21 permissions-config - nothing provides group(trusted) needed by permissions-config-20220419-33.1.oe2.riscv64
22 libreoffice-langpack-af - nothing provides hunspell-af needed by libreoffice-langpack-af-1:
- nothing provides hyphen-af needed by libreoffice-langpack-af-1:
23 libreoffice-langpack-bg - nothing provides mythes-bg needed by libreoffice-langpack-bg-1:
24 libreoffice-langpack-ca - nothing provides mythes-ca needed by libreoffice-langpack-ca-1:
25 libreoffice-langpack-cs - nothing provides mythes-cs needed by libreoffice-langpack-cs-1:
26 libreoffice-langpack-da - nothing provides mythes-da needed by libreoffice-langpack-da-1:
27 libreoffice-langpack-de - nothing provides mythes-de needed by libreoffice-langpack-de-1:
28 libreoffice-langpack-el - nothing provides mythes-el needed by libreoffice-langpack-el-1:
29 libreoffice-langpack-eo - nothing provides mythes-eo needed by libreoffice-langpack-eo-1:
30 libreoffice-langpack-es - nothing provides mythes-es needed by libreoffice-langpack-es-1:
31 libreoffice-langpack-fi - nothing provides libreoffice-voikko needed by libreoffice-langpack-fi-1:
32 libreoffice-langpack-fr - nothing provides mythes-fr needed by libreoffice-langpack-fr-1:
33 libreoffice-langpack-ga - nothing provides mythes-ga needed by libreoffice-langpack-ga-1:
34 libreoffice-langpack-hi - nothing provides hunspell-hi needed by libreoffice-langpack-hi-1:
35 libreoffice-langpack-hu - nothing provides hyphen-hu needed by libreoffice-langpack-hu-1:
- nothing provides mythes-hu needed by libreoffice-langpack-hu-1:
36 libreoffice-langpack-it - nothing provides mythes-it needed by libreoffice-langpack-it-1:
37 libreoffice-langpack-nl - nothing provides mythes-nl needed by libreoffice-langpack-nl-1:
38 libreoffice-langpack-pl - nothing provides mythes-pl needed by libreoffice-langpack-pl-1:
39 libreoffice-langpack-pt-BR - nothing provides mythes-pt needed by libreoffice-langpack-pt-BR-1:
40 libreoffice-langpack-pt-PT - nothing provides mythes-pt needed by libreoffice-langpack-pt-PT-1:
41 libreoffice-langpack-ro - nothing provides mythes-ro needed by libreoffice-langpack-ro-1:
42 libreoffice-langpack-ru - nothing provides mythes-ru needed by libreoffice-langpack-ru-1:
43 libreoffice-langpack-si - nothing provides hunspell-si needed by libreoffice-langpack-si-1:
44 libreoffice-langpack-sk - nothing provides mythes-sk needed by libreoffice-langpack-sk-1:
45 libreoffice-langpack-sl - nothing provides mythes-sl needed by libreoffice-langpack-sl-1:
46 libreoffice-langpack-sv - nothing provides mythes-sv needed by libreoffice-langpack-sv-1:
47 libreoffice-langpack-ta - nothing provides hunspell-ta needed by libreoffice-langpack-ta-1:
48 libreoffice-langpack-uk - nothing provides mythes-uk needed by libreoffice-langpack-uk-1:
49 libreoffice-langpack-zu - nothing provides hyphen-zu needed by libreoffice-langpack-zu-1:
50 permissions-zypp-plugin - nothing provides python3-zypp-plugin needed by permissions-zypp-plugin-20220419.-33.1.oe2.noarch
- nothing provides libzypp(plugin:commit) = 1 needed by permissions-zypp-plugin-20220419.-33.1.oe2.noarch
51 firefox Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides libicudata.so.71()(64bit) needed by firefox-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64- nothing provides libicui18n.so.71()(64bit) needed by firefox-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64
- nothing provides libicuuc.so.71()(64bit) needed by firefox-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64
52 texlive-collection-fontutils Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides t1utils needed by texlive-collection-fontutils-8:svn37105.0-27.oe2203.noarch
53 texlive-collection-binextra Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides asymptote needed by texlive-collection-binextra-8:svn47945-27.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides latexmk needed by texlive-collection-binextra-8:svn47945-27.oe2203.noarch
54 gnome-boxes Problem: cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm needed by gnome-boxes-3.38.2-4.oe2203.riscv64
55 permissions Problem: package permissions-20220419.-33.1.oe2.riscv64 requires permissions-config, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides group(trusted) needed by permissions-config-20220419-33.1.oe2.riscv64
56 firefox-devel Problem: package firefox-devel-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64 requires firefox = 100.0.2, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides libicudata.so.71()(64bit) needed by firefox-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64
- nothing provides libicui18n.so.71()(64bit) needed by firefox-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64
- nothing provides libicuuc.so.71()(64bit) needed by firefox-100.0.2-1.oe2203.riscv64
57 vdsm-hook-vmfex-dev Problem: package vdsm-hook-vmfex-dev- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
58 vdsm-hook-qemucmdline Problem: package vdsm-hook-qemucmdline- requires vdsm, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
59 vdsm-hook-macbind Problem: package vdsm-hook-macbind- requires vdsm >= 4.14, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
60 vdsm-hook-localdisk Problem: package vdsm-hook-localdisk- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
61 vdsm-hook-fcoe Problem: package vdsm-hook-fcoe- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
62 vdsm-hook-faqemu Problem: package vdsm-hook-faqemu- requires vdsm, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
63 vdsm-hook-fakevmstats Problem: package vdsm-hook-fakevmstats- requires vdsm, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
64 vdsm-hook-extne Problem: package vdsm-hook-extnet- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
65 vdsm-hook-ethtool-options Problem: package vdsm-hook-ethtool-options- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
66 vdsm-hook-checkips Problem: package vdsm-hook-checkips- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
67 vdsm-hook-checkimages Problem: package vdsm-hook-checkimages- requires vdsm, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
68 vdsm-hook-boot_hostdev Problem: package vdsm-hook-boot_hostdev- requires vdsm, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
69 vdsm-hook-allocate_net Problem: package vdsm-hook-allocate_net- requires vdsm, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
70 vdsm-gluster Problem: package vdsm-gluster- requires vdsm =, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 6.1.0 needed by vdsm-
71 ovirt-engine-dwh Problem: package ovirt-engine-dwh- requires ovirt-engine-dwh-setup >=, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides ovirt-engine-setup-plugin-ovirt-engine-common >= 4.4.0 needed by ovirt-engine-dwh-setup-
72 gnome-builder-devel Problem: package gnome-builder-devel-3.40.0-1.oe2203.riscv64 requires gnome-builder(riscv-64) = 3.40.0-1.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides devhelp-libs(riscv-64) >= 3.25.1 needed by gnome-builder-3.40.0-1.oe2203.riscv64
73 texlive-collection-mathscience Problem: package texlive-collection-mathscience-8:svn48252-27.oe2203.noarch requires texlive-includernw, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides R-knitr needed by texlive-includernw-8:svn47557-24.oe2203.noarch
74 texlive-collection-latexextra Problem: package texlive-collection-latexextra-8:svn48313-27.oe2203.noarch requires texlive-exceltex, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides perl(Spreadsheet::ParseExcel) needed by texlive-exceltex-7:20180414-35.oe2203.noarch
75 texlive-scheme-medium Problem: package texlive-scheme-medium-8:svn44177-27.oe2203.noarch requires texlive-collection-fontutils, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides t1utils needed by texlive-collection-fontutils-8:svn37105.0-26.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides t1utils needed by texlive-collection-fontutils-8:svn37105.0-27.oe2203.noarch
76 texlive-scheme-gust Problem: package texlive-scheme-gust-8:svn44177-27.oe2203.noarch requires texlive-collection-fontutils, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides t1utils needed by texlive-collection-fontutils-8:svn37105.0-26.oe2203.noarch
- nothing provides t1utils needed by texlive-collection-fontutils-8:svn37105.0-27.oe2203.noarch
77 exlive-collection-bibtexextra Problem: package texlive-collection-bibtexextra-8:svn47839-27.oe2203.noarch requires texlive-biblatex-apa, but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install the best candidate for the job
- nothing provides biber needed by texlive-biblatex-apa-8:svn47268-24.oe2203.noarch
78 ruby-libguestfs Problem: package ruby-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package ruby-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
79 python3-libguestfs Problem: package python3-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
80 php-libguestfs Problem: package php-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package php-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
81 perl-Sys-Guestfs Problem: package perl-Sys-Guestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package perl-Sys-Guestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
82 ocaml-libguestfs Problem: package ocaml-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package ocaml-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
83 nbdkit-guestfs-plugin Problem: package nbdkit-guestfs-plugin-1.29.11-1.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
84 lua-guestfs Problem: package lua-guestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package lua-guestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
85 libguestfs-gobject Problem: package libguestfs-gobject-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package libguestfs-gobject-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
86 libguestfs-devel Problem: package libguestfs-devel-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
87 fence-agents-all Problem: package fence-agents-all-4.2.1-32.oe2203.riscv64 requires fence-agents-sbd >= 4.2.1, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides sbd needed by fence-agents-sbd-4.2.1-32.oe2203.noarch
88 libguestfs-gobject-devel Problem: package libguestfs-gobject-devel-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires pkgconfig(libguestfs), but none of the providers can be installed
- package libguestfs-devel-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
89 ocaml-libguestfs-devel Problem: package ocaml-libguestfs-devel-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires ocaml-libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- package ocaml-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package ocaml-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64
90 vdsm-hook-fileinject Problem: package vdsm-hook-fileinject- requires python3-libguestfs, but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs.so.0()(64bit), but none of the providers can be installed
- package python3-libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64 requires libguestfs(riscv-64) = 1:1.40.2-17.oe2203, but none of the providers can be installed
- conflicting requests
- nothing provides libvirt-daemon-kvm >= 0.10.2-3 needed by libguestfs-1:1.40.2-17.oe2203.riscv64


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  1. RISC-V openEuler 22.03 1211版本自动化测试报告
  2. RISC-V openEuler 22.03 preview V2 自动化测试报告
  3. RISC-V openEuler 22.03 1211版本自动化测试说明
  4. RISC-V openEuler 22.03 preview V2 自动化测试说明



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openEuler RISCV 2203 V2测试
